Not a clue -- are you referring to the encrypted 10.2.5 build or the possibly encrypted 11.0 build? Not a whole lot to discuss there, but feel free to drop a PM as to not fill up the thread.
A double-whammy expansion announcement for retail would be pretty cool, although I doubt it'd be anything more than "yeah, we're working on this, here's a rough idea of when we are aiming for" without revealing any content.
All this reminds me of my biggest hype time and disappointment. After 7.3.5 with all the Void stuff on Argus, new Chronicles, audiobooks and so much more on Void I hyped myself so much, that I thought "The Void Expansion" is next. Leveled several chars I considered being most related to Void, checked the books, Chronicle etc.
And then there was mid BfA
And then there was shit SL
And now there is again mid DF
where void
I find it difficult to believe it would work over a timescale that large. Issues would arise when a concept doesn't work, but the developers are committed to the idea for the remaining duration.
With the Marvel timeline that isn't such an issue because if a movie is terrible it's already over. You don't have to keep watching the terrible movie unfold it's plot for months while waiting for something new.
The world revamp dream will never die!
The only way I'd see a double expansion announcement work while talking about content, is if they do a WR one continent at a time and they're like "11.0 is EK 12.0 will be Kalimdor don't worry people."
But yeah, still, that does not sit too well. I think they may have a wider roadmap announced indeed without announcing what 12.0 will be about
I would honestly love Tinker, but the way I'd want them to work would make everyone else hate it:
I'd want it race-locked to Gnomes, Mechagnomes and Goblins. This would create a stupid faction imbalance Blizzard would never go for, AND it'd lock a new class to some of the most unpopular playable races. So, it'd be suicide for Blizzard to go for it
But I'm very much into the lore-y MMORPG restrictions, so I love class/race combos that make sense in a very archetypal way, Elven archers, dwarven riflemen, human footmen and gnomish tinkers.
We should all count ourselves lucky I've no say in things.
I expect the 10.2-11.0 roadmap, but a wider roadmap encompassing multiple expansions is way too ambitious.
Formerly known as Arafal
Okay so like I will buy Teriz flowers if it turns out Khaz Algar is in Northrend and they ride the elementals near Ulduar as mounts, because your idea sounds amazing! But it doesn't really make sense that Khaz Algar would be that close to "home" or they wouldn't have had to send the Earthen out to explore the fissure since they could just do it themselves.