1. #38601
    Quote Originally Posted by SoA View Post
    Expansion Leak / WoW SoA / World of Warcraft - Storms of Avaloren

    • One new battleground at launch.
    Fake. /10char

  2. #38602
    Quote Originally Posted by Azalar View Post
    Well, well I've read the moth dragon thing somewhere else...
    It's a longer more elaborate version of another Storms of Avaloren leak, which was already bullshit because it said old specs are being changed to support.

  3. #38603
    Quote Originally Posted by SoA View Post
    moth-looking green dragons
    I'm sold. That's the one!

  4. #38604
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    The fact that DF is almost certainly going to end with this raid and a fated season just underlines that it's a filler expansion to make more room for working on the World Revamp.
    It's already a tall ask for players to accept a lesser expansion in return of a better one. Doing that twice in a row would shoot expectations for a World Revamp far beyond what I think is even remotely feasible short of a full on WoW 2.0 update.
    Or new expansions are now intended to be three raids and a fated season and they conned everyone at the beginning of Dragonflight.

  5. #38605
    Pandaren Monk Merryck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vintage79 View Post
    any pirates ? raaaar
    No pirates is literally the only thing we know is confirmed.

  6. #38606
    Quote Originally Posted by SoA View Post
    Expansion Leak / WoW SoA / World of Warcraft - Storms of Avaloren

    • Continent: Avaloren: Four zones – Khaz Algar, Agg’orand, The Everward, and Greyveil Glade (Stormy
    snow-covered mountain region, rocky desert plains, a lush living jungle covering titan ruins with
    unique moth-looking green dragons, and misty forest think of a more open space Grizzly Hills)
    • The Algaren capital city is in Khaz Algar, think half above ground, half underground, more rocky and
    less precisely carved looking Ironforge.
    • Eight dungeons at launch (Four of which are 12.0 Season 1 Mythic+ dungeons).
    • One raid at launch.
    • One new battleground at launch.
    • Dynamic flying carried through into Avaloren.
    • No static flying at launch.
    • New dynamic flying glyphs, one I’ve seen previewed is a really fast lightning boost.
    • Level cap raised to 80.
    • New support specialisation for Shaman at launch, and support specialisations in the works for
    Demon Hunters and Rogues (assuming Bard).
    • Assuming in 11.2.7 or the pre-patch, Dracthyr will be able to play as: Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Priest,
    Shaman, Mage, Warlock, Monk, Druid, and of course Evoker.
    • Assuming in 11.2.7 or the pre-patch, every race will be able to play as Shaman and Druids.
    • New race: The Algaren, are large (Orc sized) stone dwarves that come in various rocky colours and
    • The Algaren starting area is a small island off the coast of Khaz Algar, here they come across the
    Tyr’s guard, Horde, and Alliance for the first time. After the Alliance and Horde help the Algaren fight
    against the hostile forces of Odyn some Algaren have decided to pledge allegiance to either the
    Alliance/Horde much like the Dracthyr and Pandaren did.
    • No new profession, but the Archaeology revamp might as well be.
    • Pre-launch event includes helping the reformed Tyr’s guard fight the forces of Odyn (Travard has
    received a unique model and plays our Khadgar, Magni, Bolvar role).
    • We venture to Avaloren alongside the Tyr’s guard and Tyr himself in pursuit of Odyn.
    • Odyn is in pursuit of Iridikron who is in pursuit of a “powerful titan artifact”. Odyn enraged by the 5
    Dragonflight’s betrayal and the Horde/Alliance/Tyr’s guard’s choice to align with the Dragonflights
    has turned him hostile towards us.
    • The first portion of SoA will focus more on Odyn than Iridikron and the void.
    • Xal’atath is back (and has also received a unique model).
    • Silvermoon, Gilneas, and post-launch Lordaeron revamps with more to come.

    These are the major things I can recall, feel free to ask any more specific questions, and if I can answer them I will.
    1. Describe any new dungs /names/thems/boses/locations/etc
    2. How many bosess in raid / raid name /theme /etc
    3. What new about flying ? combat aerial? new flying mount skills?
    4. The Algaren- classes avil? racials? anything?
    5. What about magni
    6. Any legendary questline?
    7. What about pirates? ships? open seas? anything?
    8. Any new single player content like visions /mage towers?
    10.When we gona drop some azerite bomb on stormwind?
    11.Do we rly gona get StarCraft 3 if we pass 3000 pages on this topic?


