1. #40821
    Quote Originally Posted by Izalla View Post
    Just seems a bit unfair to me to want to have your hyper specific take on a class (a class that rightfully should be in the game already) but bar other people from it who support its addition for their own tech based class fantasy. If Blizz can add tinkers (likely with a different name) in a way that is open to as many races as possible, they probably will. You'll have a bunch of organizations under the class banner, like gnome and goblin tinkers, orc and dwarven mechanics, draenei artificers, and whatever blood/void elves would be called. Would they also be artificers?

    Why wouldn't Blizz add the one more people will be happy with?
    Because that is not the vision of Teriz, therefor it is impossible. We have enough tinkers from other races, but they aren't real tinkers because they don't use gnome/goblin tinker stuff apparently.

  2. #40822
    I'm legit confused how there isn't a proper playable bird race to begin with. Untapped feathery market to bring in some new degenerates not covered by the worgen and the vulpera, Blizzard.

  3. #40823
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    If every other class is playable on every race why would tinkers not be? I can see maybe they would be restricted for the expansion they release in but they absolutely should be playable on every race at some point.
    Evokers and Demon Hunters won’t be.

    Add Tinkers to that list. They simply don’t work as a universal class.

  4. #40824
    Brewmaster Azalar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Evokers and Demon Hunters won’t be.

    Add Tinkers to that list. They simply don’t work as a universal class.
    I'm ashamed to have taken the bait, but ahhhhh... a blood elf tinker manning an arcane golem? Damn if that wouldn't be awesome.

    Hell, even an abomination could be considered in some way an Undead mech lmao

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  5. #40825
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lanerios View Post
    Because that is not the vision of Teriz, therefor it is impossible. We have enough tinkers from other races, but they aren't real tinkers because they don't use gnome/goblin tinker stuff apparently.
    Well it’s a Goblin-based class, so yeah it’ll be tied to Goblin stuff. Gnomes and Vulpera can easily use Goblin tech. You start dipping into magitech, you begin to erode the core concept of the class, which is once again Goblin-based.

    It’s no different than Demon Hunters being Elven based, and thus restricted to Elves.

  6. #40826
    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    I'm legit confused how there isn't a proper playable bird race to begin with. Untapped feathery market to bring in some new degenerates not covered by the worgen and the vulpera, Blizzard.
    In my headcanon, Wildkin would have been intelligible and part of a Kaldorei faction (some of my concepts here and here)
    But I would be OK with an Arakkoa race as well.

    And hey if we get to Tel'abim, a Parrot humanoid race would absolutely work with a tropical South Seas xpac.

  7. #40827
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lanerios View Post
    You're talking to someone who said that Bards are impossible because "No recent band uses medieval instruments" or something like that.

    Don't take his "This is X because I say so" to seriously
    That’s true talking out of ignorance is second only to just flat out making stuff up for him.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  8. #40828
    If we get an avian race, they absolutely need a melee class that uses a bunch of flying charges. Also, pick up stuff and drop it on enemy heads from high elevation.

  9. #40829
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azalar View Post
    I'm ashamed to have taken the bait, but ahhhhh... a blood elf tinker manning an arcane golem? Damn if that wouldn't be awesome.

    Hell, even an abomination could be considered in some way an Undead mech lmao
    If you wish to stretch the meaning of what a “mech” is, sure. However, a class needs a certain level of consistency for balance purposes. Thus a Blood Elf inside an arcane golem or an Undead inside an abomination using Goblin/Gnome-based tech abilities doesn’t work and just looks silly.

  10. #40830
    Quote Originally Posted by Leowyld View Post
    Aww. Vulpera are pretty popular among the Allied Races. But even if they were included as a race for Tinker, I'd still want everyone to be able to access the class. More options is better.

    This is all a moot point, anyway. We are not getting Tinker for 11.0, nothing is pointing to it. So, it'll be another 2+ years before speculation about it, as a class, means anything.
    We're currently aimless, to many narattive points pointing to several unknown directions with no clear next step.
    It could be underground with tinkers, Avaloren or whatever and make it related with Elune to add a Night Warrior class, a more elemental tied land and add blademasters...
    It could be anything.

  11. #40831
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Well it’s a Goblin-based class, so yeah it’ll be tied to Goblin stuff. Gnomes and Vulpera can easily use Goblin tech. You start dipping into magitech, you begin to erode the core concept of the class, which is once again Goblin-based.

