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Or we including Classic Raids, Cata Raids, new original raids, or all of the above?
Classic Raids? Absolutely not. Too much work to overhaul all of them, and all the good ones were updated to later expansions like Naxx, Zul'Gurub, Onyxia. All that's left is Molten Core, Blackwing's Lair, Ruins of Ahn'qiraj (which is more of a mega-dungeon because it has a completely different lock out time than normal raids), and the Temple of Ahn'qiraj. (I also want to include Karazhan here as well, as while it is liked by many people, it isn't something I'd want to replay.)
Cata raids? I guess I can see that working since Firelands is a Timewalking Raid... though Bastion of Twilight and Dragon Soul would need to go through some work. Baradin Hold is a no-go...
Overall.... I like the idea, but only with Cata stuff... Classic raids are too much work with little payoff.