1. #43341
    oh god theyre competing!

  2. #43342
    Quote Originally Posted by workworkzugzug View Post
    i have no reason to make you all believe me. i came in here, said i am working on the set, saw a banner i didn't recognize as a player of the game, asked if it rang a bell to anyone and have been trying to make sense of it since. and have since been discussing working on these events. that is all. i know fuck all about 11.0. all i know is this banner i thought looked very unique.

    i don't wanna risk my job for something you'll see like 4 days from now.
    What banner?

  3. #43343
    Quote Originally Posted by Well Done Steak View Post
    What banner?
    It's just a description. Knaifu looking smug and evil holding something that is circular like a planet in her hands

  4. #43344
    Brewmaster Leowyld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Well Done Steak View Post
    What banner?
    Ask uxyra, who is back online. They seemed to know about it, too.
    Cosmic greetings, all, I'm the Raccoonatic Commander!
    Leowyld of Emerald Dream-US

  5. #43345
    Quote Originally Posted by Ferlion View Post
    It's just a description. Knaifu looking smug and evil holding something that is circular like a planet in her hands
    Or maybe the Iridikron disc?

  6. #43346
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    I’m not buying the notion of a new neutral race right after Dracthyr. In fact I completely buy the notion of no new race at all.

    A new class or set of specs is VERY possible though if Blizzard wants to buoy Augvoker. I don’t believe they’re going to make Augvoker pure DPS, and I don’t see them allowing the spec to be the only support option. I see Blizzard doubling down on the support concept, even to the point of creating a new 4th support role.

  7. #43347
    Mechagnome Myrrh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northelim View Post
    If you do not want to risk your job, then why are you here in the first place already talking about what you saw? That doesn't make sense, you've already put yourself at some sort of risk.
    There's a measure of difference between talking unverified shit on a backwater forum and taking photographic evidence to back that up which, even without displaying the claims themselves, would still provide metadata with which to assist in identifying OP should the right people wish to. I'm not saying they're defs legit, but their actions and explanations are not incompatible.

    Quote Originally Posted by Well Done Steak View Post
    What banner?
    Check their post history. tl;dr sounds like Xal.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    I’m not buying the notion of a new neutral race right after Dracthyr. In fact I completely buy the notion of no new race at all.

    A new class or set of specs is VERY possible though if Blizzard wants to buoy Augvoker. I don’t believe they’re going to make Augvoker pure DPS. I see Blizzard doubling down on the support concept, even to the point of creating a new 4th support role.
    This tracks, definitely expecting to hear at least 1-2 new support specs pop up. Possibly some more non-support 4th specs as well to keep things fresh.

  8. #43348
    Quote Originally Posted by Leowyld View Post
    Ask uxyra, who is back online. They seemed to know about it, too.
    Just as zugzug went offline, what a weird coincidence

  9. #43349
    Brewmaster Leowyld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krakerz View Post
    Just as zugzug went offline, what a weird coincidence
    I know, right?
    Cosmic greetings, all, I'm the Raccoonatic Commander!
    Leowyld of Emerald Dream-US

  10. #43350
    Quote Originally Posted by kavikor View Post
    Im waiting for the "groundbreaking" evidence thats supposed to prove the images wrong
    Those images are so fake plz we don't discuss them anymore


  11. #43351
    The security IS tighter, and there's more people handling WoW inventory than the set workers. The banner has been around a bit and apparently for test fitting purposes.
    But I am not gonna work myself up for the right to have the Truth on the Internet. Just know that we all are doing our best to give you all a wonderful experience at BlizzCon this year!

  12. #43352
    Well. I'm going to go to bed.

    I expect to see the winner of the fight to the death wearing the others skin as a pelt when I log back in tomorrow.

  13. #43353
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    He is also switching keyboards cause this one uses capitals.

  14. #43354
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinksocking View Post
    Those images are so fake plz we don't discuss them anymore
    I will discuss them until we have something better!

  15. #43355
    Hey guys!

    I found the real expansion trailer! It's titled "SoA" too!

  16. #43356
    The Patient
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    I’m not buying the notion of a new neutral race right after Dracthyr. In fact I completely buy the notion of no new race at all.

    A new class or set of specs is VERY possible though if Blizzard wants to buoy Augvoker. I don’t believe they’re going to make Augvoker pure DPS, and I don’t see them allowing the spec to be the only support option. I see Blizzard doubling down on the support concept, even to the point of creating a new 4th support role.
    As much as I hate to…. Big agree here.

    I’ll add that I don’t think they would add a new class either, especially if they add a couple new specs. They wouldn’t need to. A few new specs would be better than a new class imo.

  17. #43357
    Quote Originally Posted by Merryck View Post
    I wish the lore around Argus and the Draenei was explored more. Did the Draenei know they were living on a world soul? Surely their priests would've sensed it.
    Me too. Their entire society was built on making use of what appears to be the Argus equivalent of Azerite, and I find it hard to believe not a single one of them had any idea that they were using their planet's blood. At least it goes a way to explain why they're one of the most powerful species in the universe.

    I wonder if it's just that all of the elements and cosmic forces were miraculously well-balanced on Argus which resulted in a placid worldsoul with a great excess of "blood". In that case I would expect most if not all of the animals there to evolve into sentient species, but for some reason we're only aware of draenei and their relatives. Did they kill all of the others, hoard the Argunite, and create a magical utopia? Was Velen part of this, or was he born after it?

    I hope if we get a cosmic void expansion that we get some insight.

  18. #43358
    The Patient
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    Quote Originally Posted by Viridiel View Post
    Me too. Their entire society was built on making use of what appears to be the Argus equivalent of Azerite, and I find it hard to believe not a single one of them had any idea that they were using their planet's blood. At least it goes a way to explain why they're one of the most powerful species in the universe.

    I wonder if it's just that all of the elements and cosmic forces were miraculously well-balanced on Argus which resulted in a placid worldsoul with a great excess of "blood". In that case I would expect most if not all of the animals there to evolve into sentient species, but for some reason we're only aware of draenei and their relatives. Did they kill all of the others, hoard the Argunite, and create a magical utopia? Was Velen part of this, or was he born after it?

    I hope if we get a cosmic void expansion that we get some insight.
    I would absolutely love to explore more of this in an expansion or patch! I vaguely remember a quest along the way talking about the Draenei and Argus’ world soul that implied at least some of them knew about it, but I can’t provide a source, I couldn’t remember where it would be even if I tried, and it’s also possible I’m just remembering reverence they had for their planet.

    Either way, definitely would love to learn more about their history pre-Burning Legion.

  19. #43359
    Quote Originally Posted by Demonly View Post
    Hey guys!

    I found the real expansion trailer! It's titled "SoA" too!

    Interesting. I would be happy if they really did the "all post-BfA is N'Zoth's dream" reset.

  20. #43360
    As for the little I've seen myself of the banners, after checking the ingame model, it does seem to be Xal'atath. The hair checks out, even if longer than ingame. Probably getting a unique ingame model if it proves to be her. Faire stuff is being worked on for now, so will probably will have to wait until Thursday for more stuff to go in. Make that what you will, I'm not here to argue with someone that seems to believe he works alone in the entire Center, including set work and logistics.

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