1. #40461
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    Do you mean the keys for the encrypted content? I've talked about that pretty extensively throughout the entire thread, there's barely anything I'm holding back in the context of those outside of 10.2 campaign spoilers. There's nothing regarding 11.0 there that I haven't already talked about previously.
    Nope, not that one, the one with the last CDN build

    I know you talked about the encrypted mount and stuff

  2. #40462
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Well thank you Nyel. And yes, we definitely need to keep the Avaloren BS in check.
    DW Teriz, I like you too we got along great during the DF reveal, We may not agree on Underground stuff but there's no animosity or namecalling here.

  3. #40463
    Quote Originally Posted by tubbipack View Post
    I've been thinking about this leak mentioning a bungie style roadmap that has multiple expansions announced at once, and the wording of Metzens return tweet, "how the world unfolds over the next few years…"

    They've committed to a patch roadmap this expansion, maybe they're expanding upon that idea?
    THREE EXPANSIONS ANNOUNCEMENT let's gooooooooooooooo

  4. #40464
    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    Same here! I'm still hoping for a WR, but whatever is announced I'll be excited (except if it's Void vs Light I think, that really doesn't speak to me)
    Are we all still here in 10 years and writing I‘m hoping for a world revamp, but…
    MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again

  5. #40465
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiria View Post
    DW Teriz, I like you too we got along great during the DF reveal, We may not agree on Underground stuff but there's no animosity or namecalling here.
    Same here and for what it's worth... Tinker is my favourite class idea after Bard

  6. #40466
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    Are we all still here in 10 years and writing I‘m hoping for a world revamp, but…
    I mean, it may well happen.

  7. #40467
    Quote Originally Posted by tubbipack View Post
    I've been thinking about this leak mentioning a bungie style roadmap that has multiple expansions announced at once, and the wording of Metzens return tweet, "how the world unfolds over the next few years…"

    They've committed to a patch roadmap this expansion, maybe they're expanding upon that idea?
    to be perfectly onest i woulsn't like that idea. discovering where we go next is one of the most exciting times in this game. I would want to have like three expansions announced at once.

  8. #40468
    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    THREE EXPANSIONS ANNOUNCEMENT let's gooooooooooooooo
    can you imagine if they announced the next expansion and it turns out to be super generic, and the one after that being a wish list of everything people want?

    The forums would explode. "Filler expansion" off the charts

  9. #40469
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    Are we all still here in 10 years and writing I‘m hoping for a world revamp, but…
    Yes, our watch will not end until it has happened :3 the prophecy must be fulfilled!

  10. #40470
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    Although the website doesn't go beyond 10.0.2, you can view other maps here and you can toggle the grid by clicking the layer button on the top right and enabling the "ADT grid".

    Ty, I've used your site a ton to compare and look at maps but I had no idea about the ADT grid

  11. #40471
    Quote Originally Posted by Yunravel View Post
    Nope, not that one, the one with the last CDN build

    I know you talked about the encrypted mount and stuff
    Not a clue -- are you referring to the encrypted 10.2.5 build or the possibly encrypted 11.0 build? Not a whole lot to discuss there, but feel free to drop a PM as to not fill up the thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    THREE EXPANSIONS ANNOUNCEMENT let's gooooooooooooooo
    A double-whammy expansion announcement for retail would be pretty cool, although I doubt it'd be anything more than "yeah, we're working on this, here's a rough idea of when we are aiming for" without revealing any content.

  12. #40472
    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    Same here and for what it's worth... Tinker is my favourite class idea after Bard
    I'm cool with the idea of Tinker as I now know DR and Necro are never going to happen and I don't know if there are anymore classes out there that would be made into WoW, but more choices are always nice.

  13. #40473
    All this reminds me of my biggest hype time and disappointment. After 7.3.5 with all the Void stuff on Argus, new Chronicles, audiobooks and so much more on Void I hyped myself so much, that I thought "The Void Expansion" is next. Leveled several chars I considered being most related to Void, checked the books, Chronicle etc.

    And then there was mid BfA
    And then there was shit SL
    And now there is again mid DF

    where void

  14. #40474
    Quote Originally Posted by tubbipack View Post
    I've been thinking about this leak mentioning a bungie style roadmap that has multiple expansions announced at once, and the wording of Metzens return tweet, "how the world unfolds over the next few years…"

    They've committed to a patch roadmap this expansion, maybe they're expanding upon that idea?
    I find it difficult to believe it would work over a timescale that large. Issues would arise when a concept doesn't work, but the developers are committed to the idea for the remaining duration.

    With the Marvel timeline that isn't such an issue because if a movie is terrible it's already over. You don't have to keep watching the terrible movie unfold it's plot for months while waiting for something new.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  15. #40475
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    Not a clue -- are you referring to the encrypted 10.2.5 build or the possibly encrypted 11.0 build? Not a whole lot to discuss there, but feel free to drop a PM as to not fill up the thread.
    Sent you a dm !

  16. #40476
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    Not a clue -- are you referring to the encrypted 10.2.5 build or the possibly encrypted 11.0 build? Not a whole lot to discuss there, but feel free to drop a PM as to not fill up the thread.

    A double-whammy expansion announcement for retail would be pretty cool, although I doubt it'd be anything more than "yeah, we're working on this, here's a rough idea of when we are aiming for" without revealing any content.
    The only way I'd see a double expansion announcement work while talking about content, is if they do a WR one continent at a time and they're like "11.0 is EK 12.0 will be Kalimdor don't worry people."

    But yeah, still, that does not sit too well. I think they may have a wider roadmap announced indeed without announcing what 12.0 will be about

  17. #40477
    Quote Originally Posted by Moth Preacher View Post
    where void
    In your heart, after you’ve been let down for several years.
    MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again

  18. #40478
    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    Same here and for what it's worth... Tinker is my favourite class idea after Bard
    I would honestly love Tinker, but the way I'd want them to work would make everyone else hate it:

    I'd want it race-locked to Gnomes, Mechagnomes and Goblins. This would create a stupid faction imbalance Blizzard would never go for, AND it'd lock a new class to some of the most unpopular playable races. So, it'd be suicide for Blizzard to go for it

    But I'm very much into the lore-y MMORPG restrictions, so I love class/race combos that make sense in a very archetypal way, Elven archers, dwarven riflemen, human footmen and gnomish tinkers.

    We should all count ourselves lucky I've no say in things.

  19. #40479
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    I expect the 10.2-11.0 roadmap, but a wider roadmap encompassing multiple expansions is way too ambitious.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  20. #40480
    The Lightbringer Izalla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Honestly this idea that Khaz Algar could be in Northrend and the next expac is a Northrend Revamp is probably the one that has resonated with me the most this entire leak season. It just works in so many levels. Ulduar, Odyn, Incarnate lairs, Wyrmrest, Galakrond, a test drive for a revamp but on a smaller scale, multiple storylines that would bring the factions to the front (Taunka, Frostborn, Zul'drak), obvious most wanted underground areas (Azjol Nerub), Sholazar and Elun'ahir.
    Okay so like I will buy Teriz flowers if it turns out Khaz Algar is in Northrend and they ride the elementals near Ulduar as mounts, because your idea sounds amazing! But it doesn't really make sense that Khaz Algar would be that close to "home" or they wouldn't have had to send the Earthen out to explore the fissure since they could just do it themselves.
    give up dat booty
    Quote Originally Posted by Pendra View Post
    For the matriarchy.

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