1. #45181
    Brewmaster Leowyld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edoll View Post
    You so quickly accuse people of being alt accounts I’m starting to believe you’re behind all the fake leaks and bickering.
    It's just been a repeated pattern all week and I have low tolerance for BS or for those who trick others. Never had another account and have used this name wherever I can online since the '90's.

    If I did a leak, it would be one, it would thorough and methodical - I am a perfectionist. But the aforementioned low tolerance for BS and distaste for deceiving people would make the entire experience nothing but miserable for me. If I want attention I'll earn it with this account, thank you.
    Last edited by Leowyld; 2023-11-01 at 02:23 AM.
    Cosmic greetings, all, I'm the Raccoonatic Commander!
    Leowyld of Emerald Dream-US

  2. #45182
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMessenger View Post
    They must be destroyed immediately, before their power can be unleashed.
    I agree, we should ban all of these leak accounts.

  3. #45183
    Quote Originally Posted by JMitchy96 View Post
    As much as I’d love this to be true, I think it’s much more likely that the original plans for 10.3 were simply scrapped due to the issues going on at blizzard during DF’s development. I hope I’m wrong!
    What issues? That was a shadowlands thing. The massive departures happened the same time as covid.

    Everyone's saying no 10.3 simply because Shadowlands didn't have one. Dragonflight & BFA were normal expansions. Shadowlands was the outlier here.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    10.2 is very much the climax of Dragonflights story, wot?
    We'll see what Tyr has to say about that when he wakes up.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2023-11-01 at 02:24 AM.

  4. #45184
    Brewmaster flan1337's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baraden View Post

    Holy shit, bard leak actually real?
    this is actually more of a possibility if they bring back guitar hero but blizzard is too scared! Do it blizz!

  5. #45185
    Quote Originally Posted by bitterwinter View Post
    Whilst I agree it's likely an underground expansion I just hope not all of it is underground..that'd get bland pretty quickly. If I had to guess it'd be a mix of overworld/underground using the seamless loading tech they have for Zaralek.
    That's what i'm hoping to see. Normal zones with massive interesting things beneath them. Id be surprised if there isn't some kind of underground stuff regardless of what the theme ends up being.

  6. #45186
    Quote Originally Posted by Therougetitan View Post
    Artificer is basically the only DnD class that wow hasn't made yet and Holly Longdale is the executive producer of WoW who is into that stuff so I could see if it it wasn't for evokers having just come out.
    Bard is the other iirc

  7. #45187
    Man this leak season has been really shit.
    Mostly lazy AI bs, some obvious and desperate trolling attempts, and around 5k new alt accounts. And the one leak that may actually be true was laughably boring.
    Maybe the last 2 days before Blizzcon now will bring something interesting, but overall, this was the worst leak season in quite some years.
    The crooked shitposter with no eyes is watching from the endless thread.

    From the space that is everywhere and nowhere, the crooked shitposter feasts on memes.

    He has no eyes to see, but he dreams of infinite memeing and trolling.

  8. #45188
    Quote Originally Posted by Leowyld View Post
    It's just been a repeated pattern all week and I have low tolerance for BS or for those who trick others. Never had another account and have used this name wherever I can online since the '90's.

    If I did a leak, it would be one, it would thorough and methodical - I am a perfectionist. But the aforementioned low tolerance for BS and distaste for deceiving people would make the entire experience nothing but miserable for me. If I want attention I'll earn it was this account, thank you.
    Yeah, I even found you on Pornhub!
    You are legit.

  9. #45189
    Quote Originally Posted by Explicit Teemo Nudes View Post
    Yeah, I even found you on Pornhub!
    You are legit.
    I don't think that's the type of leak we are talking about in this thread.

  10. #45190
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    What issues? That was a shadowlands thing. The massive departures happened the same time as covid.

    Everyone's saying no 10.3 simply because Shadowlands didn't have one. Dragonflight & BFA were normal expansions. Shadowlands was the outlier here.
    We'll see what Tyr has to say about that when he wakes up.
    So you don't think the in-game things for the coming raid is any indication that 10.2 is the final raid(not counting Fated raids)? Like the things that don't tend to come until the last major patch, like the item that gives a stat buff and that isn't consumed on use?

  11. #45191
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    What issues? That was a shadowlands thing. The massive departures happened the same time as covid.

    Everyone's saying no 10.3 simply because Shadowlands didn't have one. Dragonflight & BFA were normal expansions. Shadowlands was the outlier here.
    We'll see what Tyr has to say about that when he wakes up.
    I was referring to the whole return to office thing, a decent chunk of the WoW team either got let go or had to leave, including some devs who were behind some good content in DF, iirc.

  12. #45192
    If they actually do another class this soon I would shit. Tinker adjacent or Bard, either one is great to me

  13. #45193
    I think a new race and a new class are both somewhat unlikely.

  14. #45194
    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    The guy literally said it was fake and he did it to make us stop with the riddles.

