1. #43561
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    The argument that makes sense, at least to me. Is that dividing them up allows the developers to use all the zones effectively, and it just most of them. It also allows for patch zones or endgame zones in addition to the existing ones without too much issue like what happened in Cataclysm.
    Sure, but again, there needs to be a story attached to it. Something like the Scourge ravaging through Eastern Kingdoms -> revamp material. Or something like the Quiraj spreading over Kalimdor and Old God influence everywhere -> Kalimdor revamp. But right now we’re simply missing that storyline. Why would it take place after Dragonflight anyway?

    I guess they could just cut off Lordaeron from the rest of EK and then revamp it, at least that would still make sense to do it step by step. But otherwise I have a hard time imagining why a revamp is even necessary or explained when there’s no world-shattering event is going on (which should have been Sargeras stabbing Azeroth, by the way).
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  2. #43562
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    I feel like people saying this is "clearly AI" aren't all that familiar with the current capabilities of AI image generators. I admit that there are parts that look off, but this is anything but "clearly AI". It's possible they've trained a custom model capable of mimicking WoW screenshots accurately, sure, but I personally think there's some in-engine work involved here.

    I don't think it's real though, the skybox looks awful for a modern WoW expansion.
    Yeah but are all the people dumb to don't know how to take a proper screen?

  3. #43563
    Quote Originally Posted by Hansworst View Post
    In my opinion or head for that matter, the revamp shouldn't be for 1-60 leveling. We have other continents for that now. It should be revamped for pre endgame leveling and designed in such a way future expansions can also make extensive use of those zones. It's gonna be harder and harder to shoehorn unexplored continents in. And to keep going to alien worlds would also can get kinda fatiguing.
    I'd argue that's too confusing to anyone new. You step out of Stormwind city and whoops, endgame material, a random wolf one-shots you for the sheer audacity to step outside of town. That's not exactly a good player experience.

    On that fatigue thing, it absolutely would be kinda fatiguing for endgame to just be stuff we visited over 20 years ago. We need something new to draw people in. I already have access to all of Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, and Cata showed that you get the revamped world regardless if you buy the expansion, its just the new zones. Why should I buy the expansion if its endgame is just stuff I've had access to for almost 20 years at this point?

  4. #43564
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by locketto View Post
    Yeah but are all the people dumb to don't know how to take a proper screen?
    I mean, have you been on the internet lately? Print Screen is lost knowledge to this new generation.

  5. #43565
    Immortal Shadochi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    It certainly looks more like what you would expect from a features trailer shot though, so it has that going for it.

    Hope it isn't true though, I still want to believe in the world revamp.
    World revamp could still happen.

    If that latest snap is real, I gotta say I love that design more than the 4 zones we've seen so far (even tho it is probably the same zone like the one with Avalorne continent written over it)
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  6. #43566
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demonly View Post
    Does anyone have any data on the buildings up there?

  7. #43567
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    Sure, but again, there needs to be a story attached to it. Something like the Scourge ravaging through Eastern Kingdoms -> revamp material. Or something like the Quiraj spreading over Kalimdor and Old God influence everywhere -> Kalimdor revamp. But right now we’re simply missing that storyline. Why would it take place after Dragonflight anyway?

    I guess they could just cut off Lordaeron from the rest of EK and then revamp it, at least that would still make sense to do it step by step. But otherwise I have a hard time imagining why a revamp is even necessary or explained when there’s no world-shattering event is going on (which should have been Sargeras stabbing Azeroth, by the way).
    There has been such a long time since we spent significant time in the zones that you could easily just make it about checking up on whatever. That was basically what Cataclysm did.

    For specific storylines though we have the Dark Iron cultists for EK, so that would be a strong reason to come back.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  8. #43568
    Quote Originally Posted by Harbour View Post
    what is this?
    Probably already answered:

    ASCII to text:

    01010000 01110010 01101001 01110011 01101111 01101110 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01001011 01101000 01100001 01111010
    Binary to text:

    Prison of Khaz

  9. #43569
    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    ...Blizzard plays everything extremely close to the chest because of how poor reception has been in the past when things that are in development don't make the cut.

    This isn't even hopium. This is...sky-high expectations I can't comprehend.
    Speaking only about the reveals, they've all been pretty lackluster since BFA. Granted, the BFA cinematic was bonkers, and the battle for Lordaeron was a pretty cool event in game. While Shadowlands cinematic was a great fight, and the helm of domination being shattered was unexpected, the feature trailer had me interested only for the Venthyr's aesthetics. Coppola's Dracula vibe had me going.
    But Dragonflight felt sanitized, with no real hook in. And the feature trailer was empty, because having the talent tree revamp only reminded me how far the game had strayed away from the base elements of what made me like the game in the first place.

