Look how different the character shadow is between the dwarf image and an ingame shot. The ingame shadow is fuzzier at the edges and is darker, while the dwarf shadow is literally just the sillhouette of the dwarf stretched on the floor and made transparent. And as I said, the shadow of the dwarf hand spike is behind him which makes no sense.|
Also that snow leopard on the right man, it's so goofy looking, like it was pasted in
If I had access to real stuff to leak, I think I'd take real pictures/screenshots and then use photoshop a little over them.
People would pick apart the photoshopped elements and dismiss the entire thing.
I'm a couple hours behind the thread right now but I just wanna say: I'm still leaning toward these being fake, BUT! We are assuming that someone leaking the game is trying to show us something good, assuming that only someone who likes WoW or is excited about engaging with the community is leaking things to hype people. But what if someone who hates WoW and wants to see people hate on Blizz? We have enough ex WoW junkies on here who have exactly that mindset. Someone like that gets ahold of material to leak? Knowing how this place behaves, someone could easily decide to pick the worst frames of the features trailer to leak for the exact purpose of stirring up this shit. All the naysaying and "Blizzard are shit, these images are boring, I hate this, gonna skip the announcement and the expac" would be exactly what they want.
I don't say that to claim the leak is real, or the person leaking it is doing that, I'm just pointing out that kind of malicious behaviour is totally within the realms of possibility. I still think it's more likely these screenshots have all been fake than that they are real, but we will see I guess. I'm gonna give Blizz the benefit of the doubt that their ability to create interesting and creative environments didn't get lost from one expansion to the next, and wait for Blizzcon to see their presentation.
Am I entirely misunderstanding the Blizzcon schedule, or is there only 2 hours of World of Warcraft retail at Blizzcon in total? 21:30-22:30 CET on opening day with the "What's Next" panel, then the 1 hour deep dive the next day?
Does this mean to say there aren't a bunch of separate panels like we've had at previous blizzcons?
I'd rather have five more minutes of devs talking about a feature or whatever than ten hours of watching elite players do raids or dungeons, does nothing for me literally, couldn't give a shit if they paid me
I must really not be representative of their target demographic then! I don't think I know anyone particularly into E-sports, but clearly those communities exist and are being catered to, but it's sobering to realize how divorced your echo chamber can be from the greater community