1. #39781
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiria View Post
    This proves it was edited in photoshop before it was uploaded, good find, meta data doesnt lie.
    yes, but can't ignore the part where it could've been used to compile the images together

    some aspects just seem too high effort to me

    the runic symbols of the claws on the dwarf carved in, the almost perfect blizzard-like glow

    idk, exciting nontheless!

  2. #39782
    Brewmaster Azalar's Avatar
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    It's actually easier to do that in mspaint than in photoshop ngl

    An expansion concept based on K'aresh
    #TeamK'aresh #TeamWorldRevamp

  3. #39783
    Quote Originally Posted by Azalar View Post
    Guys call 'filler expansion' to expansions they personally haven't liked. The whole concept of 'filler expansion' is kinda off.
    I mean it was not off for WoD. Everything we did in WoD only affected an alternate universe. The only thing that mattered was that Gul'dan got to our timeline.

  4. #39784
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I calculate Late August to Early September launch for next expac with the idea that we will have
    10.2, 10 weeks
    10.2.5 8 weeks
    10.2.7 8 weeks
    10.3/10.2.9? Fated Season, 12-15 weeks (4 or five rotations)
    11.0 2-3 weeks before launch.

    This means 40-44 weeks which means next expansion at 13/8-10/9/24
    Tbh I wanna see the expansion by July or early August at the latest

    ik ik major hopium but again, im expecting a summer release because of 10.2 being possibly the last raid tier

  5. #39785
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiria View Post
    This proves it was edited in photoshop before it was uploaded, good find, meta data doesnt lie.
    certain image formats + image encoders make deducing the source muddy (i cross referenced other imgur photos), but yeah in this case it almost certainly came from Photoshop!

    keep in mind tho, "edit" could just mean copy/pasting 4 images and then saving it out as a new image

  6. #39786
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiria View Post
    This proves it was edited in photoshop before it was uploaded, good find, meta data doesnt lie.
    This really doesn't prove anything.

    The leak is a column of 4 different images put together.
    Obviously, the images had to be compiled with something.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  7. #39787
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    BUT. Couldn't it have been the following: Since it is one image with 4 images, they could have used photoshop to put 4 images into one, putting them below eachother?
    Eh, why would you use photoshop for something like that though? Any basic image app will do it and do it faster.

  8. #39788
    The Lightbringer
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    For a screencap.
    Metzen comes on stage, does his trademark 'Horde! Alliance' speech. Tells how its good to be back and how important the 'War' part in Warcraft. He smiles in his beard, then tells about some screenshots around the internet about 'some Avaloren'.
    He then tells 'The war is coming. See what is next for World of Warcraft'.
    Then we see the feature trailer with revamped zones, playable Ethereals, armies of Light coming out of the Dark Portal and armies of the Void coming out of the dark purple realm rifts.
    Title is 'Shadows of Azeroth'.
    The whole hall goes crazy, screaming 'Chris! Chris!!! WoW is back!" and then forming the giant word "POGCHAMP". Metzen comes back in a purple and gold SoA shirt, tearing up, and raising up the Doomhammer in his hand.

  9. #39789
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    BUT. Couldn't it have been the following: Since it is one image with 4 images, they could have used photoshop to put 4 images into one, putting them below eachother?
    Yes exactly.

  10. #39790
    Quote Originally Posted by Azalar View Post
    It's actually easier to do that in mspaint than in photoshop ngl
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Eh, why would you use photoshop for something like that though? Any basic image app will do it and do it faster.
    agreed, that's why i thought it was worth posting. Photoshop doesn't mean it is fake, but it's weird

  11. #39791
    Quote Originally Posted by Picle View Post
    certain image formats + image encoders make deducing the source muddy (i cross referenced other imgur photos), but yeah in this case it almost certainly came from Photoshop!

    keep in mind tho, "edit" could just mean copy/pasting 4 images and then saving it out as a new image
    Yes I agree, but there is also some image degradation due to how it was exported, it would have been easier and cleaner to do in paint if they wanted to do it as one image or just upload the images seperately, I didnt realise as I didnt look at the actual image that it was just 1.

    Anyway im going back to just lurking, I'm slowly losing interest in WoW overtime, although I managed to finish Yakuza 6 tonight, it was great fun, LAD tomorrow.

  12. #39792
    Got my dictionary for SoA:

