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There was no build up at all for the Broken Isles.
It was a pointless reef with long dead ruins that had fallen below the ocean until the trailer where Khadgar showed up in Stormwind and was like "Oh, by the way, the Legion just warped a massive army to the Broken Isles, which are now a large flourishing land with all sorts of native cultures and societies."
"Past Draenor"'s only build up was the vague implication of 5.4 having Bronze Dragons.
The single expansion of build up we have for KA/Alva is already more than that. We already know there's a place to the west that dragons have vanished to and that pirates have come back rich from and that might house some mysterious fissure and strange earthen and titan-forged who practice heresy. Even before a cinematic starts up and has Elune slam down into the region and declare that this is birth of the Empire of the New Moon, or Azshara, Xal and Iridkiron warp in with a void army at their backs, we already have hooks.