I'm thinking we get a leak late Wednesday or Thursday like we did with Dragonflight. Someone that sees something they shouldn't and races to the forums.
I'm also leaning towards the Avaloren/Khaz Algar expansion. Something on the other side of the world. I think that whatever happens there will trigger a reshaping of the world - we have the New Tree, and if we're going deep into the earth then perhaps we finally see the damage Sargeras' Sword is inflicting. Maybe a Titan Rewrite? Either way we've had Cata longer than Vanilla. Given that they're allowing dynamic flying in old world I think the time is ripe.
If nothing else, i hope that the "dwarfs living in a huge chasm" is true. Imagine a huge zone almost completely on the 2 faces of the chasm, completely vertical (with some stuff on the ground and up top). They have the tech, see Valdrakken. Moving around mostly by flying, bridges, elevators... Could even do a 2 faction system like chasm is oriented E-W and so the south face never gets any sunshine resulting in "dark dwarfs" and "light dwarfs" on the northern face (who dont like each other, some cold war story maybe)...
I suppose it depends on what the reason we go there is. But if it's a Titan keeper themed plotline like what I would expect based on what we know from the books, then I think it would be weird for the announcers, given they will likely have to skirt around the issue seeing as the Odyn questline isn't available. Or Tyr still being an empty construct.
A colonization plotline is the only thing that makes sense to me to get around that, though even that would feel very left field.
The world revamp dream will never die!
There was no build up at all for the Broken Isles.
It was a pointless reef with long dead ruins that had fallen below the ocean until the trailer where Khadgar showed up in Stormwind and was like "Oh, by the way, the Legion just warped a massive army to the Broken Isles, which are now a large flourishing land with all sorts of native cultures and societies."
"Past Draenor"'s only build up was the vague implication of 5.4 having Bronze Dragons.
The single expansion of build up we have for KA/Alva is already more than that. We already know there's a place to the west that dragons have vanished to and that pirates have come back rich from and that might house some mysterious fissure and strange earthen and titan-forged who practice heresy. Even before a cinematic starts up and has Elune slam down into the region and declare that this is birth of the Empire of the New Moon, or Azshara, Xal and Iridkiron warp in with a void army at their backs, we already have hooks.
I mean, as a direct comparison with WoD-->Legion, we're currently on par with speculating about the expansion after WoD without knowing the Archimonde death cinematic right now.
'Gul'Dan steals Illidan's corpse and summons the Legion on some islands surrounding the Tomb of Sargeras' seems a bit outlandish without knowing that he gets zapped through the Dark Portal with Achimonde's dying breath.
It is a bit rich to say that an expansion would have a weak link when we literally don't even know what the link will be yet - we haven't experienced the end of the current expansion.
Last edited by Myrrh; 2023-10-30 at 11:26 AM.
The Broken Isles was a well known location though. The Tomb of Sargeras was prominently featured in Warcraft 3, and it's approximate location was even shown on in-game maps long before Legion. It was just all the extra stuff like Highmountain and Stormheim that was filler.
For Khaz Algar and Avaloren though I would just have expected more prominent buildup. We might know it, but I don't think the average player knows the books even exist, much less what in them. Several of the books we currently use for justification isn't even technically in the game yet, they are hidden away on the PTR.
Maybe 10.2 was meant to come out before Blizzcon, and it's just an unfortunate happenstance it didn't. But stuff like Erinethria and her brood being revealed prominently before the in-game tease seems very backwards.
The world revamp dream will never die!
I think Avaloren will be fine. It'll all make sense to players once Blizzard has shown the cinematic and given a bit of background lore.
If they decide to reveal a multi-year roadmap with several expansions teased on the other side of Azeroth, even better.
Heck, Avaloren could even be a mega continent similar to Ancient Kalimdor. Having Avaloren as an umbrella term for the other side of Azeroth would save us a mouthful in conversation. I wonder what we'd call this side though.![]()
The world revamp dream will never die!
Counterpoint using your thought process, has the average WoW player played WC3 and/or did they actually recognise the Broken Isles?
By all means double check my dates here, but on quick scan Antorus (and therefore its sword cinematic) unlocked 28 November. BfA was announced on 3 Nov. We had zip idea what sparked it.
Last edited by Myrrh; 2023-10-30 at 11:33 AM.
I don't think the expansion will start with iridikron, more likely it will be Odin sending us there for whatever reason, perhaps as a trap. In 11.0 we will only discover traces of corruption, but it won't be the main subject of the leveling process. Iridikron himself will show up only later as we build up toward the finale where he does something that launches an actual void expansion.
MMO-Champion Forum
1. a place where people who stopped playing World of Warcraft 10 years ago gather to tell those who still enjoy the game, how bad it is right now.
Cataclysm also had absolutely no build-up.
Again, a strong hook can still appear in 10.2.5 or 10.2.7. For all it's worth it could be within the Tyr Questline in 10.2.
A location being known only really helps with the initial hype. What matters in the end is the stories told within the context of that place.
In grand total this happened twice in the lifetime of WoW: Uldum and Pandaria. Three times if we count the Dragon Isles (but we knew that they existed)This sounds like my worst nightmare regarding lore. They should stop coming up with lore based on "It was always there, we just didn't know about it". Thats such a trash storytelling.
Last edited by Jaggler; 2023-10-30 at 11:37 AM.
No, but by that logic nothing ever makes sense. Many players probably didn't even read the quest texts that explain why we are fighting Razsageth in the vault. Or is even aware that the reason we fight Drakonids so often is because of the protests against their poor treatment by the dragons.
The world revamp dream will never die!
I see what you mean.
But I am increasingly of the opinion that a revamp doesn't need to be an expansion. It could just be a free update to everyone, arriving all at once in a patch, or in large chunks. Like when they overhauled levelling at the end of Legion or whenever it was, in 7.3.5 I believe.