1. #39821
    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    SL was pretty hype at launch for the general audience. It even broke sales records as the fastest selling pc game of all time. Immediately broken by Cyberpunk but still.
    As always, I speak about myself. SL reveal failed to hype me. The systems seemed flimsy and I was expecting them to go far heavier on the fan service.

  2. #39822
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Btw do I remember correct that we had been told there would be additions to evergreen content in DF? Yet we have not had Brawler's guild (and adding it late would be a bad idea since casual players will never be able to outgear it) or even a new TW raid. Maybe they meant all the salvaged mogs from removed content (which imo all are very fun to unlock but then extremely grindy to actually collect)?
    We got the trading post, profession rework and talent reworks are meant to be as well, but we know ita a future blizzard problem with talents already

  3. #39823
    Quote Originally Posted by rekael View Post
    World of Warcraft: Echoes of Eternity

    -Level 80 with post-max progression system: Path of Heroes
    --- new talents 71-80. After 80, PoH serves as new progression system going forward. unlocks class skins and done through outdoor content, world quests, instances, and pvp.
    -new specs, 4 at launch and more over expansion (dh, warrior, shaman, and monk)
    ---additional specs for rogue and mage teased
    -world revamp, EK at start of expansion and Kalimdor, Northrend, and Pandaria over course of expansion (DF is starting experience and timeline goes forward from there)
    ---other continents and zones will be focused on in later expansions or patches
    -new underground zones added to each continent that is updated. First zone is Uldaz added to EK under the region of Khaz Modan
    -expansion intended to last for multiple years with quicker patch cadence. expansion mile stones will be larger and more spread out.
    -no new race or class. customization screen fully overhauled with allied races rolled into existing equivalents. body types, face types, additional hair styles, tattoos, and other options allow for new subrace combinations like forest troll, taunka, and krokul. updated starter zones account for new options with focus on race lore across revamped zones.
    -void and order battle for azeroth's soul. mortal races caught in between. tyr sides with mortals as redemption and rallies forces of azeroth for final battle.
    Bruh just stop

  4. #39824
    Quote Originally Posted by rekael View Post
    World of Warcraft: Echoes of Eternity

    -Level 80 with post-max progression system: Path of Heroes
    --- new talents 71-80. After 80, PoH serves as new progression system going forward. unlocks class skins and done through outdoor content, world quests, instances, and pvp.
    -new specs, 4 at launch and more over expansion (dh, warrior, shaman, and monk)
    ---additional specs for rogue and mage teased
    -world revamp, EK at start of expansion and Kalimdor, Northrend, and Pandaria over course of expansion (DF is starting experience and timeline goes forward from there)
    ---other continents and zones will be focused on in later expansions or patches
    -new underground zones added to each continent that is updated. First zone is Uldaz added to EK under the region of Khaz Modan
    -expansion intended to last for multiple years with quicker patch cadence. expansion mile stones will be larger and more spread out.
    -no new race or class. customization screen fully overhauled with allied races rolled into existing equivalents. body types, face types, additional hair styles, tattoos, and other options allow for new subrace combinations like forest troll, taunka, and krokul. updated starter zones account for new options with focus on race lore across revamped zones.
    -void and order battle for azeroth's soul. mortal races caught in between. tyr sides with mortals as redemption and rallies forces of azeroth for final battle.
    Damn would I be happy with that. Not happening, but I'd love it. Also that title makes no sense with everything else.

  5. #39825
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Their problem imo was that all of them were designed to be one off, bound to expansion themes and many of them were just poorly iterated upon.
    Imagine if they spent all that time on a good evergreen feature though.

    Player housing, carpentry, logging profs and all the collection content that comes with it.

    It would be another pillar of wow like transmog.

  6. #39826
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Btw do I remember correct that we had been told there would be additions to evergreen content in DF? Yet we have not had Brawler's guild (and adding it late would be a bad idea since casual players will never be able to outgear it) or even a new TW raid. Maybe they meant all the salvaged mogs from removed content (which imo all are very fun to unlock but then extremely grindy to actually collect)?
    I think one thing they might've been referencing is Talent trees too

  7. #39827
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ferlion View Post
    I think Shadowlands would have been much better received had it not been overtuned to hell and back. Again, months and months of the game being designed around tanks being kiters instead of tanks was just terrible .
    SL with Legion content cadence would have been good, story be damned.

  8. #39828
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I mean the story would keep it from being remembered as a great expac. But yeah if the game had launched with Essences instead of Azerite, it would probably have been remembered quite more fondly. Great raids, solid dungeons (though the seasonal mechanics were crap).
    I can see that but everything since then seems very much wasted or not put as much effort into it. BFA had so much content and i assume a budget much bigger then either SL or DF ( by todays standards ) but they have literally not tried at all or they completely misread the playerbase of the game they have almost 20 years of experience making. I sometimes wonder if they even spend 4 hours a week playing their game.

  9. #39829
    Quote Originally Posted by KyleEverett View Post
    We got the trading post, profession rework and talent reworks are meant to be as well, but we know ita a future blizzard problem with talents already
    True, the trading post probably is the major evergreen addition. Talent rework is a base system change, not content (and I am not convinced it will be able to expand for multiple expacs without becoming problematic). Profession rework I see as having two parts; the work order system will stay as is but the talent system will either be scrapped, modified or require complete new iterations every expac which means it is the opposite of evergreen.

  10. #39830
    Scarab Lord Polybius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doolb View Post
    I'm not really seeing why people are seemingly so mad about the leaked screenshots. Generic high fantasy zones is what people have asked for for years
    Expanded and revamped old zones rather. We know how these places should exist, as seen in books and other media, we just haven't seen them in that capacity.

