Even KNOWING the answer I still struggle with the Drek'thar one.
He posted an image of Drek'thar covered in the letters E A C Y repeated over and over all scrambled. And yeah, I understand that if you replace the "ek" with "ac" and the "a" with "y" you get "Dracthyr" from "Drek'thar", but how was that supposed to be pieced together from repeating those letters in random sequence?
Next day, playable Earthen and Khaz Algar in Alvaloren:
But there were several (3) completely incompatible, contradictory mentions of Khaz Algar. Not surprising since we've been speculating about those books for a long time. Two of them specifically mention the Earthen from Khaz Algar. One of those is the self-admited fake Eclipse. One (lol) goes on to talk about "stormriding" but only in a second post months later, 10 days after the achievements and stormrider were found.
That puzzle was so convoluted that I was sure there was no way the dude was legit. I was certain that the name the people who indulged his game came up with was nonsense and he told them they were right to keep the trolling going. Couldn't believe it when he turned out to be telling the truth.
SoA sounds just disappointing enough for me to believe it's true. If it is props to Agg'ora being the earliest leaked model I can remember.
Would anyone be shocked if Odyn sees the dragons as failures and decided to try and kill Iridikron himself?
SoA leaker mentioned Shaman Support spec and DH totem spec just like 22mage guy did few days ago, among many other things originated from different (and having different names) "leaks".
This is obvious bullshit. He picked up the ideas from the bunch of different leaks, sprinkled with some of his own, and there is it.
Also Avaloren surely will be the place we visit, but its too early for it to appear in 11.0.
Also all "leaks" has the same obvious flaw - ALL of them try hard by pointing fingers at Avaloren and Algar zones, even though those are just couple places, while leaving out 95% of other content, thats more important. Razor Okkams - they do this because they operate with the same rumours all of us heard.
I personally think all of these leaks are fake, because by them new expansion looks mid af. And i dont believe they brought back Metzen for him to see confused faces during the announcement.
It must be big and more gripping than another island with elementals, dragons and titan keepers.
Also cant wrap the head around "Leak sounds boring, must be real". Why? None of the previous WoW expansions sounded boring. Leaks sounding boring means they are fake af.
Last edited by Harbour; 2023-10-27 at 11:33 PM.
Metzen's been back for 6 months, this expansion plot and setting would have been finalized the same time DF went live.
Yeah third one was edited to include the new info. So that first one is the only one worth looking at again. Too bad Khaz Algar was name dropped in the game for future seeding purpsoes (as it should be, but still!). We would know 100% by now that anything including that name before the mount name leaked must be real!
I'm curious if all the bullet point text "leakers" realize that making their leaks similar or identical to other leaks just make the entire thing LESS credible rather than validating it more. Like somehow a dozen different people all got tipped to the same detailed leak or have access to the play test, down to the name, zones, lore, but not a single one has any more evidence beyond "trust me and my bullet list, guys". Especially when they're all slightly different in important details lol
Maybe I'm just being negative, but it's getting increasingly more fishy that so many people have the "inside scoop"on these leaks.
Same. I mean, we *just* came out of Shadowlands where a major popular faction was called the Venthyr, and now the next one in the supposed dragon expansion's called the same thing, just swapping in a dragon prefix and going Dracthyr? It just seemed too convoluted a puzzle and too silly a name
No, because he saw them as failures from the start, that's why he made his own armies. Which means this whole conflict makes little since. Why would he suddenly be upset about the dragons splitting from Tyr, when he expected them to do so from the start? He'd probably gloat.
look that
at 0:04 look
Azshara , Naga , maybe
what do you think
• New race: The Algaren, are large (Orc sized) stone dwarves that come in various rocky colours and
Why would any one care for this..