I keep complaining about Avaloren, but here's the thing - it could be good, we just can't have a gang of literal who's leading an expansion
WoD and Legion have the best levelling story simply because it's a constant stream of familiar faces
Shadowlands and Dragonflight, most people you meet are entirely new and it's hard to give a fuck frankly - just imo
I'm always waiting for a Bolvar moment, and I mean that literally. Seriously, where was his moment? Where was his wrath!?
But yes, I agree. If we don't get any more leaks until the day of BlizzCon, those last few hours leading up to the Opening Ceremony should be interesting as that's usually when the real leaks start dropping.
Who should be the "main focus" of the 11.0 cinematic (in your opinion)?
No idea why yall are stuck on SoA. The dude just reposted the D4 leak from the 2.0 build that apparently wasnt properly encrypted...
"We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
— G.K. Chesterton, 1926
The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
— Antonin Artaud, 1956
World of Warcraft: Covenant of Crimson Knights
Eastern Kingdoms and Lordaeron revamp
Paladin for all races
new races ogres and high elves (unique skeletons)
main villains scarlet crusade
class skin glyphs
Impossible to have a genuinely good guess until we wrap up 10.2
I'd imagine Iridikron is going to show up; perhaps he reappears at a big alliance and horde event like an anniversary of the fourth war ending - that way you could give every major leader screen time which would be amazing
We really need to see more than Orcs, Humans and Dark Rangers in cinematics
I wanna see Muradin, Jaina and Lor'themar in one for once
I hope we go to "alternate universe" Avaloren. That would make sense for why the images look the way they do. Then, we can go to the REAL Avaloren sometime in the future.