I genuinely worry sometimes that we won't ever get an expansion that had me in awe the same way legion did. Not just the zone design either(I actually like the leaked screenshot zones a lot. Impossible to tell how they'll look as a whole though), but the raids, story, class campaigns, etc. It was just a good time to play WoW
Honestly, considering I'm all in for pretty much whatever expansion is announced, I'm still kinda more interested to see if we get anything else Warcraft related announced. The FPS Gnomish spec ops team traveling through Azeroth during the 4th war is pretty much my dream game that will never happen, but man it could be so fun.
To be fair to Stormheim, there's actual architecture there. No such architecture was in that Dwarf zone.
Also the first pine forest in those leaks looks disturbingly close to Azure Span.
Heck, look at this pick from Waking Shores in Dragonflight;
I dunno, those leaked screenshots just don't have the wide span that actual zone previews from WoW seem to have.
I always thought certain areas of the Dragon Isles looked like significant downgrades, frankly. That shot of the Waking Shores looks outright bad to me, albeit it's subjective and for the purposes of the thread, it's undeniable that at a glance you could tell it was all new.
With hindsight being 20/20, I'm mildly curious what it would look like if you presented it to a pre-DF crowd.
"Maybe some adjusted Thousand Needles spires? Definitely looks like they threw some older trees in there. The lava in the back and the structure near it looks new, but it's too blurry!"
They don't have to be, that's.. pretty cherry picked. If these are just Gallery images, guess what. The DF Gallery is still up and running and it's a pretty 50/50 mix of Wider Shots, closer shots, and then those fork out into the next layer, as shots of both kinds are more or less a 50/50 split between Landmarks of Zones or.. guess what: Literal boring shit like a close-up of Ohn'aran Wildlife, all of which are spot on when it comes to vibe with these 4 images.
Edit: And once in a while they have a cinematic still in there.
I'll be honest, when DF was announced (specifically, the zone preview), I was whelmed at best. However, after getting into the game and hearing the music, walking/flying around each zone, I am absolutely going to miss the Dragon Isles in 11.0. I love them so much.
You don't have to go that deep, ironically. When Waking Shores was first shown, people were literally like "Looks kinda like Gorgrond", "Looks like WoD Zone"... to say that Waking Shores was universally accepted as good initially, despite how new everything was... the same criticism was already there. We all know how Azure Span went and Ohn'aran sometimes got compared to Nagrand, less negative, but.. people seem to unironically like things that can show relation to good Zones of good Expansions, not bad zones of either type of expansion.
This is the way, frankly. It's time for a 20 year game to stop dictating what the property is and to develop an identity and story independent of its limitations.
...Arclight Rumble doesn't count, of course.
Yep, biomes have some homogeneity.
I'm just curious how hard people would be riding certain things as leaked if you shrank them by about 80% and removed their context.
What makes me question these images is the lighting and shadows. It's all very washed out and flat. Loss of contrast is typical for image compression and blurry pictures, but it seems to be more than that. 2D compositing of unlit renders could be another explanation.
Also... if we were to assume this is a fake, the person would still need some semblance of digital art skills to add the new textures on an old dwarf model, understand how to compose the image with depth of field, recolor and paint over the direhorn... but nope they can't paint a rock? lol