Sure but maybe we could skip that plot for one expansion and build it up with side stories. Almost every expansion in WoW has a void plot on the side. It will never be resolved and for me it's tiring. Unknowable shadow forces are the most boring villains imaginable.
Also, check the edited version of the post you quoted for more ideas.
Check my edit and comment above.
Main theme of Cata. Was there in vanilla and TBC was the secondary theme of Wrath and was equally important to the faction war in MoP and BfA. It even had a place in WoD (Sethe) and an entire raid in Legion (plus Alleria/Eredath). Void is always there yet people keep asking for more as if it is going to be resolved. It's not a plot that will be resolved until the game ends.
4Chan going strong with the fake leaks today.
they ruined it with "sc2 remaster", doesn't make any sense. that game doesn't need remastering lmao
yeah, sure, that was silly, too. but you can dismiss it based on the sc2 remaster thing without knowing anything about anything else.
the wyld oddysey logo, while pretty cool looking, looks strange with the bottom of the Y in wild to the left of that diamond below it, I don't think they would ever design something like that.
To be fair, back then i thought its real, but since then i did some AI manipulations and shot like that is easy to make. 'Confidential' i guess can be added in Photoshop.
But i dont dismiss it.
Those look like gargoyles from Revendreth, and there is also a sunlight.
Indeed there is no clue about the earthens of Khaz Algar being corrupted by the void, ok, just checked, there is no mention in the lore book of "corruption". Btw the matter of time is interesting: it seems like the algarians started acting like dwarves before the other earthens were afflicted by the curse of flesh.
To have a two-boss raid with Vyranoth and Tyr's Guard as the first boss (you choose whom to fight) and then Tyr would actually be cool for 10.2.5, imo.
Anyone else cant wait for binary guy to come back for some systems clues? I need some extra copium dose.