1. #45561
    how many big trees we have 'currently' in Azeroth? 5? 6? with this anew?

    "Five Keys, Five torches, five lanterns" ???? - burned trees?

    what if every tree is a prison of an old God?
    what if emerald dream is an 'network' between this trees
    fyrakk gonna burn it/corrupt it/shadowflame it (u name it)
    and free all big baddies

    there was this artwork or cover of some book, where all old Gods looked like they were tangled in tree roots..

  2. #45562
    Pandaren Monk Tartys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    But how do you see such an expansion working?

    Let's assume Khaz Algar is underneath Silithus. It's close enough to have a sprawling underground zone that goes as far as Kezan/Undermine (since the island is relatively close to Silithus).

    But Azjol-Nerub is in Northrend. How can Underground expansion contain Khaz Algar/Silithus, Undermine/Kezan, and Azjol-Nerub/Northrend? Impossible.

    Argus, Emerald Dream look likes a scrapped expansion idea used later as a content patch, maybe now it's Azjol-Nerub chance.

    With Nozdormu talking about some events were worth changing, maybe we can go back in time in Azjol-Nerub to "fix" something from the past.

    Was sad the "Cavern of time" concept was scrapped: with the right tech and story, could be used on a whole area, instead on a single raid/dungeon.
    We can go back in time.. fix stuff and when we came back to our current time-line, the zone is revamped. Blizzard can even revamp Azeroth in that way.. piece by piece.
    Last edited by Tartys; 2023-11-01 at 12:05 PM.
    Argus in 2018 My prediction failed in part... But I'm still a Spacegoat

  3. #45563
    Banned Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mecheon View Post
    Eh, I was there in Vanilla. We cared more for upcoming stuff and for like, Hyjal to be opened over the faction war
    Its nice that you want to speak for the entire playerbase since vanilla, but if people didn't care silithus would not be a huge alliance x horde stuff.

    And the Third War did end? That was WC3
    it didn't, it was just a cease-fire, first, second and third war are related to horde x alliance, it went into a halt since they fought the scourge/archimonde in hyjal

  4. #45564
    The Lightbringer
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    I think Caverns of Time decorations and panel at Blizzcon will serve purely the vehicle purpose to present new expantions for Retail and Classic.
    Like we wont go back in time in those expansions, but through going back in time or different timelines Metzen will demonstrate what was before and what is going to happend next and how exactly.

    I personally expect Classic+ being canon but happening in a different timeline.

  5. #45565
    They can’t even do the Emerald Dream justice with the upcoming zone and people are still talking about this as a missed opportunity for an expansion, lol. The same with Argus. Those three zones already were bland af, an entire expansion there? Good lord.

    Anything on known Azeroth is already a win because they’re good at doing those zones (look at KT and Zandalar), so here’s to hoping that will be the case with the next expansion.
    MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again

  6. #45566
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post

    Because there was no "fourth war"

    this was still the third war, it never ended.
    ???? It ended after WC3 and the 4th War officially started during BfA.

  7. #45567
    Quote Originally Posted by Valysar View Post
    Yeah the "Alliance versus Horde" war is over, time to move on.
    Millions have...to other games.
    DF is the result.

  8. #45568
    Back in Classic, the vast majority of people did not care about faction war.

    People wanted to see the main villains of WC3: Lich King, Illidan, and Kil'jaeden.

    It's not coincidence that Blizzard made a full-blown faction war (Cataclysm) only after they had expended all their major WC3 villains.

    And it's not a coincidence that the first two expansions of WoW were tying up loose ends from WC3 (Illidan, Kil'jaeden/Legion, Lich King) and barely contained any instance of faction conflict at all.

  9. #45569
    Quote Originally Posted by Valysar View Post
    Yeah the "Alliance versus Horde" war is over, time to move on.
    It does not sit right with me that one faction can burn alive hundreds of civilians alive which triggers the events of a massive world war where thousands more die and then both just agree it was only one persons fault and we can all be friends now.

