1. #38301
    Quote Originally Posted by Harbour View Post
    Yeah, Metzen is the main guy over the whole Warcraft franchise.
    I personally hope they will announce Warcraft animated series about Arthas, in partnership with HBO, Netflix or Amazon. Would be a banger of an announcement.
    Oh lord I would binge that in a day.

  2. #38302
    Brewmaster Azalar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PotHockets View Post
    I've found the Dragon Isles interesting. Honestly the biggest issue I've had with Dragonflight is that there's nothing to grind for anymore. I know people bitched and moaned about thing's like AP or Anima and I fully get the complaints but I liked them and I liked that no matter what you did there was always just something to do. I'm also not someone incapable of self control and willing to face grind or play the game past the point it's fun though so the addictive part never affected me.
    This may be unpopular but AP was good, it just needed some reasonable cap for it to be harmless for the guys that were not willing to run the AP treadmill.

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  3. #38303
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    The most common argument against Avaloren as 11.0 is that it simply does not have enough buildup to really serve as a big draw in for an expansion. It was first mentioned in an easily missable ingame book less than a year ago. There isn't much anticipation for it.
    That too. It doesn't help that it hasn't been mentioned since that time. It's not even mentioned in 10.2.

  4. #38304
    Quote Originally Posted by PotHockets View Post
    I've found the Dragon Isles interesting. Honestly the biggest issue I've had with Dragonflight is that there's nothing to grind for anymore. I know people bitched and moaned about thing's like AP or Anima and I fully get the complaints but I liked them and I liked that no matter what you did there was always just something to do. I'm also not someone incapable of self control and willing to face grind or play the game past the point it's fun though so the addictive part never affected me.
    WoW just needs a carrot on a stick for players that like to grind, but it shouldn’t be as crucial as it was in the past. Going from one extreme (too much grind) to another (no grind) is just one of the flaws of the recent WoW team. Instead of improving systems they previously introduced they rather remove them entirely, leaving a huge hole of nothingness.
    MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again

  5. #38305
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post

    Clearly, the perfect time to bring Metzen back to drive hype!
    it hurts to read this, don't do this to me, don't tell me what i already know and fear

  6. #38306
    Quote Originally Posted by Azalar View Post
    This may be unpopular but AP was good, it just needed some reasonable cap for it to be harmless for the guys that were not willing to run the AP treadmill.
    Agree. I think there should just be some sort of weekly cap. If you wanna facegrind it all in one day cool, if you wanna space it out over the week also cool. Give people the option to play how they want but also make that rewarded. I loved how it worked in Legion and I miss AF Weapons personally but there's gotta be some sort of balance between Legion and it's uncapped insanity and then DF where it feels like there's basically nothing to do but raid log at a certain point.

  7. #38307
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woggmer View Post
    Even the RPers didn't like Shadowlands all that much either since the covenant system was too restricting and the whole concept of "Going into the Death Realm" was something people weren't interested in, especially if they were forced to spend 2 years in the death realm. So if anything, the covenant system was a flawed not a lot of people liked.

    The real RPG aspect is the world itself and interacting with those of the environment... What's the point of being part of that environment if it's one that doesn't interest people?
    Can confirm. RP was rough during SL. Also, going back to the original post, PvE had better RPG elements in the past but they haven't really done much with it. I'd argue the reasons I got into dungeons and raiding was to build up my RP portfolio, and to see the enigmatic lore figures. DF has been a snooze, the environments just don't do it.

  8. #38308
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    That too. It doesn't help that it hasn't been mentioned since that time. It's not even mentioned in 10.2.
    This is only the case if you assume that Nightsquall and the naga stuff in Forbidden reach isn't related, and then assume again that Elune'ahir and the Erinethria stuff are also unrelated.

    Because if all of these wild and wacky "past the very dangerous sea" things just so happen to all be related, by some craaaazy chance, then every patch has added another hint towards that location.

  9. #38309
    Stood in the Fire Dragon ANX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Who is that and what do they know?
    A Really chill wow youtuber, very calm, but he doesn't know any secret and if people followed him they would know that what he means is "Next XPAC announcement will create waves of feelings being it bad or good"

  10. #38310
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    I think you already answered your own question. I believe Iridikron and Xal are going subterranean in 11.0 and we go after them. There's no reason to go to a new continent if Iridikron is gunning for the world soul.

