1. #42901
    Brewmaster Leowyld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blaatschaap View Post
    Does anyone recognize this as a specific current WoW location? . the thing that looks like a tentacle on the foreground is wriggling around in the video, the "spined wall" is also slithering as if it were some kind of creature and the tree is also "pulsating" for lack of a better word. the orcish(?) looking tower is static. note the colors and general aesthetic should be discarded as immaterial as they are a synthwave "tribute". This is grabbed from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NRPEe7YnCQ. I guess there's not a lot to go on here. I'm operating under the hope it might be some hint at the future of the wow story, given that it is Nozdormu opening a time portal somewhere
    Isn't that just Durotar/Orgrimmar background from the Thrall synthwave video?
    Cosmic greetings, all, I'm the Raccoonatic Commander!
    Leowyld of Emerald Dream-US

  2. #42902
    Also, this is inside the other music video too.

  3. #42903
    Quote Originally Posted by blaatschaap View Post
    are there any void entities in durotar or do you know if there have been?
    There are a few warlock dens around Durotar (mainly to do with the burning legion). A little further away in the southern barrens, however, there is Bael Modan, which has much speculation surrounding its demise (or more specifically the demise of the mine adjacent to the fortress itself).

  4. #42904
    Quote Originally Posted by blaatschaap View Post
    Does anyone recognize this as a specific current WoW location? the thing that looks like a tentacle on the foreground is wriggling around in the video, the "spined wall" is also slithering as if it were some kind of creature and the tree is also "pulsating" for lack of a better word. the orcish(?) looking tower is static. note the colors and general aesthetic should be discarded as immaterial as they are a synthwave "tribute". This is grabbed from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NRPEe7YnCQ. I guess there's not a lot to go on here. I'm operating under the hope it might be some hint at the future of the wow story, given that it is Nozdormu opening a time portal somewhere
    It's just the vaporwave version of durotar from the other beats video.

  5. #42905
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    Back to the BLACK EMPIRE.

    Durotar, stormwind. Time travel. They are giving us hints.

    World Revamp with time travel shenanigans.

  6. #42906
    Pit Lord shade3891's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harbour View Post
    Interesting! World of warcraft: Scarlet Crusaders

    Paladin for all races?

  7. #42907
    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    Durotar, stormwind. Time travel. They are giving us hints.

    World Revamp with time travel shenanigans.
    Ooh that would be cool. I can totaly see a time travel expansion with our new relationship with the Infinite... well with one infinite at least. Messing with the timeways could get us on the Titans bad side. Being able to see the old Black Empire would be awesome or maybe each zone is a different point in time..

  8. #42908
    Brewmaster Leowyld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demonly View Post
    This is the portal effect you're seeing above it. Notice the tree also wiggles too.

    What happened to the bombshell?
    Cosmic greetings, all, I'm the Raccoonatic Commander!
    Leowyld of Emerald Dream-US

  9. #42909
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    Now this is a leak I'm ok to discuss! I could honestly see it be AI, due to some random parts of the picture, but I could also see it be real and just a terrible picture. Now, if we say it's real... what could it be? Void expansion? Old God Empire? Azeroth's Underground/Nerubian expansion?

    I'm kind of rooting for it... :3

    That being said, I'm still leaning towards AI generated, loads of things are off in that picture
    I dont think his feet are fused. I think he's standing wierd.

  10. #42910
    Quote Originally Posted by Mrpms View Post
    Probably not but every item will be scrutinized absurdly to the point that Teriz will confirm that it all points to going underground based off one item that loosely looks like it's a small gear.
    That's an AI generated image.

  11. #42911
    The Patient
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    Okay, can someone more computer literate than me help me out here? A week or so ago, we saw those images on Warcraft Twitter with the Timeways Dragon sculptures, and the giant crown looking thing with light pillars in the background. In that pic, there are black containers with red lids on them. They look like the same containers found in the pic of the warehouse that everyone is questioning right now.

    Can anyone post them together or compare how they look? That’s was the ONE thing in that warehouse pic that made it look real to me.
    @Marlamin ?

    (Sorry to tag/annoy you, but I recognize that you’re much more literate than me in this forum and computer stuff in general lol)
    Last edited by Ebonn; 2023-10-30 at 10:34 PM.

  12. #42912
    Quote Originally Posted by seainma View Post
    Ooh that would be cool. I can totaly see a time travel expansion with our new relationship with the Infinite... well with one infinite at least. Messing with the timeways could get us on the Titans bad side. Being able to see the old Black Empire would be awesome or maybe each zone is a different point in time..
    That would be awesome except people hated how the zones were disconnected in SL so I dont know how they get around that and have them all be at different points in time. I wouldn't mind and I'd love that personally but I don't see them trying that again for a while but who knows.

  13. #42913
    Quote Originally Posted by Demonly View Post
    This is the portal effect you're seeing above it. Notice the tree also wiggles too.

    if that is all it is, it is weirdly animated imo. shouldn't all other things near the center of the portal be barely distorted like the tower is? yet the "spined wall" and "tentacle" are definitely being distorted in ways that defy explanation from just a portal effect imo. maybe I'm seeing things, but I don't find that satisfactory

  14. #42914
    Quote Originally Posted by Leowyld View Post
    What happened to the bombshell?
    Writing it up and compiling all the evidence.

