All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.
I don't really get the issue with having the tree in the Dragon isles when the end of shadowlands already hints to this. They're looking for a place where it can grow safely hidden from danger and Merithra is the one to know the right place. We'll see if there are some interesting stories to be told for the tree after this cinematic but honestly that could be the end of the thread.
How is it not true?
Hyjal and its surroundings have been the home for the Night elves since before they even became elves.
They are quite literally as well as figuratively from that region, and they have never ever left it.
That individual characters are born in places other than Hyjal does not change that fact.
Formerly known as Arafal
I can ofc only speak for myself. There is indeed no logical problem or a problem in the story plot leading to this. But that the dragon isles will prbly be irrelevant once the next xpac comes (if we aren't hit by an asteroid by then :P). Just all races have their capitals on the old zones and you can go there by flight master except the night elves being locked in the dragon isles. At least this is my problem, UNLESS they finally manage to utilize the dragon isles to play a role in the future, which I highly doubt.
I mean why couldn't the story be that the night elves slaughter half of the orcs on kalimdor and grow their tree right in their orc faces? Which would make the night elves ofc the baddies. Would be a lot more interesting, in my opinion. Also it makes all those dozens of little night elf hubs completely strange in the old zones. I won't count them all but there are really a lot of them. Also, there is a high change that I am wrong and it all turns out to be fine.
Also, when the Oracle in Zereth Mortis was first activated, she spoke in different languages related to cosmic forces before she found one the player understood:
She is calling for Vessel in different languages. Titanic is clearly Order, Demonic is Disorder, and Aht'Yar is Void. Dunno if it was the Language of Death or First Ones the PC finally understood, but the Dragonic here is interesting. Of the two remaining options, Draconic being the langauge of Life makes more sense than for it to be Light language.The player is seen lifting from the ground. The haze is thicker than ever, and there are now clear patterns pulsating around the screen. Saezurah is seen floating in the tunnel out of Exile's Hollow. Her voice is an echoing whisper.
Saezurah says: (Titanic) Midnir.
The player begins to float after her. The screen flashes and the scene changes, showing Saezurah floating over Faith's Repose just outside. Her voice becomes louder and clearer.
Saezurah says: (Draconic) Rethul.
Another flash and scenery change: the Great Veldt.
Saezurah says: (Demonic) Kasharu.
The road near the Terrace of Formation.
Saezurah says: (Shath'Yar) An'qoth.
Zovaal's Grasp. Her voice is very clear now. The camera drastically zooms in on her head.
Saezurah says: Vessel.
The camera cuts to the player's face.
Saezurah says: Vessel.
And back to the oracle.
Saezurah says: Vessel.
Saezurah guides the player to the Resonant Peaks and shows them a closed vault at the top.
Saezurah says: Dormant above the sands.
Saezurah says: The song seeks a voice.
Saezurah says: Ascend.
Saezurah says: Reclaim.
Saezurah says: Restore.
Also telling of the nature of the First Ones that she first spoke in Titanic.
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And those early build screenshots are just done with generic Ohn'aran plains tree model. Probably just to get the sense of scale for the proper tree. Proper Ardenweald and Dream blessed tree will look even better.
The issue is that the new tree is supposed to be the new Night Elf capital/main hub, and Dragon Isles has nothing to do with the Night Elf/Kal'dorei civilization. This new World Tree will be just another random World Tree like Andrassil/Vordrassil and Shaladrassil.
The only hope left now is if we get some confirmation that the Night Elves took Nordrassil to be their new capital/main hub, and it's no longer neutral. That would be a good exchange, even if it's not displayed ingame.
Because there's no point to it other then to satisfy bloodthirsty nelf fans who quite frankly need to take a step back. I also don't think Nelves would appreciate being made the baddies either(I don't want that either, more rabbid fans would take that negatively even if they got their home back) in Kalimdor and did what you suggested. I would also like to point out before someone strawmans me,no I don't expect Nelves to just take it and not respond to losing their home or whatever. That doesn't mean you just repeat the cycle of violence.
As for somehow Nelves finding new home elsewhere compared to what their native homeland used to be= Pro colonialism/Profascism. Like can we give it a fucking rest, I am anti Fascist but that literally is not the first thing I think of. Technically Night Elves first home is Suramar and the area near the Well of Eternity and such. We don't need to always look at video games through a hyper political Lense. I do not believe that is what the post Afriasbi wow team is trying to tell. "But the scandal" Yeah the scandal happened but that doesn't mean the general employee vibe is all about the colonialism and facism, take a step back(Pheraz I wasn't directing the take a step back stuff to you personally).
#TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde
All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.
If the Night Elves keep Nordrassil and Hyjal as a hub, then the New Tree is an EXPANSION of their civilization, not a reduction.
Between Hyjal, Val'sharah and this new World Tree, the Nelves have several active seats of power around the world now. They're really just missing a seat in EK but that may be Gilneas, as affiliates.
I think the status of Hyjal is the sticking point here but in the books its at least, as mentioned, Ally and CC only pre-timeskip.
Are you guys being serious right now?
Like, are you actually unaware that today's Hyjal area is just one corner of the former Kaldorei Empire? The one remnant they had left after the rest of it crumbled?
The Dark Trolls that became the first Night Elves did so around the Well of Eternity, which sat right in the middle of ancient Kalimdor.
Now yes, Mount Hyjal has been and remains significant throughout most of their history, because that's where Cenarius would hang out. But for the Night Elven people in general, their ancestral home is much more than simply the forests around that particular mountain.
That they are the Order Pantheon from the previous universe that got completely fucked over once Order won the cosmic war, throwing the universe into imbalance, which they now try to prevent after picking up the pieces and by, ironically, ordering the cosmic forces into different Zereth controlled systems to keep up the balance.
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Zin'Ashari was blown into the bottom of the Ocean with much of the central lands around it, Suramar casted the biggest Bubble in the history, and whatever they had on the eastern side fo Kalimdor was pretty much gone after the war.
Whatever was left from Kaldorei ancestral lands after the Sundering was mostly around Hyjal. Eldre Thalas in south was Highborne city they abandoned once they yeeted the Highborne across the new sea.
for the nights we have had since WC3 there ancestral home is the area around Hyjal with only a handful coming from Suamar.
The race as a whole might have evolved around the well but the ones who lived there manly became Naga and aren’t relevant to playable night elfs who have always lived around hyjal.
All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.
Ah, so the Watsonian to the Doylist. That's actually not a terrible idea, and could turn the irrevocable fucking that the First Ones gave the lore into a quasi-revocable fucking. Making them into a previous iteration of the Pantheon of Order isn't actually a terrible idea at all—it would resolve plenty of the problems their introduction entailed, and would also expand the scope of the Cosmic Forces plotline to make it less mind-numbingly idiotic, putting everything back at the point where it was semi-sensible. Unfortunately, the team presently seems set in their ways, and I highly doubt anything that makes even remote sense will reflect what future canon.
All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.
These are Cenarion Circle hubs though, a faction that's neutral and composed of multiple races, including Horde members.
And Gilneas still remains contested/abandoned.
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That's the point, it already happened with Dalaran.