    To make this more itemized;

    +Thrall on key art (Earth-based/elemental Shaman)
    +Iridikron (Earth-based dragon)
    +Khaz Algar (implied to be underground, run by Earthen)
    +Xal'atath (Old Gods are underground)
    +Uldaz (possibly an underground titan complex to protect the world soul)
    +Undermine reference in 10.0.7
    +Nerubian reference in 10.1
    +Zaralek Caverns

    Not to mention the simple fact of us going underground automatically gives us the ability to have an expansion on Azeroth that won't seem like a rehash of the previous expansion, since we'll be underground instead of another lost continent with titans and dragons.

    But hey, we'll know for sure in less than a week. I could be completely wrong about all of this.
    I think the same. Zaralek was a tech test for the zone loading they will be using extensively if this ends up being the case. Dynamic flying is also something that will enhance the feeling of traversing deep caverns and stuff. I imagine they will come up with ways to prevent or discourage flight in some cases, since you want to also be able to create claustrophobic spaces sometimes.

  11. #38311
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    WoW just needs a carrot on a stick for players that like to grind, but it shouldn’t be as crucial as it was in the past. Going from one extreme (too much grind) to another (no grind) is just one of the flaws of the recent WoW team. Instead of improving systems they previously introduced they rather remove them entirely, leaving a huge hole of nothingness.
    Oh yeah for sure there needs to be a balance between the two and DF is not it. I like DF for the most part I would even say it's an A tier expansion but it's got it's issues and one of those is the carrot on the stick being gone because Blizz doesn't know how to not go too far in one direction or the other when reacting to feedback. I'm hoping though that DF is a huge step in the right direction because they've been reacting really well and quickly to feedback the whole way through. Now they just need to add more to actually do besides cosmetics. You should have to grind for power you just shouldn't have to grind for power 24/7.

  12. #38312
    I hope they put a bunch of in-game lore books in the beginning of the next expansion which are myths about a civilization of people who built cities behind the clouds using technology and magic based on music, only to not do anything with it.

    There'd be so many comments saying how because it was established in a "lore book," Blizzard is definitely going to use it and that it lines up with Tinker and Bard classes.

  13. #38313
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    Quote Originally Posted by matijwow View Post
    I hope they put a bunch of in-game lore books in the beginning of the next expansion which are myths about a civilization of people who built cities behind the clouds using technology and magic based on music, only to not do anything with it.

    There'd be so many comments saying how because it was established in a "lore book," Blizzard is definitely going to use it and that it lines up with Tinker and Bard classes.
    Pushing Avaloren with such little buildup would certainly be such an uncanny move lol

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  14. #38314
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Thank fucking god. I'm really not a fan of what Ion (or Danuser for that matter) did to WoW
    Ion makes fantastic raid content

    And that's exactly what his role was to begin with and what it should be now

    Give us difficult encounters bruh not bloated systems in the Gameworld


  15. #38315
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harbour View Post
    when Metzen will tell them
    Dude, Metzen could come on stage and try to sell a broken vacuum cleaner and people would eat it up like candy.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  16. #38316
    Quote Originally Posted by Azalar View Post
    Pushing Avaloren with such little buildup would certainly be such an uncanny move lol
    It'll lead to nosediving expac sales and sub numbers, just like MoP did. Also had no build up. You just can't do that, the consumer interest just won't be there.

  17. #38317
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    The most common argument against Avaloren as 11.0 is that it simply does not have enough buildup to really serve as a big draw in for an expansion. It was first mentioned in an easily missable ingame book less than a year ago. There isn't much anticipation for it.
    Pandaria had zero build up between vanilla and cata.

    On the flip side, the same argument of lack of build up can be made for underground too.

  18. #38318
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post

    Clearly, the perfect time to bring Metzen back to drive hype!
    I know that it's just a coincidence that the past two no class no race expansions were awful regardless of whether they added a new class or race, but for whatever reason if I hear that it just makes me think we're in for a bad expansion.

  19. #38319
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinksocking View Post
    Ion makes fantastic raid content

    And that's exactly what his role was to begin with and what it should be now

    Give us difficult encounters bruh not bloated systems in the Gameworld
    This is kinda ironic because we now also have encounters bloated with mechanics for which you need weak auras to sort things out in addition to bloated systems lmao

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  20. #38320
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    This is only the case if you assume that Nightsquall and the naga stuff in Forbidden reach isn't related, and then assume again that Elune'ahir and the Erinethria stuff are also unrelated.

    Because if all of these wild and wacky "past the very dangerous sea" things just so happen to all be related, by some craaaazy chance, then every patch has added another hint towards that location.
    Maybe, but new WoW expansions tend to be based on things a bit more popular and more relevant than pieces of vague lore scattered around the previous expansion.

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