1. #38541
    Quote Originally Posted by flan1337 View Post

    Idk how I feel about rumble getting a blizzcon panel but I guess it makes sense.
    Its a full game that launches during that day, of course they gonna showcase it.

  2. #38542

    Yeah. This dude I think, but I didn't look through screenshots beyond finding the right horn shape.

  3. #38543
    bro we about to arrive to 2023!! LES GOOOOOO


  4. #38544
    Quote Originally Posted by Fentawow View Post
    Well seeing how Talent trees/professions took an enormous amount of time to figure out and do if that isnt changing too much besides a row or two then I dont see how there isnt more that they put time into.

    While I hope borrowed power stays away I dont hate the idea of having devs not hyperfocused on talent and profession revamps and instead on where to go next with the game.
    We got our talent rework, main proffesion rework, rep rework, flying and mount system reworks, a lot of customization changes and alterations to transmog as a system.

    I think we can expect a completely new version of fishing, archaeology and maybe cooking to round out the profession changes. I also wouldn't be surprised if PvP goes through a big rework. It's the one thing they've struggled to stabilize or innovate in recent years and it's popularity is in a bad place. It represents the last big existing evergreen gameplay that's dragging.

    I kind of expect some new iteration of Torghast as well. Zskera seemed to be an evolution of the randomized instance construction on a much larger scale, 28 specific(?) rooms in a randomized configuration (Twisting Corridors was effectively 18 disconnected rooms). People keep thinking of Zaralek tech as something that makes underground zones, but it could just as easily be used in a hallway you walk down to load and unload entire new sections of dungeon without loading screens, like a Torghast without the portals between floors, where instead you walk up a staircase and by the time you reach the top the floor in front of you loads.

    I think there are other major things they could introduce on the system level that aren't actual gameplay systems too. Like seasonal zones that asset swap several times a year.
    Last edited by Hitei; 2023-10-27 at 08:55 PM.

  5. #38545
    Quote Originally Posted by Paula Deen View Post
    @Arafal needs to do an Always Sunny style board with her images in the Hype Train image tbh.
    I need that to be a thing

  6. #38546
    Brewmaster flan1337's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZyntosAran View Post
    Its a full game that launches during that day, of course they gonna showcase it.
    Yeah which is why it makes sense - in my head it's a non-serious mobile game ,but they will probably try to turn into some esport of something.

  7. #38547
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    Ion is wows game director.

    Metzens position encompasses the entire Warcraft franchise.
    Literally sitting in the executive chair.
    Metzen has never been a gameplay/systems guy though; that's not going to change now

  8. #38548
    Quote Originally Posted by Baraden View Post
    How can you list 4 characters with completely different backgrounds and motivations and label them all as generic, that literally doesn't even make sense
    That's not what I said. I said they were all all turned into generic supervillains.

  9. #38549
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    That's not what I said. I said they were all all turned into generic supervillains.
    You may wish to look up what generic means; how can they all be different but still be generic

    Is anyone who's a villain in WoW generic by your defintion? How would they make someone a villain without becoming generic?

  10. #38550
    Quote Originally Posted by Paula Deen View Post
    What happens if it is?
    I'm personally gonna love it as much as any other theme. Besides all of their best expansions are forgotten islands where we get to discover new cultures and old shit we never knew about; lookin at you MoP, Legion and DF

  11. #38551
    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    Ironically though, that is not even Pandaria.
    Do we know what world the wandering isle actually exists in? Like is it hidden on the pandaria map somewhere the same way eversong woods/azuremyst are really hidden on the outlands map

  12. #38552
    Quote Originally Posted by PotHockets View Post
    I'm personally gonna love it as much as any other theme. Besides all of their best expansions are forgotten islands where we get to discover new cultures and old shit we never knew about; lookin at you MoP, Legion and DF
    I agree that Blizzards best work is stuff that's out of nowhere... That's really kinda why I was hoping Shadowlands would be great.

