It's old, just trying to annoy people. I actually like the idea of Tinkers tbh, and in that case, almost certainly more than Dracthyr Evokers.
It's old, just trying to annoy people. I actually like the idea of Tinkers tbh, and in that case, almost certainly more than Dracthyr Evokers.
Naga and N'zoth are a natural fit, so I was not as mad when they were paired together. I was more mad that the expansion supposedly all about Naval exploration ended up abandoning that aspect completely for the final patch against the supposed God of the Deep.
We even had the interesting dynamic of hte underwater prison we saw briefly at the end of Eternal Palace, and never again. I was so ready for us to keep going down into the depths in search of N'zoth.
The world revamp dream will never die!
Yeah, because it would be something unseen. We basically had a patch dedicated towards Bronze dragons and time shenanigans. We even have half a zone and several quest lines in DF dedicated towards that. There‘s nothing random or suspicious in that case, especially with how often Blizzard uses this motive (Chromie/time) anyway.
MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again
I kinda get what Ersula is saying. At least I think that is what they are saying. Then Old Gods are great as this unknowable threat beyond our full comprehension. But as soon as you introduce the void lords and give the OG's not only a clear origin but a clear purpose that is very much knowable, it ruins them.
Lovecraft at least hands out info on a need to know basis.
I'd be fine with Yogg making a return, but I'd be super annoyed of N'zoth making a return. (C'thun I don't really care much for, but I'm sure there are people who don't want him back... but I don't want him back on account of Blizz trying to make Me'dan real. If someone thought Thrall, Sylvanas, or Anduin were the biggest Mary Sues in WoW.. then they haven't met Me'dan.)
And besides, Ion did say that they wanted to make an Old God expansion, but couldn't do it since it wasn't varied enough to work?
This was about those pillars and that image. I mean, the floorplan literally has the time sector in there, even has the pillar spots on the floor.
Nah, I wouldnt honestly. They wouldnt upload those assests themselves anyway if those were HUGE hints for the next expansion. Its a behind the scenes look, which is just to generate hype for blizzcon itself. Like: " we have been busy"" type of post.
Last edited by Alanar; 2023-10-31 at 04:16 PM.
That is true, which is a strong part of why they might not work as well. But even then I did think N'zoth functioned as a villain all the way until his own patch. So maybe it's just more specifically that Old Gods don't work well with the concept of a climactic ending.
When N'zoth shows up as a fish in front of Azshara and taunts her about her imminent demise, I was so completely onboard with him as a villain. Same with the general sense of dread you got from the Old God minions in Stormsong, and the weird tentacles beneath the temple.
The world revamp dream will never die!
N’Zoth actually makes the most sense to come back though. There are plenty of strings for him to do so in the story. Most notably the fact that he’s been aware of our existence and his inevitable defeat since the Black Empire, since the moment we went back there with Chromie.
Yogg too though, being the god of death and all that.
Also that all the Old Gods don’t die like normal beings lol.
Old Gods stopped being Top Threat the moment we found out Void Lords sent them.
By this moment we had them personally or their minions/plot revolved around in each expansion except for WoD/TBC/SL, and in each of them they lost temporarly or completely.
At this point its hard to get excited about Black Empire or another 'Somehow Old God has returned' expansion.
I think the game has played with this theme long enough and coninuation would just loose its effect.
We have Void Lords, Nathrezim, Light as an active Threats. We left Titans on a good note, us saving them, and them saving us.
Id prefer 11.0 to revolve around one or few of those active Top Threats instead of going with Kindergarden Threats (Keepers, Dragons) for another expansion, again.
I mean, this is the exact reason they stated they couldn't do an Emerald Dream expansion - zone after zone of green wouldn't be appealing. Zone after zone of purple likely isn't appealing either, but that doesn't mean it has to be that. You could incorporate all sorts of things to vary it up.
Unless you're C'thun and gets absolutely destroyed by Me'dan because "F*ck you, it's Me'dan."
As for me, I'm just done with N'zoth and how people hype him up as this ultimate evil even though he's the weakest of the Old Gods. We kamehameha'd him into oblivion, so I don't think he'd make a return...
If anything, that hint from the Chromie quest implies more like that he's prepared a contingency plan after his death.. but I doubt it's something to bring him back from death.
The world revamp dream will never die!
Hm, there might be some truth to that, but then on the other hand you might equally have "normal setting" fatigue too, as you can see with people complaining about the Avaloren zones looking so basic and similar to Dragonflight.
Maybe they'll change their mind after a year of being stuck in verdant green Emerald Dream...
A large part of Warcraft's storytelling strength comes from it's diversity of cultures.
This is my please: not to westernize or modernize every single playable race and culture in Warcraft.
Urgent message from Samwise
Must mean something
You can see the root coming from the top and going down. Everything points at underground.
If Old Gods feature prominently, I hope they make them actually menacing and dangerous, a serious threat. Not "mwahahaha" and easily killed. Bring back some of that "Varian just got disintegrated! WTH?"
I'm thinking like "I will SHOW YOU our kingdom!" and then collapses half of AZeroth to show how infected the planet really is.
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