    Anyway, if they really needed to extend things out til 11.0 but needed a glut of content that wasn't necessarily a raid in that timeframe, you would what could be a candidate?

    Evergreen world revamp content.

    Just saiyan.
    how DARE I have hope something similar happens.

  15. #45195
    Quote Originally Posted by Explicit Teemo Nudes View Post
    People that say having an expansion completely underground or like a dome in the water are so boring and have the same lack of imagination as Blizzard seems to have when it comes to having certain themes for an expansion.

    A giant underground dome with its own skybox and many, many tunnels, passages, etc would be cool. Could even connect it to Undermine and a Nerubian kingdom to create even more variety in scenery and skyboxes.

    Going to Nazjatar(for real this time) would be amazing. Just gotta come up with some silly excuse(Blizzard looooves those) for it to not be completely under water. Either that we - the Horde and the Alliance use some spell to remove/push away the water(already done; so stupid that this was used for a patch in BfA) so we can deal with the naga/Azshara ones and for all, or the naga are working together with some different races or void beings so they removed the water so they could be down in Nazjatar without any issues.
    I mean Vahsj'ir worked just fine, people just weren't used to mostly underwater combat, which.. surprise surprise, is a little more dimensional than just doing everything at ground level and thus makes a lot of ground effects really, REALLY awkward when you fight things above ground height instead of pulling them down to ground height. Vashj'ir, realistically speaking, was functional enough if you just applied basic logic to any form of combat down there, people just.. couldn't be arsed to do that and small self-solveable issues got blown out of proportions. Vashj'ir is still probably the reason Nazjatar went down the way it did, even though it would've been insane to get the zone we did get, just actually under water. The open ocean above the ruins of the city with it's wide alleys, the darkness in the lower Naga shelf near the big statue and the tunnel to the Eternal Palace.

    The only valid reason for Vashj'ir sucking that goes beyond just subjectivity is.. frankly, that people with thalassophobia exist and that'd just .. suck a whole lot, depending on severity. Ultimately the zone was fine, it just closed a lot of doors for future similar stuff for very very few reasons.

  16. #45196
    Brewmaster Leowyld's Avatar
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    Was just trying to protect the community. I don't think the insults are fair.
    Cosmic greetings, all, I'm the Raccoonatic Commander!
    Leowyld of Emerald Dream-US

  17. #45197
    Quote Originally Posted by Leowyld View Post
    It's just been a repeated pattern all week and I have low tolerance for BS or for those who trick others. Never had another account and have used this name wherever I can online since the '90's.

    If I did a leak, it would be one, it would thorough and methodical - I am a perfectionist. But the aforementioned low tolerance for BS and distaste for deceiving people would make the entire experience nothing but miserable for me. If I want attention I'll earn it with this account, thank you.
    Frankly, all I'm reading is that, basically you hate 95% of what Leak Season is, which makes me wonder why the fuck you would 'torture' yourself to begin with. The part where people try to fool us is kind of tradition and part of the whole thing. We don't know shit until it's released, so it wouldn't make sense for most of us to be here for facts. We're here for the offchance that something IS a fact. For some at this point it's probably more a social experience than anything. Getting upset at the fakes is, at best, just going to make the really toxic trolls go off and double down on the things you hate.
    Last edited by Dismayxz; 2023-11-01 at 02:38 AM.

  18. #45198
    Quote Originally Posted by KyleEverett View Post
    They would lose so so so many subs with 6 months of fated hell.
    Not if it came along with .5 and.7 patches, monthly trading post updates, and regular expansion news.

    Then it’ll probably out perform any end of expansion lull in recent memory.

  19. #45199
    Quote Originally Posted by Explicit Teemo Nudes View Post
    So you don't think the in-game things for the coming raid is any indication that 10.2 is the final raid(not counting Fated raids)? Like the things that don't tend to come until the last major patch, like the item that gives a stat buff and that isn't consumed on use?
    My list of reasons there would be a 10.3 is longer than my list for reasons they wouldn't. I'd put the fact that the stat buff is double the usual price...suggesting its meant to last more than one tier.
    Quote Originally Posted by JMitchy96 View Post
    I was referring to the whole return to office thing, a decent chunk of the WoW team either got let go or had to leave, including some devs who were behind some good content in DF, iirc.
    The WoW return to office thing was in July 2022, before Dragonflight even came out. And everything on the September 2023 layoffs says they were only applied to the Hearthstone & Diablo teams.

  20. #45200
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dismayxz View Post
    Frankly, all I'm reading is that, basically you hate 95% of what Leak Season is, which makes me wonder why the fuck you would 'torture' yourself to begin with. The part where people try to fool us is kind of tradition and part of the whole thing. We don't know shit until it's released, so it wouldn't make sense for most of us to be here for facts. We're here for the offchance that something IS a fact. For some at this point it's probably more a social experience than anything. Getting upset at the fakes is, at best, just going to make the really toxic trolls go off and double down on the things you hate.

    And with that goodnight. Happy leakmas

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