In the hypothetical situation where this is absolutely real, where did this belief come from that there's confirmed 4 zones in the first place (despite that 4-5 zones at launch was literally stated to be "expected" in the DF reveal stream by an actual dev, lol).
4 shots doesn't even automatically presume 4 zones. This is basic concrete thinking past a 2nd grade level. Flies, bees, dragonflies, and butterflies are insects, ergo all insects must be exclusively flies et al.?
Shit, there's the possibility that they aren't even 4 separate zones accounted in the possibility it is real.
I could take pieces of, I dunno, Borean Tundra and make it look like 2 different areas.
No, it was a combination of things; WC3 TFT (which was IMMENSELY popular), the TTRPG books, the appearances in other WC media/merch, and Chen's appearances in WoW in the years preceding MoP. Metzen himself said that Pandaren were among the most requested playable races in WoW.
Y'know, based on the images from the leak.. it seems like the zones (except for the last one) all seem to promote this big open expanse feeling that DF had.
Could it be possible that they're gonna bring in Dragonriding back as a staple for the next expansion? Though instead of with dragons, but just any mount with dynamic flying?
Completely unrelated "leaks" from other sources that have been linked to this one, and the assumption that each picture is from a different zone, and that all the zones in the expac are represented in the pictures. It's a fair conclusion to jump to if you don't think about it for more than 3 seconds, and think everything must make sense according to how you would do something, rather than how someone else might choose to, or what limitations they might have preventing them from doing something "better".
Last I checked, Dragonflight had 4 zones (unless you count the Dracthyr starting zone which no one had except Dracthyr until a patch… (10.0.7) not at launch).
Additionally, both the Broken Isles and Shadowlands had 4 zones (5th zone was endgame). Perhaps, the “leak” only shows the 4 leveling zones?
At the end of the day, Teriz, I love WoW. I’ll play it no matter what. Doesn’t matter to me if this is real, fake, 11.0 is underground, or even if the next expansion is 200 light years away from Azeroth. The issue at hand is the fact that I, and others, can see multiple perspectives.
Let's find something new to talk about, while the Void plays with it's squeaky toys.
You said the TTRPG was responsible for our understanding of their culture when prompted about it.
I'm not playing this game with you beyond that. Hopefully you'll starve out eventually.
No disagreement there!
My problem is Teriz saying "ugh, you guys think there will be 4 zones?!" based on...4 images, is suspect, but also...yeah, why is it so hard to believe there's 4 zones and some kind of starting/unfinished endgame area like Forbidden Reach.
Even if there's 4 zones, there's no guarantee that the images, if real, are even all 4 of them accounted for.
Loath as I am to say it, Broken Isles had 5 if you ignore the shore. He's still ridiculous, though.
Last edited by Vakir; 2023-10-27 at 01:27 AM.
Uh no. I said that we knew more about Pandaria than we currently know of Avaloren because Pandaria was featured in TTRPG books that greatly expanded the concept.
It also helped that Pandaria was around for 8 years before MoP was announced. We've known of Avaloren for about 8 months in comparison.
All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.
I do love dynamic flying, despite saying I wouldn't when the idea was first brought up way back, but I do kinda hate how its really just made ground mounts useless (in current content). I mean, granted, getting flying eventually does that too but at least there's a period at launch where they're relevant.
Ah well, expanding it to more mounts will be enough to placate me.
Folks, we have 7 long days ahead of us! Let’s enjoy the ride!
Amount of zones, yes. Screenshots with zero context that would have been taken by someone other than Blizz devs presenting them to us in a way that accurately reflects what they want us to see, no. There are no names at the bottom of each picture to prove they are all from different zones, rather than specific areas of only two or three zones. We assume they are different zones because they all look different and were obviously chosen by the leaker to show us examples of four zones. But we can't know that, because we aren't seeing the in context presentation Blizzard would have put together to show us this. If real, we don't know where the images came from, or why the leaker used those images. They didn't even make their post saying "here are the new zones", they ridiculously framed it as a question as if they happened to stumble across the images somewhere and wanted the internet's thoughts on whether or not they are 11.0 (as opposed to... what? 12.0? Or just fake?)
Frankly, can't see it on the first 2, but the second 2 Zones, the Desert-y type and the Jungle, I could actually see those two being two sub-zones of the same larger zone. On one side you have the barren wasteland and the Harpies and their Aggo'ra tribes/factions and then the other warring Aggo'ra factions are in the jungle, where there's more old titan stuff around, you know. And that's more or less the catalyst for their wars, some of the clans are stuck in the desert, while others have the titan mcguffin of the Zone in their jungle, where everything is great.
Outside of the mobs, the fact that nearly every world asset is re-used is highly suspicious, especially since they use the shots in the trailers of the lands to show off the new environs we're about to explore, so them literally just being existing stuff is incredibly strange move.
Whether the mobs are new models, or painted over, the resolution makes it hard to really dissect.
What really stands out to me is the shadows of the mobs. There's something off about them, and the world shadows as whole.
In-game and in reveal trailers, they're much more defined than seen here.
Like 90% of that was disregarded and replaced with what is actually in the game now. And most of what is left was just beer and monks. Oh and the name "shodo-pan" I guess, but it made it in as shado-pan instead, and they have their own rogue thing going on instead.