    I like how he space jump form not-even-on-horizon-prepatch-11.0 to 12.0 prepatch xD
    Last edited by vintage79; 2023-10-27 at 09:35 PM.

  7. #38607
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Just as true as your Shadowlands "leak"?
    once it contains everything fans want, it's always false:

    World revamp + new continent = massive red flag
    not to meniton:
    ciity revamps with uses
    class skins
    new specs

    why not just throw in a new class and race too.. fake! too much..

    Now the lead by SoA just looks far more plausible at this point.

  8. #38608
    Quote Originally Posted by SoA View Post
    Expansion Leak / WoW SoA / World of Warcraft - Storms of Avaloren

    • Continent: Avaloren: Four zones – Khaz Algar, Agg’orand, The Everward, and Greyveil Glade (Stormy
    snow-covered mountain region, rocky desert plains, a lush living jungle covering titan ruins with
    unique moth-looking green dragons, and misty forest think of a more open space Grizzly Hills)
    • The Algaren capital city is in Khaz Algar, think half above ground, half underground, more rocky and
    less precisely carved looking Ironforge.
    • Eight dungeons at launch (Four of which are 12.0 Season 1 Mythic+ dungeons).
    • One raid at launch.
    • One new battleground at launch.
    • Dynamic flying carried through into Avaloren.
    • No static flying at launch.
    • New dynamic flying glyphs, one I’ve seen previewed is a really fast lightning boost.
    • Level cap raised to 80.
    • New support specialisation for Shaman at launch, and support specialisations in the works for
    Demon Hunters and Rogues (assuming Bard).
    • Assuming in 11.2.7 or the pre-patch, Dracthyr will be able to play as: Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Priest,
    Shaman, Mage, Warlock, Monk, Druid, and of course Evoker.
    • Assuming in 11.2.7 or the pre-patch, every race will be able to play as Shaman and Druids.
    • New race: The Algaren, are large (Orc sized) stone dwarves that come in various rocky colours and
    • The Algaren starting area is a small island off the coast of Khaz Algar, here they come across the
    Tyr’s guard, Horde, and Alliance for the first time. After the Alliance and Horde help the Algaren fight
    against the hostile forces of Odyn some Algaren have decided to pledge allegiance to either the
    Alliance/Horde much like the Dracthyr and Pandaren did.
    • No new profession, but the Archaeology revamp might as well be.
    • Pre-launch event includes helping the reformed Tyr’s guard fight the forces of Odyn (Travard has
    received a unique model and plays our Khadgar, Magni, Bolvar role).
    • We venture to Avaloren alongside the Tyr’s guard and Tyr himself in pursuit of Odyn.
    • Odyn is in pursuit of Iridikron who is in pursuit of a “powerful titan artifact”. Odyn enraged by the 5
    Dragonflight’s betrayal and the Horde/Alliance/Tyr’s guard’s choice to align with the Dragonflights
    has turned him hostile towards us.
    • The first portion of SoA will focus more on Odyn than Iridikron and the void.
    • Xal’atath is back (and has also received a unique model).
    • Silvermoon, Gilneas, and post-launch Lordaeron revamps with more to come.

    These are the major things I can recall, feel free to ask any more specific questions, and if I can answer them I will.
    I have a question. Why exactly would the titan free paradise with hookers and azerite have titan ruins on it? Make it make sense.

  9. #38609
    Not that I know of, sorry!

  10. #38610
    Brewmaster flan1337's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    Do we have a confirmation from blizz to expect an expac announcement on blizzcon (alternative being a later stream for that like DF)?

    Tho I assume even if we dont have confirmation they would come out and say it wouldn't be announced already to manage expectations.

    Also exciting that the first non roadmap patch is on vendor builds, gives me a bit hope that we will get 10.3 if they plan on sticking to the 2 month release schedule
    I mean this tweet basically confirms it: https://twitter.com/Warcraft/status/1714370884230611158

  11. #38611
    Brewmaster CrossNgen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Or new expansions are now intended to be three raids and a fated season and they conned everyone at the beginning of Dragonflight.
    It's very possible they've turned Shadowland's "fix" into the new norm, which is a real shame.
    Blizzard's cutting corners again? Yare Yare Daze...