    Give you a teaser, the original website leaker has been banned, the secondary user who posted the zones is not, and there's some other fishy things along side why the original website leak teased two zones showing 1 character in game, and 1 drawn character. A lot of things that point towards it being a poorly setup leak.

  15. #42915
    Quote Originally Posted by Demonly View Post
    Also, this is inside the other music video too.

    that is definitely it, I hadn't seen that other video at all. that 100% clears it up

  16. #42916
    Quote Originally Posted by blaatschaap View Post
    if that is all it is, it is weirdly animated imo. shouldn't all other things near the center of the portal be barely distorted like the tower is? yet the "spined wall" and "tentacle" are definitely being distorted in ways that defy explanation from just a portal effect imo. maybe I'm seeing things, but I don't find that satisfactory
    The tree is being distorted 100% it's probably just portal effect, this is the night theme in the other video too, so nothing new that we can't see a big photo of.

  17. #42917
    Quote Originally Posted by KayRule View Post
    Yeah, I felt like all of the items you find in Kalec's WQ where you dive in the pools are hints for a future expansion.
    Similar to the bfa island items that are currently almost completely used I think

  18. #42918
    I keep checking 4chan (gods have mercy on my soul) and this just dropped. Take it with a gigaton of salt, it's 4chan...


    No Avaloren. The expansion is actually a world revamp, but only of the Eastern Kingdoms, not Kalimdor.

    Six zones, five made up of merged EK zones, and Khaz Algar, which the "leaker" compares to Suramar.

    Khaz Algar is located deep beneath EK via a giant fissure.

    New race: Algarians, basically playable elementals that use the dwarf skeleton. Storm, Earth and Fire Algarians are playable, but no water ones (but a Vashj'ir revamp is patch content so maybe they'll show up there).

    Lots and lots of new character customization options

    New demon hunter spec: Torment. A mid-range DPS that uses a scythe (but not as an equipable weapon, leaker compares it to outlaw rogue's pistol). Leaker doesn't think its a support spec.

    Shaman for every race, including dracthyr. No idea about druids.

    No player housing.

    The new big gameplay system is a redesign of glyphs that work like a talent tree "but in depth changes for spells."

    No faction specific content in EK, everything's neutral now with a big focus on race specific content, like racial talent trees.

    Both the glyph and race talent trees are "not power related."
    Khaz Algar is "very very deep and far" beneath the EK. You access it via "super speed dragonriding."
    Algarians don't look like dwarves, they're very different to the point it's hard to tell they use the same skeleton

    As far as the leaker knows, Iridikron, Azshara, Xal'atath, and Denathrius (someone asked if any of them would show up) are NOT in the expansion.


    Just putting it out here.
    Last edited by Gwynvael; 2023-10-30 at 10:37 PM. Reason: formating

  19. #42919
    48 49 48 49 48 48 48 48 32 48 49 49 49 48 48 49 48 32 48 49 49 48 49 48 48 49 32 48 49 49 49 48 48 49 49 32 48 49 49 48 49 49 49 49 32 48 49 49 48 49 49 49 48 32 48 48 49 48 48 48 48 48 32 48 49 49 48 49 49 49 49 32 48 49 49 48 48 49 49 48 32 48 48 49 48 48 48 48 48 32 48 49 48 48 49 48 49 49 32 48 49 49 48 49 48 48 48 32 48 49 49 48 48 48 48 49 32 48 49 49 49 49 48 49 48

  20. #42920
    Brewmaster Leowyld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gwynvael View Post
    I keep checking 4chan (gods have mercy on my soul) and this just dropped. Take it with a gigaton of salt, it's 4chan...


    No Avaloren. The expansion is actually a world revamp, but only of the Eastern Kingdoms, not Kalimdor.

    Six zones, five made up of merged EK zones, and Khaz Algar, which the "leaker" compares to Suramar.

    Khaz Algar is located deep beneath EK via a giant fissure.

    New race: Algarians, basically playable elementals that use the dwarf skeleton. Storm, Earth and Fire Algarians are playable, but no water ones (but a Vashj'ir revamp is patch content so maybe they'll show up there).

    Lots and lots of new character customization options

    New demon hunter spec: Torment. A mid-range DPS that uses a scythe (but not as an equipable weapon, leaker compares it to outlaw rogue's pistol). Leaker doesn't think its a support spec.

    Shaman for every race, including dracthyr. No idea about druids.

    No player housing.

    The new big gameplay system is a redesign of glyphs that work like a talent tree "but in depth changes for spells."

    No faction specific content in EK, everything's neutral now with a big focus on race specific content, like racial talent trees.

    Both the glyph and race talent trees are "not power related."
    Khaz Algar is "very very deep and far" beneath the EK. You access it via "super speed dragonriding."
    Algarians don't look like dwarves, they're very different to the point it's hard to tell they use the same skeleton

    As far as the leaker knows, Iridikron, Azshara, Xal'atath, and Denathrius (someone asked if any of them would show up) are NOT in the expansion.

    Just putting it out here.
    This sounds very similar to other "leaks" we have had recently. I remember the revamp for just EK. And racial talent trees. Some other stuff, too. Last time I had that feeling, we had the whole Algarstorms/SoA situation.
    Cosmic greetings, all, I'm the Raccoonatic Commander!
    Leowyld of Emerald Dream-US

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