  13. #38553
    Quote Originally Posted by ro9ue View Post
    And btw that triceratops is a hue adjusted primordial direhorn with some leaves photoshopped on.
    It may have used a primordial skin as a base but there is definitely new work done to it.

  14. #38554
    Gryphon Rider/Wyvern Rider class with you customising both rider and beast akin to worgen/dracthyr character creation

    Uses thrown weapons, ranged or melee

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ambulatory Cube View Post
    It may have used a primordial skin as a base but there is definitely new work done to it.
    It's just an edited texture, easily faked for those with the skill set; the model is identical, even the low poly feet make it obvious

  15. #38555
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    We got out talent rework, main proffesion rework, rep rework, flying and mount system reworks, a lot of customization changes and alterations to transmog as a system.

    I think we can expect a completely new version of fishing, archaeology and maybe cooking to round out the profession changes. I also wouldn't be surprised if PvP goes through a big rework. It's the one thing they've struggled to stabilize or innovate in recent years and it's popularity is in a bad place. It represents the last big existing evergreen gameplay that's dragging.

    I kind of expect some new iteration of Torghast as well. Zskera seemed to be an evolution of the randomized instance construction on a much larger scale, 28 specific(?) rooms in a randomized configuration (Twisting Corridors was effectively 18 disconnected rooms). People keep thinking of Zaralek tech as something that makes underground zones, but it could just as easily be used in a hallway you walk down to load and unload entire new sections of dungeon without loading screens, like a Torghast without the portals between floors, where instead you walk up a staircase and by the time you reach the top the floor in front of you loads.

    I think there are other major things they could introduce on the system level that aren't actual gameplay systems too. Like seasonal zones that asset swap several times a year.
    I believe at DF announcement Holinka said they brought on a bunch of devs for PVP no?

    I agree with your list for PVP, some tertiary professions, didnt think of randomized zones but could definitely see something like that.

    We will likely get 2-4 more support specs I believe as they cannot leave it at just one who is a must have for PvE. They will also need to create one or two more rows for talents due to level cap increase.

    But yeah I certainly even if it is Avaloren would hope for some form of larger dev time expenditure that provides meaningful or interesting content or alternatively better interactions with similar types of content.

    I would love to see some form of

  16. #38556
    Quote Originally Posted by Ambulatory Cube View Post
    It may have used a primordial skin as a base but there is definitely new work done to it.
    Someone go through the length to create a remade HD-version of an old skin seems a bit much effort to create a fake leak...
    A large part of Warcraft's storytelling strength comes from it's diversity of cultures.
    This is my please: not to westernize or modernize every single playable race and culture in Warcraft.

  17. #38557
    Going to laugh when nitpicking over supposed photoshop errors on that thing prove to wrong and that's real.

    Reminds me of the grainy shots of the Dragonflight cinematic and thinking how the stone watcher guy didn't look right. Hell, I took zoomed-in shots and compared it to other things to try and prove it was not right.

    And yet, here we are.

    Time is a flat circle.

  18. #38558
    Quote Originally Posted by Floot View Post
    Someone go through the length to create a remade HD-version of an old skin seems a bit much effort to create a fake leak...
    All you have to do is make a few brush strokes onto a 2D texture map...

  19. #38559
    Quote Originally Posted by Baraden View Post
    You may wish to look up what generic means; how can they all be different but still be generic?
    Because all of their original characterization and motivations were thrown in the trash and they became four different iterations of "I'm gonna conquer this land, heh heh heh!"

    Is anyone who's a villain in WoW generic by your defintion? How would they make someone a villain without becoming generic?
    Well for one thing, having any sort of complex motivation other than "I'm gonna rule da world!"

  20. #38560
    Quote Originally Posted by Paula Deen View Post
    Meant to tell you yesterday but the thread moved too fast. I hate your Sig. Thanks for making it.
    Thanks! You made me snort-laugh.

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