    It’s no different than Demon Hunters being Elven based, and thus restricted to Elves.
    I have to disagree. Tinker clearly is a class that would be available to all races since day one.

    Blizzard is going to make every class available to every race, probably even Evokers and DHs in due time.

    Tinker for all would be an easy win and there is not a single reason that justifies it being limited to certain races. If any race can be Warlocks and eventually Druids, Shamans and Paladins, I fail to see why Blood Elves or Kul'tirans or whatever cannot learn to tinker with mechas and guns and lasers or whatever tech Tinkers have.
    Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

  12. #40832
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Izalla View Post
    Just seems a bit unfair to me to want to have your hyper specific take on a class (a class that rightfully should be in the game already) but bar other people from it who support its addition for their own tech based class fantasy. If Blizz can add tinkers (likely with a different name) in a way that is open to as many races as possible, they probably will. You'll have a bunch of organizations under the class banner, like gnome and goblin tinkers, orc and dwarven mechanics, draenei artificers, and whatever blood/void elves would be called. Would they also be artificers?

    Why wouldn't Blizz add the one more people will be happy with?
    TBF, it’s not my hyper specific take on the class. It’s how Blizzard has presented the concept, and comparing that concept to previous expansion classes.

    Further, expanding a concept to all races doesn’t improve its chances of popularity. Look at Monks compared to Druids or Demon Hunters. By all accounts restricting the race options and upping the unique art assets among a limited pool of races seems to be the superior option for this class’ success.

  13. #40833
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Well it’s a Goblin-based class, so yeah it’ll be tied to Goblin stuff. Gnomes and Vulpera can easily use Goblin tech. You start dipping into magitech, you begin to erode the core concept of the class, which is once again Goblin-based.

    It’s no different than Demon Hunters being Elven based, and thus restricted to Elves.
    Kinda like Tauren and Trolls are eroding the base theme of a paladin? Its ok for a class to do the same thing, but use two sources of power to accomplish that. neat even. If you want magitech, use a draenei. If you want traditional tinker. Use goblin or gnome.

  14. #40834
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    I have to disagree. Tinker clearly is a class that would be available to all races since day one.

    Blizzard is going to make every class available to every race, probably even Evokers and DHs in due time.

    Tinker for all would be an easy win and there is not a single reason that justifies it being limited to certain races. If any race can be Warlocks and eventually Druids, Shamans and Paladins, I fail to see why Blood Elves or Kul'tirans or whatever cannot learn to tinker with mechas and guns and lasers or whatever tech Tinkers have.
    Particularly if we rename the class concept to something else that doesn't imply a necessity for manually tinkering with the tech. Nothing stops, say, a kobold or a gnoll from using technology that was tinkered by someone else... Wait, I almost feel like I heard that concept before

  15. #40835
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    None of them, needs to be a custom model built from nothing. It will also cost $49.99 in the Battle.net shop and all proceeds will go to Kakapo preservation. This is the way.
    Best we can do is kakapo head glued to an Arakkoa and we'll raise monthly subscription by $4

  16. #40836
    Pit Lord shade3891's Avatar
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    Tinker could be ranged dps, tank, and support-dps

  17. #40837
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    With that said, wonderful discussion everyone. Feel free to have the last word.
    See you at Blizzcon right

  18. #40838
    Brewmaster Azalar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rathwell View Post
    Best we can do is kokapo head glued to an Arakkoa and we'll raise monthly subscription by $4

    10/10 I'd play the Marlakkoa

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  19. #40839
    Blademaster iMizix's Avatar
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    I want Tinker class sooo bad. Like come on Blizz, you had a Tinker in Island Expeditions gimme my Gnome Tinkerer.

  20. #40840
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    I have to disagree. Tinker clearly is a class that would be available to all races since day one.

    Blizzard is going to make every class available to every race, probably even Evokers and DHs in due time.

    Tinker for all would be an easy win and there is not a single reason that justifies it being limited to certain races. If any race can be Warlocks and eventually Druids, Shamans and Paladins, I fail to see why Blood Elves or Kul'tirans or whatever cannot learn to tinker with mechas and guns and lasers or whatever tech Tinkers have.
    Again, we have to simply look at the Monk class versus the Druid or DH classes to see why that argument is folly.

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