1. #44301
    Quote Originally Posted by taishar68 View Post
    You guys should do a podcast. "Something Wet Under The Sink", with your hosts, Shadochi & Fahrad. On this weeks show, we break down that photo from page 1973, pixel by pixel, plus, a special AITA segment featuring our top shitposters. Brought to you by Liquid Plumber.
    Sign me down. Shitposting during leak season is what Shad and I do best

    Quote Originally Posted by kavikor View Post
    I do find the images more believable than the Trading Post possible hints so far, but it's definitely better than another text-based leak.
    I'm now 100% on board with the Trading Post x Iron leak. It tickles me in the right places.

  2. #44302
    Quote Originally Posted by Magistrate View Post
    Nzoth doesn't need to have faked his death...? He's just in the little butter knife.

    The void may have a part in the next expansion, but an item from the trading post is not some 5d chess move to telegram it. We have heaps of void stuff in this entire current expac.
    That's literally how he faked his death.

    He faked his death because he sent portion of his soul into the blade.

    Just like Sargeras faked his defeat when he sent a portion of his soul inside of Aegwynn.

    The end result is the same. N'Zoth was never killed in BfA.

  3. #44303
    Immortal Shadochi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taishar68 View Post
    You guys should do a podcast. "Something Wet Under The Sink", with your hosts, Shadochi & Fahrad. On this weeks show, we break down that photo from page 1973, pixel by pixel, plus, a special AITA segment featuring our top shitposters. Brought to you by Liquid Plumber.
    depends on what the leak pic is like, but for pic debunking we would have to bring @ercarp or @Hitei
    #1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread

  4. #44304
    You guys are overthinking shit too much. Just because the daggers have yellow and blue in them and there is a voidstaff, doesn't mean a random leak from 600 pages back is legit l
    I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.

  5. #44305
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    You guys are overthinking shit too much. Just because the daggers have yellow and blue in them and there is a voidstaff, doesn't mean a random leak from 600 pages back is legit l
    Well the guy did go back and say "yep check my post history"

    so its not like we just went back and dug it up, but yes, it may be a stretch

  6. #44306
    Quote Originally Posted by kavikor View Post
    They look like if the void corrupted some Jinyu
    I mean, I'd assume that's what's up. The leaks sometimes get jumbled with their wording, especially the fake ones. But on the real ones, language barrier can sometimes be a thing. A "Shark Nightelf" could very well just be a shark-esque Jinyu, since they use the Male Nightelf rig.

  7. #44307
    Warchief taishar68's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    depends on what the leak pic is like, but for pic debunking we would have to bring @ercarp or @Hitei
    Absolutely. They get special guest star status and they have to submit to goofy audience questions like "If Thrall was a shoe, what kind would he be?" or "Would you rather eat a murloc or a gnoll?"
    "Can't you see this is the last act of a desperate man?"
    "We don't care if it's the first act of Henry the Fifth, we're leaving!"

  8. #44308
    Next expansion called Storms of Azeroth

    New allied races: Moknathol, sethrak, taunka for horde. broken, jinyu and earthen for alliance.
    Kalimdor revamp. new kalimdor acts as a "different" continent to current kalimdor, so can travel between the two through a time portal in org and hyjal.
    overall story on kalimdor is more simple, grounded stories. mulgore/barrens dealing with tauren tribes expanding, centaur from dragon isles trying to tame kalimdor centaur, highmountain tribes joining regular society.
    Orc clans in durotar settling in areas and in some cases fighting.
    New night elf faction that still hates the horde. Horde is entirely hostile but alliance can work to stop them peacefully.
    New night elf towns around Hyjal to keep a society on kalimdor while the main city is moved to amirdrasil.
    Draenei homes are no longer ruins and they have temples around.
    Kahz algar is deep under un goro and silithus. Fissure is un goro. Part of C'thun is corrupting it and the sword caused damage.

    max level zone is Avaloren coast, part of a larger landmass we will explore as expansion goes on. Avaloren inhabitants flee to kalimdor after Iridikron and Xal'atath go there and awaken the ancient one. Big final boss of the expac. Avaloren invaders described as more like desperate refugees no one knows what to do with. They are titan forged races but altered with elements and void magic, but not evil.

  9. #44309
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    You guys are overthinking shit too much. Just because the daggers have yellow and blue in them and there is a voidstaff, doesn't mean a random leak from 600 pages back is legit l

  10. #44310
    The Lightbringer
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    Damn, that IronWasher leak makes sense.
    What if Sargeras didnt want to split Azeorth in half or pierce Azeroth heart, but aimed PRECISELY into the last Old God, that dreamed in the center of Azeroth, embracing the Heart of Azeroth with his tentacles?
    Now he removes the sword and we descend into the very depth of the planet to finish Old God off for good?

