1. #4301
    New race capital cities would only make sense if there is content in them or in reach around them so you have a reason to be there.

  2. #4302
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellspawn View Post
    New race capital cities would only make sense if there is content in them or in reach around them so you have a reason to be there.
    I mean I would hang out in silvermoon if it was updated, but the only thing that blocks you from doing that is either, no AH, no portals or no other logical reasons to be there. (Ofc no flying there)

    Idk, there is content and still loads of quests in Valdraken, You still wont find me there often. There for example has never been a good replacement for durotar, people still duel there 15 years later.

  3. #4303
    This mini-cinematic pretty much spoiled that the New World Tree won't be a city. They aren't going to make two models for the tree, and this one is still growing with an obvious zone portal in the middle.

    Unless the new city is located WITHIN the Dream, this probably won't ever be the new Nelf city. I think it's more likely they never receive a capital OR it's a future version of Nordrassil, which is in a very good spot for old world Dragonriding and has tons of lore significance to the Nelves.

    I do admit theres a tiny possibility the city is located within the dream. Would make sense as a defense mechanism.

  4. #4304
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I do admit theres a tiny possibility the city is located within the dream. Would make sense as a defense mechanism.
    More as a questing area.
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  5. #4305
    Quote Originally Posted by Super Dickmann View Post
    More as a questing area.
    Or both, like Suramar. The questing zone will 100000000% be the Dream instead of a New Tree (this was set up by the leaked icon already) but if there's a hub in the Dream, it could be Darnassus 2.

    I think the moral of the story is that we are never getting a Real Tree City in this game's engine.

  6. #4306
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Sure they can innovate, but I would rather like they focus on new stuff/places with some updates to old content. They seem to prefer doing that over revamping old stuff, anyway.
    I understand but disagree. New places are cool. But they have a life span of 2 years and then get abandoned to collect dust. I would be nice for cities to become evergreen content.

    That said, I don't think we are getting a Night Elf capital again anyway. Or a cleansed Undercity. Its just something to dangle out there as a loose end.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    This mini-cinematic pretty much spoiled that the New World Tree won't be a city. They aren't going to make two models for the tree, and this one is still growing with an obvious zone portal in the middle.

    Unless the new city is located WITHIN the Dream, this probably won't ever be the new Nelf city. I think it's more likely they never receive a capital OR it's a future version of Nordrassil, which is in a very good spot for old world Dragonriding and has tons of lore significance to the Nelves.

    I do admit theres a tiny possibility the city is located within the dream. Would make sense as a defense mechanism.
    Depends if its even a model in the first place. Nordrassil in the cinematics doesn't match in-game representation either.

  7. #4307
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    I understand but disagree. New places are cool. But they have a life span of 2 years and then get abandoned to collect dust. I would be nice for cities to become evergreen content.

    That said, I don't think we are getting a Night Elf capital again anyway. Or a cleansed Undercity. Its just something to dangle out there as a loose end.
    Danuser did specifically reference retaking Gilneas as "something they would want players to do" so I think that cities are something they're thinking about, but only forwhen it's relevant (expansions that feature the main continents again).

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    Depends if its even a model in the first place. Nordrassil in the cinematics doesn't match in-game representation either.

    This could be the model for a future expansion though. There are some other HD textures used in that cinematic that don't match current Hyjal.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also just realized that Vyranoth going after the tree was foreshadowed by the Drakonid traitor in the Ysera quest also being ice themed.

  8. #4308
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Given they never delivered WC3 Night Elves in WoW, they might as well.
    They did deliever, they just aren't going to be the xenophobic idiots that they were in WCIII. They changed
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  9. #4309
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    They did deliever, they just aren't going to be the xenophobic idiots that they were in WCIII. They changed
    Au contraire, they only "delivered" by giving them an edgier aesthetic (briefly) and doing nothing to remedy the actual problems with their portrayal present since Vanilla. Their being in the Alliance to begin with was a contrivance of the faction system and constituted a race-wide character derailment in whole.

