1. #41041
    The Unstoppable Force Puupi's Avatar
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    Who is this 22mage guy and why are you all trusting him?
    Quote Originally Posted by derpkitteh View Post
    i've said i'd like to have one of those bad dragon dildos shaped like a horse, because the shape is nicer than human.
    Quote Originally Posted by derpkitteh View Post
    i was talking about horse cock again, told him to look at your sig.

  2. #41042
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    It's a departure from known locations in WC lore and history. Seems more like an asspull than a legitimate location for an expansion.
    It's all been asspulls since Cataclysm as far as I can see. Pandaria going from a small island to a big continent, Zandalar and KT doing the same. Up until WoD all we knew about old Draenor was a little penciled up map that didn't mention spires, gorgrond, highmaul, talador.
    You can use the way back machine on the wiki and see up until 2020, nothing about the Dragon isles aside from a brief mention from a dev, and a reveal that it was a scrapped potential endgame raid for alpha WoW.
    So basically, dragon isles had as much in-game info about it as Avaloren does now. That may sound like I'm making that up, but it's true. Dragon Isles were 100% just kept alive by mild interest from the most diehard lore fans for 2 decades.
    Shadowlands? Do we need to say more?

    Condition yourself now Teriz. The game is getting freaking old, among the oldest still being actively worked on. They spend more time writing up the settings and locations for each expansion... than Metzen, Didier and the rest of the original Blizz tabletop nerds spent writing the entire planet of Azeroth.

    To add to that, for all we know, Avaloren could have been an idea that Metzen had for years that he just never talked about. If Metzen stood up on stage at Blizzcon and said "THIS CONTINENT. MAN, WE BEEN DYING TO SHOW YOU THIS SINCE WRATH" people would lose their minds. None of this matters.

  3. #41043
    Quote Originally Posted by Puupi View Post
    Who is this 22mage guy and why are you all trusting him?
    There is nothing to suggest he's trustworthy. He's just a person on a burner account who has been showing up now and then to claim details about a leak.

  4. #41044
    Quote Originally Posted by kavikor View Post
    can you dive more into what you know about Algaren customization and also new specs?

    what do algarians look like if not just earthern??
    algarians are wierd. like elementals but dwarf skeleton. new spec is for demon hunters.

  5. #41045
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    If Khaz Algar is really just on the EK, i really wonder what Watcher Melenia, and by extension Blizzard, understand by "separated by vast swaths of time and distance. " when they'd basically be neighbours then.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  6. #41046
    Quote Originally Posted by Puupi View Post
    Who is this 22mage guy and why are you all trusting him?
    His take is way more exciting than anything in regards to Avaloren, maybe that’s why.
    MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again

  7. #41047
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    If Khaz Algar is really just on the EK, i really wonder what Watcher Melenia, and by extension Blizzard, understand by "separated by vast swaths of time and distance. " when they'd basically be neighbours then.
    It's been a consistently contradictory point in 22's supposed leak.

  8. #41048
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    If Khaz Algar is really just on the EK, i really wonder what Watcher Melenia, and by extension Blizzard, understand by "separated by vast swaths of time and distance. " when they'd basically be neighbours then.
    Maybe some kind of other plane / reality?
    MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again

  9. #41049
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    If Khaz Algar is really just on the EK, i really wonder what Watcher Melenia, and by extension Blizzard, understand by "separated by vast swaths of time and distance. " when they'd basically be neighbours then.
    algar is really far down. like center. only entrance is through EK.

  10. #41050
    Quote Originally Posted by Puupi View Post
    Who is this 22mage guy and why are you all trusting him?
    Just a guy who pops up and claims to leak info every now and then. I don't think anyone is actually *trusting* him, but it's interesting to interrogate him on his supposed info. His leak is one of the ones people kind of want to be true over the four screenshot one.

  11. #41051
    Quote Originally Posted by kavikor View Post
    can you dive more into what you know about Algaren customization and also new specs?

    what do algarians look like if not just earthern??
    A bit bigger and broader. Chests puffed out. Rock protrusions ranging from short out the shoulders to big and elaborate going beyond their head. All types of gear shows up on them, but the rocky bits stick out like undead spines used too.
    Beards are just different kind of dwarf beard looks but have lots of gem/rock jewlery options. Eyes glow with elemental light you can choose between red blue yellow and green. Lightning effects around them, not the same as DK eyes but same concept.

  12. #41052
    Pit Lord shade3891's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 22mage22 View Post
    algarians are wierd. like elementals but dwarf skeleton. new spec is for demon hunters.
    What new spec?! Ranged? Support??

  13. #41053
    Quote Originally Posted by Algarstorms View Post
    A bit bigger and broader. Chests puffed out. Rock protrusions ranging from short out the shoulders to big and elaborate going beyond their head. All types of gear shows up on them, but the rocky bits stick out like undead spines used too.
    Beards are just different kind of dwarf beard looks but have lots of gem/rock jewlery options. Eyes glow with elemental light you can choose between red blue yellow and green. Lightning effects around them, not the same as DK eyes but same concept.
    fake news is here

  14. #41054
    Quote Originally Posted by 22mage22 View Post
    algar is really far down. like center. only entrance is through EK.
    there something about lore you have seen , like some characters who participate in the story , or a scenario or dungeon ?

  15. #41055
    Quote Originally Posted by shade3891 View Post
    What new spec?! Ranged? Support??
    explained before like a outlaw rogue. spec is torment. idk about support. it is middle ranged.

  16. #41056
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    Well who knows, maybe we got another Scaleface at our hands.
    It's possible, but I wish they would just make their leak into a single post like everyone else instead of dragging it on like this. They're commenting so much it would be like a second job to maintain the imgur album mirror for everything they've said about 11.0.

    Also I kind of get the impression they just enjoy going against the grain and the attention that comes with it. When the SoA leak was gaining popularity, they had to come in and say "there's no SoA."

    Now that the attention is once again shifting away from them, they decide to come in with another contrarian take about the screenshots being fake.

    And yet, zero proof.

  17. #41057
    Quote Originally Posted by Rathwell View Post
    Just a guy who pops up and claims to leak info every now and then. I don't think anyone is actually *trusting* him, but it's interesting to interrogate him on his supposed info. His leak is one of the ones people kind of want to be true over the four screenshot one.
    also let be real , claim explicity all other leaks as fakes and tell the yours is true is a high way to put yourself in a fire

  18. #41058
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    It's possible, but I wish they would just make their leak into a single post like everyone else instead of dragging it on like this. They're commenting so much it would be like a second job to maintain the imgur album mirror for everything they've said about 11.0.

    Also I kind of get the impression they just enjoy going against the grain and the attention that comes with it. When the SoA leak was gaining popularity, they had to come in and say "there's no SoA."

    Now that the attention is once again shifting away from them, they decide to come in with another contrarian take about the screenshots being fake.

    And yet, zero proof.
    i like to engage with community but posted all in one when someone ask me. "SoA" and images are not the real thing. just pointing out what is true here.

  19. #41059
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 22mage22 View Post
    algar is really far down. like center. only entrance is through EK.
    Well, i guess that would work.

    Totally could see Blizzard going "well, they are far apart.... vertically"

    Formerly known as Arafal

  20. #41060
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 22mage22 View Post
    i like to engage with community but posted all in one when someone ask me. "SoA" and images are not the real thing. just pointing out what is true here.
    You don't even know the name of the next expansion.

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