  11. #44311
    Quote Originally Posted by powerfist View Post
    Next expansion called Storms of Azeroth

    New allied races: Moknathol, sethrak, taunka for horde. broken, jinyu and earthen for alliance.
    Kalimdor revamp. new kalimdor acts as a "different" continent to current kalimdor, so can travel between the two through a time portal in org and hyjal.
    overall story on kalimdor is more simple, grounded stories. mulgore/barrens dealing with tauren tribes expanding, centaur from dragon isles trying to tame kalimdor centaur, highmountain tribes joining regular society.
    Orc clans in durotar settling in areas and in some cases fighting.
    New night elf faction that still hates the horde. Horde is entirely hostile but alliance can work to stop them peacefully.
    New night elf towns around Hyjal to keep a society on kalimdor while the main city is moved to amirdrasil.
    Draenei homes are no longer ruins and they have temples around.
    Kahz algar is deep under un goro and silithus. Fissure is un goro. Part of C'thun is corrupting it and the sword caused damage.

    max level zone is Avaloren coast, part of a larger landmass we will explore as expansion goes on. Avaloren inhabitants flee to kalimdor after Iridikron and Xal'atath go there and awaken the ancient one. Big final boss of the expac. Avaloren invaders described as more like desperate refugees no one knows what to do with. They are titan forged races but altered with elements and void magic, but not evil.
    thats a lot of races buddy

    i wanna play a Jinyu

  12. #44312
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taishar68 View Post
    Absolutely. They get special guest star status and they have to submit to goofy audience questions like "If Thrall was a shoe, what kind would he be?" or "Would you rather eat a murloc or a gnoll?"
    Tauren... WTF kind of question is that.

  13. #44313
    Quote Originally Posted by Harbour View Post
    Damn, that IronWasher leak makes sense.
    What if Sargeras didnt want to split Azeorth in half or pierce Azeroth heart, but aimed PRECISELY into the last Old God, that dreamed in the center of Azeroth, embracing the Heart of Azeroth with his tentacles?
    Now he removes the sword and we descend into the very depth of the planet to finish Old God off for good?
    Sounds like a warcraft expansion to me. More than another mysterious lost island.

  14. #44314
    People here undersell the importance of trading post/Blizzard's awareness.

    Blizzard knows that people want the Void to return, they have been laying many clues and hints throughout DF that are setting up the Void expansion.

    Primalists basically being Twilight's Hammer 2.0 (Elemental-serving doomsday cult that seeks to scour all Titan influence from Azeroth)
    A former Twilight's Hammer ogre creating the Worldbreakers, cult that worships Deathwing
    The entire questline in the Black Empire where it's confirmed N'Zoth saw his future
    The codex from Forbidden Reach mentioning Azshara and the "Harbinger" (Xal'atath)
    Iridrikon stepping through a Void portal like Xal'atath and Azshara did last time we saw them
    Sarkareth's boss room
    Alexstrasza saying that Iridrikon makes dark bargains like Deathwing
    Deathwing's legacy having such a huge role in DF
    Fyrakk absorbing Shadowflame like Deathwing

    In a vacuum, "Staff of the Harbinger" item doesn't mean anything.

    But Blizzard is not stupid and they know what they're doing.

    The Void surpasses World Revamp, Avaloren, Undermine, and everything else on the list, and jumps ahead as the most likely storyline of the next expansion.
    Last edited by Varodoc; 2023-10-31 at 06:30 PM.

  15. #44315
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    It does if it gives world revampers hope.

  16. #44316
    Ok this is the last time I'll remind the thread of the most underrated hint in DF for 11.0 as I feel the November tp has made it very relevant due to cosmic stuff.


  17. #44317
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    People here undersell the importance of trading post/Blizzard's awareness.

    Blizzard knows that people want the Void to return, they have been laying many clues and hints throughout DF that are setting up the Void expansion.

    Primalists basically being Twilight's Hammer 2.0
    An ogre creating the Worldbreakers, cult that worships Deathwing
    The entire questline in the Black Empire where it's confirmed N'Zoth saw his future
    The codex from Forbidden Reach mentioning Azshara
    Iridrikon stepping through a Void portal like Xal'atath and Azshara did last time we saw them
    Sarkareth's boss room
    Alexstrasza saying that Iridrikon makes dark bargains like Deathwing
    Deathwing's legacy having such a huge role in DF
    Fyrakk absorbing Shadowflame like Deathwing

    In a vacuum, "Staff of the Harbinger" item doesn't mean anything.

    But Blizzard is not stupid and they know what they're doing.

    The Void surpasses World Revamp, Avaloren, Undermine, and everything else on the list, and jumps ahead as the most likely storyline of the next expansion.
    Yes but it could also include one of those other themes too.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Btw. Im guessing i didnt miss anything over the last 20 pages overnight? Doesn't seem like it but just making sure.

  18. #44318
    Could be entirely coincidental, but the new HS expansion heavily features Azerite and "Excavate" is a new keyword.

  19. #44319
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    I would just like to point out that if the "void" stuff is Old God related, there's Azerite floating around, and Iridikron is gunning for the world soul, I doubt we're zipping off into the cosmos.

  20. #44320
    The Lightbringer Valysar's Avatar
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    The D4 rewards of the Blizzcon Collection has been delayed until Blizzcon (yesterday it was for today).

    Hum, that stormy horse is a clue too ?

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