1. #4181
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    I sincerely hope there aren't any more expansions set entirely in some cosmic plane of existence, like the Shadowlands. We've already tried that, and it's an awful idea.

    It's fine to visit such places in patches and raids, just to get a glimpse. But to explore the whole thing and get nothing but that for an entire expansion isn't fun.

  2. #4182
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    Voidlands should be one of the last cosmic realms we explore.
    ShadowVoidLands. Realm of shadowy void death

  3. #4183
    One idea I had about the Moon is that maybe an Old God has landed on the dark side there. No world soul but it would have ample time to get large and do its thing.

    And I really don't want them to try and create "voidlands". What does that even mean? It's the Void, it should be VOID.

  4. #4184
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    One idea I had about the Moon is that maybe an Old God has landed on the dark side there. No world soul but it would have ample time to get large and do its thing.

    And I really don't want them to try and create "voidlands". What does that even mean? It's the Void, it should be VOID.
    We can travel to the voidlands and just be floating around in the void. Kind of like how it works in vashirj under water. kek

  5. #4185
    Quote Originally Posted by crusadernero View Post
    We can travel to the voidlands and just be floating around in the void. Kind of like how it works in vashirj under water. kek
    I just think Void should be dealt with as a place superimposed on the physical realm instead of going into the emptiness directly. Maybe have a boss fight there or something but I sincerely hope we don't kamehameha the Void Lords in their home plane cause that will just be painful to watch.

  6. #4186
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I just think Void should be dealt with as a place superimposed on the physical realm instead of going into the emptiness directly. Maybe have a boss fight there or something but I sincerely hope we don't kamehameha the Void Lords in their home plane cause that will just be painful to watch.
    Yeah I agree. Shadowlands proved to Blizzard we dont need or want that kind of content. Visit it during a xpac in a patch? Sure. Get that part of the lore to visit us? Sure. But a whole voidxpac? weird

  7. #4187
    I am Murloc! Auxis's Avatar
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    Been thinking about the last boss room of Aberrus, based on the visuals I've seen posted on wowhead.

    10.1 spoilers below:
    The screenshots show that it's a shattered/warped chamber/prison in a pocket of void. I'm wondering, do we know if this chamber is much further BELOW Aberrus, or is it just another standard chamber in the laboratory? I'm just thinking, if it is deeper into Azeroth's crust than the Zaralek Caverns are, WHAT is so important about this chamber and is the void dimension specifically a result of Sarkareth's void awakening or if it is something else? Something-something what we think is a pocket of void is actually what the space around an enclosed world soul actually looks like.

    Just shower thoughts.
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  8. #4188
    Quote Originally Posted by WoWExpansion11 View Post

    10.1.5 - Vakthros Tower megadungeon, Vyranoth, Bronze Dragonflight
    10.2.0 - Return to the Emerald Dream raid, Iridikron, Green Dragonflight
    10.2.5 - Dragon Isles focused storyline
    10.3.0 - Temporal Conflux raid, Galakrond, Bronze Dragonflight, we learn the Primalists were right
    10.3.5 - Epilogue -- Infinite Dragonflight, Chromie
    Prepatch - Titans invade Azeroth, turning people into stone automatons to ‘restore order’
    11.0.0 - We go to Avaloren to learn how to defeat the Titans, humans, dwarves, offshoot high elves are there, they worship a different pantheon of greater elemental lords. Humans worship the wind elemental, dwarves the earth elemental, elves the fire elemental, a new race the water elemental.
    Makes somewhat sense until we get to 11.0. No. Avaloren will not be an expansion continent. Patch at most.
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  9. #4189
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    Makes somewhat sense until we get to 11.0. No. Avaloren will not be an expansion continent. Patch at most.
    It sounds like potential continent, but I don't expect Pandaria style expansion after Pandaria style expansion. Next expac should be something more familiar and since we almost ran out of known places, it's time to revamp some continent (without deleting old one of course, I'm thinking about making it from scratch). Imo Lordareon or whole EK for Light/Void expac would be perfect.


    Nice, few days ago I posted that in 2019 we had 25th April Blizzcon annoucement and today Ybarra told us we should expect info soon. I'm really curious how they deal with revealing end of DF and Blizzcon. I can't imagine not revealing expac there and roadmap clearly suggest 10.3 (unless DF will be shorter, in that case we could have bonus season on spring and expac on summer).

    Quote Originally Posted by crusadernero View Post
    Yeah I agree. Shadowlands proved to Blizzard we dont need or want that kind of content. Visit it during a xpac in a patch? Sure. Get that part of the lore to visit us? Sure. But a whole voidxpac? weird
    Am I last person that remember how SL was loved by community on release? And it's diverse continent, not just Maw? Key thing about every expansion is patch schedule. Every content is awful if it stays same for months (and flaws more visible).
    Last edited by Dracullus; 2023-04-19 at 12:41 PM.

  10. #4190
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    It sounds like potential continent, but I don't expect Pandaria style expansion after Pandaria style expansion. Next expac should be something more familiar and since we almost ran out of known places, it's time to revamp some continent (without deleting old one of course, I'm thinking about making it from scratch). Imo Lordareon or whole EK for Light/Void expac would be perfect.


    Nice, few days ago I posted that in 2019 we had 25th April Blizzcon annoucement and today Ybarra told us we should expect info soon. I'm really curious how they deal with revealing end of DF and Blizzcon. I can't imagine not revealing expac there and roadmap clearly suggest 10.3 (unless DF will be shorter, in that case we could have bonus season on spring and expac on summer).

    Am I last person that remember how SL was loved by community on release? And it's diverse continent, not just Maw? Key thing about every expansion is patch schedule. Every content is awful if it stays same for months (and flaws more visible).
    If Avaloren = content then I agree that it should have a bit more buildup.
    I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.

  11. #4191
    Quote Originally Posted by Auxis View Post
    Been thinking about the last boss room of Aberrus, based on the visuals I've seen posted on wowhead.

    10.1 spoilers below:
    The screenshots show that it's a shattered/warped chamber/prison in a pocket of void. I'm wondering, do we know if this chamber is much further BELOW Aberrus, or is it just another standard chamber in the laboratory? I'm just thinking, if it is deeper into Azeroth's crust than the Zaralek Caverns are, WHAT is so important about this chamber and is the void dimension specifically a result of Sarkareth's void awakening or if it is something else? Something-something what we think is a pocket of void is actually what the space around an enclosed world soul actually looks like.

    Just shower thoughts.
    Have you forgotten that Aberrus was made by Neltharion at a time when he was already experimenting with Void powers? And we're not that deep down, so that's pretty unlikely.

  12. #4192
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    Am I last person that remember how SL was loved by community on release? And it's diverse continent, not just Maw? Key thing about every expansion is patch schedule. Every content is awful if it stays same for months (and flaws more visible).
    I'd say it was liked on release. It was not loved at 9.1 though. Even before it got old, that patch was just not particularly liked.

  13. #4193
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I'd say it was liked on release. It was not loved at 9.1 though. Even before it got old, that patch was just not particularly liked.
    I don't think the issue was the setting on that anyway. More the writing, especially the poorly explored villain.

  14. #4194
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    I don't think the issue was the setting on that anyway. More the writing, especially the poorly explored villain.
    I think there were multiple issues. Shards of domination were a stupid system. Korthia was very underwhelming. The Sylvanas fight was imo just bad.

    And yeah the story was very unsatisfying but that gets you angry with it and kills your hype. The gameplay systems being bad and the content being poor is what makes you stop playing. And the fact it lasted for that long did not help either.

  15. #4195
    Any idea what this icon's about? Its called Nightmare Banner.

  16. #4196
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    Any idea what this icon's about? Its called Nightmare Banner.

    probably some diablo event related reward

  17. #4197
    Quote Originally Posted by Skildar View Post
    probably some diablo event related reward
    Since wowhead showed a cloak with that design from a Diablo event. 99% chance it's that

  18. #4198
    Quote Originally Posted by Skildar View Post
    probably some diablo event related reward
    Oh that would be it, wouldn't it? The usage of Nightmare though (and red) had me curious but that'd make some sense.

  19. #4199
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    Oh that would be it, wouldn't it? The usage of Nightmare though (and red) had me curious but that'd make some sense.
    Golden Yak mentioned making a demon pantheon in another thread. So...just maybe...although I can't see A connection to Diablo.

  20. #4200
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    The Sylvanas fight wasn't bad. Covanent chosing meh whatever shouldn't be based on abilities or anything but I think it should be pointed out it wouldn't be that big of a deal if people had aren't so anal about extra damage gain or whatever. Shards of domination at least IMO aren't superior to tier sets. I tolerated Shards but I am not missing them, I understand the desire to try new things and I think the playerbase or rather any gamer should at least understand sometimes new things don't pan out. Also if the Sylvanas narrative was pushed farther past SL and well her master well it would be more positive yadda yadda. Still I give them a lot of leeway because one SL kinda came out just a bit after the Pandemic started, THAT did not help. They were also confident about the october release only to delay it(Which is good but... after all the stuff that happened during the pandemic they should of seen the need for the delay by the time people were doing the WFH stuff but....yeah whatevs).

    Going into another dimension(Even if its Fantasy based) is fine but I think after processing it, doing the afterlife is probably better to get a sneak peak(I mean far as we know there's no paradise realm where people can just relax with their dead loved ones and friends. I wish that was there to compared to what we got. Not that I didn't enjoy SL). Its one thing to explore the Emerald Dream or say Outland that is in the Twisting Nether or another place in the Twisting Nether. Its another to explore the afterlife, that is very contexually different.

    Sylvanas: I'm fine with her outcome only slightly being decided by Tyrande because well I feel like thats letting a family member of the victim be the jury to decide the fate of a murderer. It does not feel right especially when we already went through the idea of where you deserve to go in the afterlife. Letting it be up to someone's personal bias(And yes Tyrande is biased, anyone would be in her position, same with any Nelf. I do like Sylvanas is very self aware of the anger people feel for her. "Anger and Pain dull the senses" Its supposed to be her day in court, but she gets a very biased jury. So as much as I'm ok with Sylvanas fixing the damage she's done. Making Tyrande do it IMO still feels like its trying to calm the flames(.......no pun really meant) of Nelf fan rage). Catharsis isn't everything. I didn't use to think this way about Sylvanas's judgement but I changed my mind.

    Talesin said something that I can understand people not liking. Going from the Shadowlands which we already had the Maw...to the Maw again probably isn't the nicest development. I personally dont care too much but I can see why people would. I do wish the world quests were like in SL, not a on a every 3 day timer. I hate it(and don't do them if you don't want to, its not anyone's fault people have no self control).
    Last edited by Aeluron Lightsong; 2023-04-19 at 05:28 PM. Reason: I had a lot to say and I'm allowed to change my mind
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