    Sabers of Azeroth
    Sabotage of Azeroth
    Sack of Azeroth
    Sacrifice of Azeroth
    Saddles of Azeroth
    Sadists of Azeroth
    Safaris of Azeroth
    Safes of Azeroth
    Saga of Azeroth
    Sails of Azeroth
    Saints of Azeroth
    Salary of Azeroth
    Sale of Azeroth
    Salt of Azeroth
    Salutes of Azeroth
    Samples of Azeroth
    Sands of Azeroth
    Sandwiches of Azeroth
    Sanitation of Azeroth
    Sarcasm of Azeroth
    Sauce of Azeroth
    Sawdust of Azeroth
    Saxophone of Azeroth
    Scandals of Azeroth
    Scent of Azeroth
    Scepter of Azeroth
    Schism of Azeroth
    School of Azeroth
    Science of Azeroth
    Scooters of Azeroth
    Scourge of Azeroth
    Scrolls of Azeroth
    Seas of Azeroth
    Seasons of Azeroth
    Secrets of Azeroth
    Seeds of Azeroth
    Senator of Azeroth
    Sepulchre of Azeroth
    Sequins of Azeroth
    Seraphim of Azeroth
    Serpents of Azeroth
    Sextant of Azeroth
    Shaft of Azeroth
    Shape of Azeroth
    Sheep of Azeroth
    Ships of Azeroth
    Shocks of Azeroth
    Shrimp of Azeroth
    Side of Azeroth
    Silence of Azeroth
    Sins of Azeroth
    Skies of Azeroth
    Slander of Azeroth
    Slaves of Azeroth
    Sleighs of Azeroth
    Slugs of Azeroth
    Smells of Azeroth
    Snobs of Azeroth
    Snowstorms of Azeroth
    Soil of Azeroth
    Solution of Azeroth
    Souflé of Azeroth
    Spaceship of Azeroth
    Spatulas of Azeroth
    Spiders of Azeroth
    Spleen of Azeroth
    Sponges of Azeroth
    Spies of Azeroth
    Squid of Azeroth
    Stains of Azeroth
    State of Azeroth
    Statues of Azeroth
    Steps of Azeroth
    Stick of Azeroth
    Stool of Azeroth
    Straits of Azeroth
    Stress of Azeroth
    Stump of Azeroth
    Submachine gun of Azeroth
    Suits of Azeroth
    Sun of Azeroth
    Surf of Azeroth
    Swab of Azeroth
    Sword of Azeroth
    Symbol of Azeroth
    Syphilis of Azeroth

  13. #39793
    Quote Originally Posted by kavikor View Post
    honestly if theyre cutting a whole season out of dragonflight (speculative) then we'd better see the expansion release by late summer imo
    I'll be upfront, I really don't see that as an issue. I have fun playing a new season or expansion. IT doesn't matter to me if the new expansion is a year out to two years out, as long as there isn't a massive gap in content. Thus far, there hasn't been a massive gap in content, and Dragonflight feels like I've had more content even if it's a shorter experience over all.

    The plan to rotation out Mythic+ dungeons has done such a good job at keeping me invested in the seasons.

  14. #39794
    Quote Originally Posted by Picle View Post
    agreed, that's why i thought it was worth posting. Photoshop doesn't mean it is fake, but it's weird
    I also feel like i remember ppl saying something abt the image data or artifacts were tampered with in the Bolvar shadowlands leak too and people claimed fake

    and then we obviously saw how that turned out

    idk what exactly the argument was, but i would say fake just yet based on something like this!

    ps. not specifically trying to target you Picle, just replyting to continue this conversation

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ferlion View Post
    I'll be upfront, I really don't see that as an issue. I have fun playing a new season or expansion. IT doesn't matter to me if the new expansion is a year out to two years out, as long as there isn't a massive gap in content. Thus far, there hasn't been a massive gap in content, and Dragonflight feels like I've had more content even if it's a shorter experience over all.

    The plan to rotation out Mythic+ dungeons has done such a good job at keeping me invested in the seasons.
    I think thats fine to have continous content, i just dont want to see fated take the place of actual new content and last as long as a raid tier would have

    fated is cool, but it should be filler not a replacement for a brand new raid and new developed content whilst we still have to wait 2 years for the next thing

  15. #39795
    'Splosion of Azeroths.

  16. #39796
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    Gotta wonder what they WERE shown, then.

    My first thought was "maybe they were shown only a piece of the puzzle, like a partial revamp, but not the new zones, thus a lack of ability to confirm/deny," but even that would be knowing something.

    This is why the modern version of "leak season" would be wonderful to be shot in the foot for a long time.

    It usually causes the opposite. I can't think of the last expansion that lived up to the version in people's minds over the 2-3 months of speculation and wish lists since Legion.

    If we found a way to create fakes that are indistinguishable from reality, not trashy AI and not total asset reuse minus one dinosaur, imagine how much more exciting things would be when people are forced to discount everything.
    Yeah i have a feeling those pics are fake and that whatever is at Blizzcon will be hype. Revamp or not.

  17. #39797
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Eh, why would you use photoshop for something like that though? Any basic image app will do it and do it faster.
    As someone who still boots up GIMP when collaging images, I'd chalk it up to force of habit. By the time I think about using Paint or something, I've already got the program open and the first image in place.
    confirmed by my uncle nitnendo and masahiro samurai

  18. #39798
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZyntosAran View Post

    "Get ready for the future of Warcraft!"

    they are so high-balling, if it is a mediocre Avaloren Island Expension, we gonna have a field day of hating.
    I don't think they would do that if they expected it to be mid. They always hype the reveal up but this year it feels like they are hyping into overdrive.

    Either the reveal will be amazing.
    Or they are truly the out of touch with the player base.

  19. #39799
    Is there any reason every is certain the expansion name will be "SoA"?

  20. #39800
    Quote Originally Posted by Leowyld View Post
    I think any setup or bridges for the next expansion will have already happened, because we are getting the expansion announcement before 10.2 even goes live. That's why I suspect if we get a connection, it will be something like Iridikron and his void portal. It acts like a bridge in the same way Sylvanas flying off in BfA, before the N'zoth conclusion, did.
    similarly, archimonde sending alternate gul'dan through the black gate at the end of wod.

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