I know FFXIV did, and it was great. But FFXIV also focuses much more on characters, personality, and the player character as a driving force.
Its a lot easier to relate to characters when they're well developed like that.
Not to say Blizzard's writing is always awful, but they don't do character moments as well... They do tend to do worldbuilding writing pretty well, though, and I dread an expansion where all the worldbuilding is based on the light with how one dimensional light aligned characters tend to be in WoW.
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inb4 "No Dwarves" tweet from Qwik
It does sound more like Void vs Titans, in which case, while Old Gods are part of the Void, the Void is more than just Old Gods. Specifying something as not "full-blown Old God", does not necessarily translate into a Void or Void-adjacent Expansion being off the table, just going by logic.
Well Metzen is gonna do the announcement I assume so probably quite loud.
I know Illidan is such a "break glass in case of emergency" character but if I heard his voice again I'd lose my mind with hype.
So if Void‘s back on the menu, so is the convention leak with the void pillars, right?
MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again
In my language SOA means STD so i will never unsee that xD
Just came in to say it’s IMPOSSIBLE for there to be an expansion about Yrel and evil Light. Patch at most.
(To be taken as EXTREME hopium and not fact.)
Oh, that's a triquetra, a celtic symbol. That's new in WoW I think, so I imagine this would be related to Avaloren.
If Shadow over Azeroth leak is real, i pray for them to not ruin Sargeras and Illidan. Illidan had completed arc, ended in an extremely satisfying way. Dont ruin it.
Imagine Sargeras in CGI, jesus christ.
Was there some sort of post of some screenshots of supposed "void" zones. I remember seeing it yesterday but for the life of me can't seem to find it now lol
but what if the real hint is the new staff of the guardian in the trading post?
#1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread