1. #42601
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shade3891 View Post
    could be related to the expansion! Void/Titan cosmetics?
    Could be. They seem to be theming the trading post around things happening that month.

    Definitely see the next expansion being void/titan themed with how the story is progressing. (Or, as Scaleface said it could be void expansion -> titan expansion)
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  2. #42602
    Quote Originally Posted by Trazzle View Post
    And why do we think this???

    Isn’t it likely that it’s the Tanaris wastelanders set (or what ever it was called) that was datamined a few weeks ago?
    Blizzard literally said its going to be:
    (Article) November’s Trading Post is Positively Cosmic

  3. #42603
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trazzle View Post
    And why do we think this???

    Isn’t it likely that it’s the Tanaris wastelanders set (or what ever it was called) that was datamined a few weeks ago?
    Because it says in the weekly news thing that next trading post will be cosmic.
    (Article) November’s Trading Post is Positively Cosmic
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  4. #42604
    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    It's a non-zero possibility, there's just tons of different pieces of evidence for all kinds of different ideas and people looking for patterns will find them.

    The Trading Post did a lot of obfuscating on top of AI. Imagine if we got, say, the Kul Tiras sets from BFA datamined early as before, but the Trading Post existed. It would be one less piece of evidence that was definitive.
    I'm mostly just speculating for fun, i doubt it will actually be related to any of that

  5. #42605
    Going by how poor the dracthyr and evokers are it's extremely likely they'll make tinkers like that.

    New race which is a new mechaforged similar to the gnome styled ones we see in Ulduar.

    Miniron actually made a secret vault and hid a failed experiment he could no longer control. They look like a mixture of goblins and gnomes but robotic.

    The new race can only be tinker and only tinkers can be this race. They have a new 'unprecedented amount' of customizations, but it doesn't matter because whenever they're in combat they turn into the same mecha form that has 8 colour palettes to choose from that will match 0.01% of armour models they will make in the expansion. Luckily, they can only show shoulder slots and belts.

  6. #42606
    Quote Originally Posted by NikolaiShade View Post
    Ok, I agree with you, but we are the minority (apparently). When there was borrowed power I only heard complains about it. If I were a Blizzard dev I would have done the same thing, remove it and see how things go
    I mean, it musn‘t be borrowed power. I‘m advocating for several expansions now that WoW needs an ongoing progress system that is universally implemented and kept. Something in the vein of Elder Scrolls Online‘s Champion Points or whatever. Something in that regard that keeps the grinding/hardcore players challenged, that gives the normal player agenda and that is even something for the casual player. Artifact weapons should have been this with a natural evolution following in BfA and onwards. Yet they totally messed this up. But without something that is combat-related and class enhancing, every expansion will just be meh when it comes to the most important gameplay aspect of WoW: combat.
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  7. #42607
    Quote Originally Posted by KyleEverett View Post
    I know it's unpopular, but I loved my Garrison. My long standing believe if you gave WoD M+ it'd be far more fondly remembered.
    Honestly the issues with WoD were all about production. They just werent able to deliver on post launch content if WoD had the content pace of Legion it would be remembered very fondly.

  8. #42608
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    I mean, it musn‘t be borrowed power. I‘m advocating for several expansions now that WoW needs an ongoing progress system that is universally implemented and kept. Something in the vein of Elder Scrolls Online‘s Champion Points or whatever. Something in that regard that keeps the grinding/hardcore players challenged, that gives the normal player agenda and that is even something for the casual player. Artifact weapons should have been this with a natural evolution following in BfA and onwards. Yet they totally messed this up. But without something that is combat-related and class enhancing, every expansion will just be meh when it comes to the most important gameplay aspect of WoW: combat.
    I think a paragon system or bringing back the idea of Artifact weapons, but as a longer form piece of content would be ideal as well.
    Now every expansion you're going to get new abilities and powers for your Heart or Artifact, and you can earn them from these places.
    Oh now we're in the void expansion and we're introducing "corrupted" powers or something, and now you get void themed stuff to slot into your artifact/heart.
    Going into the druid expansion? Now there's powers to summon wolves when you cast your big cooldown that aid you, or birds that cut your enemies apart when you cast a dot.

    But keep it all part of an evergreen progression system

  9. #42609
    can someone explain to me why they claim ai is sapping the fun out of leak season?
    Isn't the whole point of leak season for people to see leaks and speculate on if it's true or not?
    In my opinion I feel like ai makes leak season more interesting because it makes things that can be somewhat legit
    Or do people just prefer seeing/posting text?

  10. #42610
    Pit Lord shade3891's Avatar
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    I wonder if they will move away from the current talent-tree. No new point for each level. But an new permanent system, starting at lvl 71. Could be simply rank upgrades for current spells.

    Why? Because to many capstone talents will be bad or even OP for some classes, and making a choice has to mean something?

  11. #42611
    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    Thats a bit sad isnt it.
    I am pretty sure a decent number of people just left WoW in SL and simply did not return.

  12. #42612
    Quote Originally Posted by SloidVoid View Post
    can someone explain to me why they claim ai is sapping the fun out of leak season?
    Isn't the whole point of leak season for people to see leaks and speculate on if it's true or not?
    In my opinion I feel like ai makes leak season more interesting because it makes things that can be somewhat legit
    Or do people just prefer seeing/posting text?
    I dont think it makes it less fun necessarily, but i do feel bad when people see something that looks pretty convincing and happens to be exactly what theyre hoping the x-pack will be and get their hopes up

  13. #42613
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    I mean, it musn‘t be borrowed power. I‘m advocating for several expansions now that WoW needs an ongoing progress system that is universally implemented and kept. Something in the vein of Elder Scrolls Online‘s Champion Points or whatever. Something in that regard that keeps the grinding/hardcore players challenged, that gives the normal player agenda and that is even something for the casual player. Artifact weapons should have been this with a natural evolution following in BfA and onwards. Yet they totally messed this up. But without something that is combat-related and class enhancing, every expansion will just be meh when it comes to the most important gameplay aspect of WoW: combat.
    "But the spec X is not complete until I max that borrowed power counter/find a particular legendary/raise counduit Y" to an extent it was true, the power creep is always lurking ready to strike. If you make all specs perfectly viable and functional and on top of that you put the "borrewed power" you could easily get an overperforming spec

  14. #42614
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I am pretty sure a decent number of people just left WoW in SL and simply did not return.
    could also be with the quality/frequency of leaks too, not as much to talk about thats hitting wowhead or being mainstream.

    like someone said before the BFA armor sets leaked early and were all over wowhead and people were going crazy for that stuff.

    Right now we dont even have a working name. Shadowlands was worked out ages before we actually saw it

  15. #42615
    Quote Originally Posted by kavikor View Post
    I think a paragon system or bringing back the idea of Artifact weapons, but as a longer form piece of content would be ideal as well.
    Now every expansion you're going to get new abilities and powers for your Heart or Artifact, and you can earn them from these places.
    Oh now we're in the void expansion and we're introducing "corrupted" powers or something, and now you get void themed stuff to slot into your artifact/heart.
    Going into the druid expansion? Now there's powers to summon wolves when you cast your big cooldown that aid you, or birds that cut your enemies apart when you cast a dot.

    But keep it all part of an evergreen progression system
    That, or introducing Slots in the talent tree for Gems or whatever to slot in, based on the current exp.

  16. #42616
    Quote Originally Posted by kavikor View Post
    I think a paragon system or bringing back the idea of Artifact weapons, but as a longer form piece of content would be ideal as well.
    Now every expansion you're going to get new abilities and powers for your Heart or Artifact, and you can earn them from these places.
    Oh now we're in the void expansion and we're introducing "corrupted" powers or something, and now you get void themed stuff to slot into your artifact/heart.
    Going into the druid expansion? Now there's powers to summon wolves when you cast your big cooldown that aid you, or birds that cut your enemies apart when you cast a dot.

    But keep it all part of an evergreen progression system
    I advocated a paragon system like this for years, some passives you keep expac after expack and active and some passives change thematically from one xpack to the other. I fear the reintroduction of the skill trees (and please guys don't get me started on them) killed many chances of an engaging paragon system

    edit: oh, and they could even mke a separate little tree for outdoor activities and legacy ones or timewalking too

  17. #42617
    Quote Originally Posted by ZyntosAran View Post
    That, or introducing Slots in the talent tree for Gems or whatever to slot in, based on the current exp.
    Yeah, augments to talents would be great as well, and they can add more every expansion/patch or whatever and have a nice little library.

  18. #42618
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    apparently the next months trading post will be cosmic, also i think these two sets are not assigned to the tradingposts, or were at least not identified to be part of it.
    Where is the list?

  19. #42619
    Quote Originally Posted by Magistrate View Post
    Where is the list?
    no list yet, it was just "announced"

  20. #42620
    Quote Originally Posted by SloidVoid View Post
    can someone explain to me why they claim ai is sapping the fun out of leak season?
    Isn't the whole point of leak season for people to see leaks and speculate on if it's true or not?
    In my opinion I feel like ai makes leak season more interesting because it makes things that can be somewhat legit
    Or do people just prefer seeing/posting text?
    Previous cycles at least involved actual effort and creativity, not typing a handful of words into a prompt and clicking a button.

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