  12. #38612
    Warchief taishar68's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merryck View Post
    No pirates is literally the only thing we know is confirmed.

    It would be very tongue in cheek if there was a quest near a shore and we find some pirates and they're all "No one is supposed to know we're here!"
    "Can't you see this is the last act of a desperate man?"
    "We don't care if it's the first act of Henry the Fifth, we're leaving!"

  13. #38613
    I know "Take my word for it" is a big thing. But yes, this is it.

  14. #38614
    Quote Originally Posted by SoA View Post
    Expansion Leak / WoW SoA / World of Warcraft - Storms of Avaloren

    • Continent: Avaloren: Four zones – Khaz Algar, Agg’orand, The Everward, and Greyveil Glade (Stormy
    snow-covered mountain region, rocky desert plains, a lush living jungle covering titan ruins with
    unique moth-looking green dragons, and misty forest think of a more open space Grizzly Hills)
    • The Algaren capital city is in Khaz Algar, think half above ground, half underground, more rocky and
    less precisely carved looking Ironforge.
    • Eight dungeons at launch (Four of which are 11.0 Season 1 Mythic+ dungeons).
    • One raid at launch.
    • One new battleground at launch.
    • Dynamic flying carried through into Avaloren.
    • No static flying at launch.
    • New dynamic flying glyphs, one I’ve seen previewed is a really fast lightning boost.
    • Level cap raised to 80.
    • New support specialisation for Shaman at launch, and support specialisations in the works for
    Demon Hunters and Rogues (assuming Bard).
    • Assuming in 10.2.7 or the pre-patch, Dracthyr will be able to play as: Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Priest,
    Shaman, Mage, Warlock, Monk, Druid, and of course Evoker.
    • Assuming in 10.2.7 or the pre-patch, every race will be able to play as Shaman and Druids.
    • New race: The Algaren, are large (Orc sized) stone dwarves that come in various rocky colours and
    • The Algaren starting area is a small island off the coast of Khaz Algar, here they come across the
    Tyr’s guard, Horde, and Alliance for the first time. After the Alliance and Horde help the Algaren fight
    against the hostile forces of Odyn some Algaren have decided to pledge allegiance to either the
    Alliance/Horde much like the Dracthyr and Pandaren did.
    • No new profession, but the Archaeology revamp might as well be.
    • Pre-launch event includes helping the reformed Tyr’s guard fight the forces of Odyn (Travard has
    received a unique model and plays our Khadgar, Magni, Bolvar role).
    • We venture to Avaloren alongside the Tyr’s guard and Tyr himself in pursuit of Odyn.
    • Odyn is in pursuit of Iridikron who is in pursuit of a “powerful titan artifact”. Odyn enraged by the 5
    Dragonflight’s betrayal and the Horde/Alliance/Tyr’s guard’s choice to align with the Dragonflights
    has turned him hostile towards us.
    • The first portion of SoA will focus more on Odyn than Iridikron and the void.
    • Xal’atath is back (and has also received a unique model).
    • Silvermoon, Gilneas, and post-launch Lordaeron revamps with more to come.

    These are the major things I can recall, feel free to ask any more specific questions, and if I can answer them I will.
    Okay.. now htis sounds hte most plausible and belivable, and .. potentially exciting but meh.. don't care much. Nice if Silvermoon gets revamp, heard that a few times.

  15. #38615
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiria View Post
    This might be it, lines up with the "leaked" images.
    Prolly bc he saw those leaked images and piggybacked off of them...
    The crooked shitposter with no eyes is watching from the endless thread.

    From the space that is everywhere and nowhere, the crooked shitposter feasts on memes.

    He has no eyes to see, but he dreams of infinite memeing and trolling.