  10. #4310
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    You say they cut half the elemental planes. But really the only one we didn't properly see was the Abyssal Maw. And Vashj'ir already did most of what would be interesting with an underwater area anyways.
    And though the Air Elemental place was just a dungeon I fel like we got the general gist of the place plenty.

    Also wasn't Antorus supposed to be where Kil'jaedens palace was anyways? We just didn't see his actual throneroom.
    I would have liked to see more of Argus for sure, but only really in the sense that I wanted to see more of Mac'aree/Eredath. I could do with much less of the generic green and black hellscape (felscape?). Which makes having more of Argus kinda difficult. Maybe in an ideal world where 7.2 was a bigger Eredath, and 7.3 was Antoran Wastes and the interior of some less green and black palace.

    - - - Updated - - -

    If I were to guess what something like this would look like, then I would say that only Nelves get to use it anyways.
    Well, the air plane was prolly the best looking design wise and could have been a really cool flying only zone (or with modern gameplay a jumping puzzle one haha), so it's sad that all we got for it were a few platforms. The dungeon was cool (and I'm super looking forward to it's m+ version next month <3), but I would have prefered a full zone to go with it.

    Vashjir was a generic elf ruin underwater zone but that's not what I expected from an elemental plane.

    I don't think Antorus was supposed to be Kil'jaedens palace but Sargeras' throne aswell as the core of the planet. Argus was already "more than just generic green and black hellscape" so I think it could have worked *if* they could have managed to stick to the "one year per expansion" plan, with just two tiers. Imagine KJ's palace to be a bit like a Black Temple 2.0 with corrupted eredar crystal look as opposed to Antorus' legion look, placed at the heart of Eredath. Maybe have the forces of the void invade there at the start of the raid to get a thematical breath especially after Tomb of Sargeras. They even could have used a main universe Yrel as (end)boss, confirming the initial WoD tease of her being his daughter. That said I agree that a propper 4-5 season expansion would have been hard to set on Argus alone.
    Last edited by Lady Atia; 2023-04-20 at 01:43 PM.

  11. #4311
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    They did deliever, they just aren't going to be the xenophobic idiots that they were in WCIII. They changed
    If they don't have the xenophobia, the aggression, their nature allies, their gender roles are moot, their nocturnal nature is dead letter and they are a vassal kingdom to a child from across the sea they never met throughout the RTS, they reflect nill of the night elf racial identity from the RTS except being purple.
    Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.

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  12. #4312
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Though the truly Blizzard thing to do to the NElfs is not to have Fyrakk burn it; that's just a troll move that's hilarious and they don't manage that. Nah it would be for Vyranoth or Fyrakk to somehow compromise the Dream and the Elves to sacrifice the seed to save the Dream from collapsing.
    Ah, bleak reality.

  13. #4313
    Would be funny if the arc is Nelves saying "wait our home is Kalimdor not a tree" at the end. Which is true and would also piss plenty of people off.

    Maybe the tree just rezzes a bunch of Nelves instead?

  14. #4314

  15. #4315
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Would be funny if the arc is Nelves saying "wait our home is Kalimdor not a tree" at the end. Which is true and would also piss plenty of people off.

    Maybe the tree just rezzes a bunch of Nelves instead?
    ...I guess they could, I just don't see that happening...but then again I wasn't expecting the Emerald Dream being speculated about in 10.0

    And off topic but I'm sorry but if people expected Nelfs to still be the same Xenophobic jerks, thats stupid. All Im gonna say.
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  16. #4316
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    I mean I would hang out in silvermoon if it was updated, but the only thing that blocks you from doing that is either, no AH, no portals or no other logical reasons to be there. (Ofc no flying there)

    Idk, there is content and still loads of quests in Valdraken, You still wont find me there often. There for example has never been a good replacement for durotar, people still duel there 15 years later.
    Me too, but I think most people won't. Even on RP servers most capitals were usually pretty empty.