  11. #39831
    Stood in the Fire keelr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rekael View Post
    World of Warcraft: Echoes of Eternity

    -Level 80 with post-max progression system: Path of Heroes
    --- new talents 71-80. After 80, PoH serves as new progression system going forward. unlocks class skins and done through outdoor content, world quests, instances, and pvp.
    -new specs, 4 at launch and more over expansion (dh, warrior, shaman, and monk)
    ---additional specs for rogue and mage teased
    -world revamp, EK at start of expansion and Kalimdor, Northrend, and Pandaria over course of expansion (DF is starting experience and timeline goes forward from there)
    ---other continents and zones will be focused on in later expansions or patches
    -new underground zones added to each continent that is updated. First zone is Uldaz added to EK under the region of Khaz Modan
    -expansion intended to last for multiple years with quicker patch cadence. expansion mile stones will be larger and more spread out.
    -no new race or class. customization screen fully overhauled with allied races rolled into existing equivalents. body types, face types, additional hair styles, tattoos, and other options allow for new subrace combinations like forest troll, taunka, and krokul. updated starter zones account for new options with focus on race lore across revamped zones.
    -void and order battle for azeroth's soul. mortal races caught in between. tyr sides with mortals as redemption and rallies forces of azeroth for final battle.
    You had me until “expansion will last multiple years”
    MMO-Champion Forum

    1. a place where people who stopped playing World of Warcraft 10 years ago gather to tell those who still enjoy the game, how bad it is right now.

  12. #39832
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draedarr View Post
    Could be a new advancement in the Engine, last major one i think was when they added the new liquids in Cataclysm, There was also some more APIs being added (DX 11, 12) Could be Vulkan or something on these lines.
    Hoping they improve ray tracing. I want actual reflective surfaces and metals etc.

  13. #39833
    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    SL with Legion content cadence would have been good, story be damned.
    SL was so repulsive to me I stopped playing after 2 1/2 weeks and never came back to WoW. Content cadence had nothing to do with that.
    "There is a pervasive myth that making content hard will induce players to rise to the occasion. We find the opposite. " -- Ghostcrawler
    "The bit about hardcore players not always caring about the long term interests of the game is spot on." -- Ghostcrawler
    "Do you want a game with no casuals so about 500 players?"

  14. #39834
    On the bard side of things, I saw an ad for some game called Warhaven (which, to be honest, I thought was that Ubisoft game, For Honor) and they have a bard class in it now apparently. And there is something kinda amusing about seeing a guy with like a lute strumming it then swinging it about and just bashing heads in. Idea kinda worked on me.

    You'd go through lutes pretty quick though that way...

  15. #39835
    I've figured out the acronym. SOA stands for "Sword Ouchie Addressed". blizzard are finally picking up that important old plot thread everyone keeps mentioning

  16. #39836
    Brewmaster Leowyld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rekael View Post
    -no new race or class. customization screen fully overhauled with allied races rolled into existing equivalents. body types, face types, additional hair styles, tattoos, and other options allow for new subrace combinations like forest troll, taunka, and krokul. updated starter zones account for new options with focus on race lore across revamped zones.
    So, what do you do about the fact Allied Races start at level 10 instead of level 1. Or... racials! Racials and voice lines and even emotes and dances are different with Allied Races. If the answer is that your customization choices will determine those things, there is no reason to not keep them separate.
    Cosmic greetings, all, I'm the Raccoonatic Commander!
    Leowyld of Emerald Dream-US

  17. #39837
    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    SL with Legion content cadence would have been good, story be damned.
    Cannot agree. Out of three raids only one was really great (CN). The way the zones were disconnected kept hurting till ZM were we effectively abandoned all old world content (never fully happened in Legion, you still wanted to do emissaries). And Covenant swapping should have never been a thing; they should have just let you progress them all in parallel from the start (and limited resources would have pretty much kept you from advancing them all at the same time).

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by keelr View Post
    You had me until “expansion will last multiple years”
    Why not though? Give it 5 seasons plus fated. Yes, we will be broken by the end but that's just fun.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    On the bard side of things, I saw an ad for some game called Warhaven (which, to be honest, I thought was that Ubisoft game, For Honor) and they have a bard class in it now apparently. And there is something kinda amusing about seeing a guy with like a lute strumming it then swinging it about and just bashing heads in. Idea kinda worked on me.

    You'd go through lutes pretty quick though that way...
    I mean the idea that a bard is a weird addition to a fantasy game is retarded. Tons of fantasy games have some form of bard.

  18. #39838
    Quote Originally Posted by Doolb View Post
    I'm not really seeing why people are seemingly so mad about the leaked screenshots. Generic high fantasy zones is what people have asked for for years
    I also haven't seen anyone pick apart the first image that says "New continent". Looks like mostly new landscape models to me, but I'm still 100% sure it's real. I'll eat my words if I'm wrong, but I don't think I am.

  19. #39839
    Quote Originally Posted by Leowyld View Post
    So, what do you do about the fact Allied Races start at level 10 instead of level 1. Or... racials! Racials and voice lines and even emotes and dances are different with Allied Races. If the answer is that your customization choices will determine those things, there is no reason to not keep them separate.
    Have allied races start at 1 like everyone else.
    Revamp racials; people will get a small racial talent tree were they get to pick from a small set of options
    Let people choose their dances.

  20. #39840
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post

    I mean the idea that a bard is a weird addition to a fantasy game is retarded. Tons of fantasy games have some form of bard.
    Very true. Hell I'm playing a bard in one of my D&D campaigns right now! Really enjoying it too. Though that may be due to being able to be a sorta jack of all trades at the moment.

    (Fireball is fun)

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