  16. #38616
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoA View Post
    Expansion Leak / WoW SoA / World of Warcraft - Storms of Avaloren

    • Continent: Avaloren: Four zones – Khaz Algar, Agg’orand, The Everward, and Greyveil Glade (Stormy
    snow-covered mountain region, rocky desert plains, a lush living jungle covering titan ruins with
    unique moth-looking green dragons, and misty forest think of a more open space Grizzly Hills)
    • The Algaren capital city is in Khaz Algar, think half above ground, half underground, more rocky and
    less precisely carved looking Ironforge.
    • Eight dungeons at launch (Four of which are 12.0 Season 1 Mythic+ dungeons).
    • One raid at launch.
    • One new battleground at launch.
    • Dynamic flying carried through into Avaloren.
    • No static flying at launch.
    • New dynamic flying glyphs, one I’ve seen previewed is a really fast lightning boost.
    • Level cap raised to 80.
    • New support specialisation for Shaman at launch, and support specialisations in the works for
    Demon Hunters and Rogues (assuming Bard).
    • Assuming in 11.2.7 or the pre-patch, Dracthyr will be able to play as: Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Priest,
    Shaman, Mage, Warlock, Monk, Druid, and of course Evoker.
    • Assuming in 11.2.7 or the pre-patch, every race will be able to play as Shaman and Druids.
    • New race: The Algaren, are large (Orc sized) stone dwarves that come in various rocky colours and
    • The Algaren starting area is a small island off the coast of Khaz Algar, here they come across the
    Tyr’s guard, Horde, and Alliance for the first time. After the Alliance and Horde help the Algaren fight
    against the hostile forces of Odyn some Algaren have decided to pledge allegiance to either the
    Alliance/Horde much like the Dracthyr and Pandaren did.
    • No new profession, but the Archaeology revamp might as well be.
    • Pre-launch event includes helping the reformed Tyr’s guard fight the forces of Odyn (Travard has
    received a unique model and plays our Khadgar, Magni, Bolvar role).
    • We venture to Avaloren alongside the Tyr’s guard and Tyr himself in pursuit of Odyn.
    • Odyn is in pursuit of Iridikron who is in pursuit of a “powerful titan artifact”. Odyn enraged by the 5
    Dragonflight’s betrayal and the Horde/Alliance/Tyr’s guard’s choice to align with the Dragonflights
    has turned him hostile towards us.
    • The first portion of SoA will focus more on Odyn than Iridikron and the void.
    • Xal’atath is back (and has also received a unique model).
    • Silvermoon, Gilneas, and post-launch Lordaeron revamps with more to come.

    These are the major things I can recall, feel free to ask any more specific questions, and if I can answer them I will.
    Why is it always "Algaren" with these leaks when the datamined mount clearly says "Algarian"?

    Also, not a single mention of the Agg'ora from the website leak (which this leak seems to be based on)?

    In fact, the wording here, with the Algaren being described as "orc sized" and coming in "various colors" leads me to believe that whoever wrote this believes the two races are one and the same—when the website very clearly distinguishes between the two.

  17. #38617
    Quote Originally Posted by taishar68 View Post
    It would be very tongue in cheek if there was a quest near a shore and we find some pirates and they're all "No one is supposed to know we're here!"
    Or if one of the Pirate factions we know about shows up as a sort of anti-hero renown and they're not pirates anymore they're Privateers for Stormwind or something.

  18. #38618
    Warchief taishar68's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PotHockets View Post
    Or if one of the Pirate factions we know about shows up as a sort of anti-hero renown and they're not pirates anymore they're Privateers for Stormwind or something.
    It's about time the Bloodsail did more than pick off stray crocolisks on Janiero Point.
    "Can't you see this is the last act of a desperate man?"
    "We don't care if it's the first act of Henry the Fifth, we're leaving!"

  19. #38619
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    The leak those screenshots supposedly were related to said 4 zones.

    Again, it doesn't matter. There's little chance the next expansion takes place on Avaloren.
    True. Im about 80% on it being fake but its still really well done.

  20. #38620
    Quote Originally Posted by Paula Deen View Post
    I have a question. Why exactly would the titan free paradise with hookers and azerite have titan ruins on it? Make it make sense.
    We venture to Avaloren alongside the Tyr’s guard and Tyr himself in pursuit of Odyn.
    The whole gig of Avaloren is being unreachable by Odyn (more likely by anyone) and now he's waltzed there and we go too like it's a trip to the beack... Ok

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