    So i'm not having much hope left for a great reveal, but if i had to make a wishlist, i'd ask for
    1) an evergreen system that can be renewed each expansion (like FFXIV legendary weapons). Something expected with unknown elements. But something that could be used right off the gates, and could be also worked on during the course of the expansion or the season. Doesn't have to be something power related, even.
    2) A good story and a delivery of said story. Give me something to care about, something i'll be happy to log into. I'll never get the feeling i got when i first created an UD and stepped out of the burial. But i'd like to feel like the story matters, or that there are elements to are about.

  10. #43570
    Quote Originally Posted by Mecheon View Post
    I'd argue that's too confusing to anyone new. You step out of Stormwind city and whoops, endgame material, a random wolf one-shots you for the sheer audacity to step outside of town. That's not exactly a good player experience.

    On that fatigue thing, it absolutely would be kinda fatiguing for endgame to just be stuff we visited over 20 years ago. We need something new to draw people in. I already have access to all of Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, and Cata showed that you get the revamped world regardless if you buy the expansion, its just the new zones. Why should I buy the expansion if its endgame is just stuff I've had access to for almost 20 years at this point?
    Because the stuff in those zones is new, and the zones look more vibrant than before.

    It's revamped content, and some people will not be into it. But there are equally also people who would absolutely love the chance to see the zones be relevant again, and more importantly have content.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  11. #43571
    Quote Originally Posted by keelr View Post
    DALL E 3 really can generate wow screenshot like images. You just need to try a couple times.
    Do you have an example? It's always easy to claim these pictures as AI just like a ton of people did with the 4 zone pics, yet no1 has provided something that comes even close.

    I'm not saying this one picture above is real, I'm just interested in seeing what a DALL E 3 pic would look like if its so easy.

  12. #43572
    Quote Originally Posted by Nicks188 View Post

    Not sure if this has been posted. Super random /shrug
    Probably talking about being back as a narrative leader. Good as in hes back in a world he loves and wrong as in taking a leadership role from someone. That's just my interpretation though.

  13. #43573
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mecheon View Post
    I'd argue that's too confusing to anyone new. You step out of Stormwind city and whoops, endgame material, a random wolf one-shots you for the sheer audacity to step outside of town. That's not exactly a good player experience.
    Getting one-shotted isn't an issue anymore with scaling is it? And the second oldest leveling path through Chromie time is through the Cata zones. I do wonder how many people choose those for leveling nowadays.

    In endgame we barely set foot in any of those zones since Cata I think?

  14. #43574
    Quote Originally Posted by Harbour View Post
    I wont be surprised if the World Revamp would be the result of US going back in time to play around WC3 events
    i remember before DF there were rumours of time travel expansion about pre-Arthas fall world, with alive Sylvanas etc
    for sometime now i think that a timetravel world revamp might be the way to go. The question is just what time frame. I mean, it could be set during late WC3 up to pre-Classic era. Which has a lot of interesting things to see and be part of. I mean at this time, WC3 is over 20 years ago, many newer player never saw that story. And it can cover a lot of the stories we never saw in game. Like Varians time as a gladiator, the establishing of the Forsaken in the horde and so on.

  15. #43575
    If the show floor is going to have the same portals as the video, sure seems likely that will have some cinematics playing as a showcase

  16. #43576
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    for sometime now i think that a timetravel world revamp might be the way to go. The question is just what time frame. I mean, it could be set during late WC3 up to pre-Classic era. Which has a lot of interesting things to see and be part of. I mean at this time, WC3 is over 20 years ago, many newer player never saw that story. And it can cover a lot of the stories we never saw in game. Like Varians time as a gladiator, the establishing of the Forsaken in the horde and so on.
    Tbf, this would work quite well. You can even start between WC2 and 3. Revamped EK, no need for revamped Kalimdor (yet)

  17. #43577
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gwynvael View Post
    Probably talking about being back as a narrative leader. Good as in hes back in a world he loves and wrong as in taking a leadership role from someone. That's just my interpretation though.
    Reading too deep into it, he is literally just saying that regarding the Orc Thor art by Sam for the end of Orctober (I think its Sam's art challenge for Inktober)
    #1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread

  18. #43578
    Quote Originally Posted by Gwynvael View Post
    Probably talking about being back as a narrative leader. Good as in hes back in a world he loves and wrong as in taking a leadership role from someone. That's just my interpretation though.
    He's talking about a piece of art Samwise posted that he's replying to, and you can't see because you're not logged in.

  19. #43579
    Quote Originally Posted by Hansworst View Post
    Getting one-shotted isn't an issue anymore with scaling is it? And the second oldest leveling path through Chromie time is through the Cata zones. I do wonder how many people choose those for leveling nowadays.

    In endgame we barely set foot in any of those zones since Cata I think?
    You could also for that matter just not have Elwynn as an endgame zone. It's not like that zone demands some climactic endgame story centered around Hogger.

    It's a single zone less than a quarter the size of a modern zone. It's not different from having, say, the instances Algeth'ar academy be devoid of any hostile mobs.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  20. #43580
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pacotaco View Post
    Probably already answered:

    ASCII to text:

    Binary to text:
    Prison of Khaz? Does that make any sense?

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