  17. #4317
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Well, the air plane was prolly the best looking design wise and could have been a really cool flying only zone (or with modern gameplay a jumping puzzle one haha), so it's sad that all we got for it were a few platforms. The dungeon was cool (and I'm super looking forward to it's m+ version next month <3), but I would have prefered a full zone to go with it.

    Vashjir was a generic elf ruin underwater zone but that's not what I expected from an elemental plane.

    I don't think Antorus was supposed to be Kil'jaedens palace but Sargeras' throne aswell as the core of the planet. Argus was already "more than just generic green and black hellscape" so I think it could have worked *if* they could have managed to stick to the "one year per expansion" plan, with just two tiers. Imagine KJ's palace to be a bit like a Black Temple 2.0 with corrupted eredar crystal look as opposed to Antorus' legion look, placed at the heart of Eredath. Maybe have the forces of the void invade there at the start of the raid to get a thematical breath especially after Tomb of Sargeras. They even could have used a main universe Yrel as (end)boss, confirming the initial WoD tease of her being his daughter. That said I agree that a propper 4-5 season expansion would have been hard to set on Argus alone.
    Vashj'ir had one big prominent Nelf ruin. It was hardly all there was. The lower are surrounding the Abyssal Maw entrance I don't think had any Nelf ruins at all. The only real difference between that and the scrapped abyssal maw was the big boss platforms and Nepulons palace.

    I still think a flying only zone is fundamentally flawed, so i don't think Skywall being a big empty skybkx with some scattered platforms would have been all that exciting honestly. Though maybe it would be someone's wet dream.

    I will have to agree on the one year expansion angle for Argus. Though really that isn't a whole lot different from my idea that Argus could have been spread over two large patches in Legion.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  18. #4318
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Would be funny if the arc is Nelves saying "wait our home is Kalimdor not a tree" at the end. Which is true and would also piss plenty of people off.

    Maybe the tree just rezzes a bunch of Nelves instead?
    Wouldn't be a bad arc so long as they actually gain something for once instead of continually lose. That and they have a clear identity and direction for their race that isn't defined by being victims of the story.

    Teldrassil was never really anything sacred to the Night Elves like Nordrassil and Mount Hyjal. The crime was always the tens of thousands of Night Elves who were burnt alive and then sent to WoW hell. The tree itself is kind of insignificant in comparison.

  19. #4319
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    Wouldn't be a bad arc so long as they actually gain something for once instead of continually lose. That and they have a clear identity and direction for their race that isn't defined by being victims of the story.

    Teldrassil was never really anything sacred to the Night Elves like Nordrassil and Mount Hyjal. The crime was always the tens of thousands of Night Elves who were burnt alive and then sent to WoW hell. The tree itself is kind of insignificant in comparison.
    I think if people would have been more knowledge and were invested like they were after a few years of WoW they would have disliked the idea of Teldrassil.

  20. #4320
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellspawn View Post
    I think if people would have been more knowledge and were invested like they were after a few years of WoW they would have disliked the idea of Teldrassil.
    Teldrassil was set up as a bad idea as early as day one with Fandral doing his thing. But narrative wise Hyjal makes much more sense as their home.

    Sadly, I don't think that if Hyjal/Nordrassil is chosen that it will be a tree city.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    Wouldn't be a bad arc so long as they actually gain something for once instead of continually lose. That and they have a clear identity and direction for their race that isn't defined by being victims of the story.

    Teldrassil was never really anything sacred to the Night Elves like Nordrassil and Mount Hyjal. The crime was always the tens of thousands of Night Elves who were burnt alive and then sent to WoW hell. The tree itself is kind of insignificant in comparison.
    Teldrassil isn't -that- important to the Nelf culture but it is to the players and new story. This will cause a rift with the writers and the players.

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