  10. #45570
    Quote Originally Posted by klaussf View Post
    so this is the one then
    What, as in the one that causes this game to finally go f2p?
    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post

    Not a glaive...
    Mate come the fuck on.

  11. #45571
    The Unstoppable Force Puupi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nuami View Post
    It does not sit right with me that one faction can burn alive hundreds of civilians alive which triggers the events of a massive world war where thousands more die and then both just agree it was only one persons fault and we can all be friends now.
    What you just described was called World War 2 in real life.
    Quote Originally Posted by derpkitteh View Post
    i've said i'd like to have one of those bad dragon dildos shaped like a horse, because the shape is nicer than human.
    Quote Originally Posted by derpkitteh View Post
    i was talking about horse cock again, told him to look at your sig.

  12. #45572
    Banned Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    ???? It ended after WC3 and the 4th War officially started during BfA.
    with is 100% bullshit since alliance and horde were at war the moment wow started, it just didn't happed in open conflict.

    Its also funny tht people argued that the third war ended in MOP, not in wc3, with Garrosh, but also there was just a cease fire

  13. #45573
    Quote Originally Posted by Valysar View Post
    Yeah the "Alliance versus Horde" war is over, time to move on.
    The faction boundaries can definitely be broken down, and maybe this creates room for new factions to come to exist story-wise.

    Say for example the "Night Elves, Draenei and Tauren" creating their own faction going through their own storyline or conflicts.

    The story possibilities would be endless.
    A large part of Warcraft's storytelling strength comes from it's diversity of cultures.
    This is my please: not to westernize or modernize every single playable race and culture in Warcraft.

  14. #45574
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post

    Because there was no "fourth war"

    this was still the third war, it never ended.
    The war had definetly ended in RoC, with the last remainders of it cleaned up in TfT. Then the devs though faction war would make the MMO unique and a bunch of circular plot lines where no one can win or lose happened. The first 3 wars were between Azeroth and the burning Legion, the horde was just a pawn

  15. #45575
    Quote Originally Posted by Puupi View Post
    What you just described was called World War 2 in real life.
    If you skip 99.99% of what World War 2 was - then sure lol

  16. #45576
    Banned Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Back in Classic, the vast majority of people did not care about faction war.

    People wanted to see the main villains of WC3: Lich King, Illidan, and Kil'jaeden.

    It's not coincidence that Blizzard made a full-blown faction war (Cataclysm) only after they had expended all their major WC3 villains.

    And it's not a coincidence that the first two expansions of WoW were tying up loose ends from WC3 (Illidan, Kil'jaeden/Legion, Lich King) and barely contained any instance of faction conflict at all.
    except in all of those expansions had major pvp and faction war shenanigans to keep people entertained.

  17. #45577
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    Ah yes, sexy nelven shark people.
    Well, there's "jumping the shark," but I'm not sure how to safely apply that here.

  18. #45578
    Blizzard are not making another faction war expansion after the massive outrage for the Burning of Teldrassil.

    The closest we'll ever get to "faction war" is someone like Turalyon leaving the Alliance and making his own organization, like Garrosh did with his True Horde at the end of MoP.

    There is 0% chance that 11.0 is Faction war expansion. Impossible.

  19. #45579
    Banned Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruxx View Post
    The war had definetly ended in RoC, with the last remainders of it cleaned up in TfT. Then the devs though faction war would make the MMO unique and a bunch of circular plot lines where no one can win or lose happened.
    The war between alliance and horde didn't end in RoC, it was a cease fire to deal with the legion, it got messier because the scourge participated, but the first, second war were all about horde x alliance, thus the third as well.

    And yes, it indeed made the mmo unique, and beloved by the fanbase, since this was one of the differential pillars that made wow so great, with a sense of tribalism among the players

    The first 3 wars were between Azeroth and the burning Legion, the horde was just a pawn
    yeah no.

    And if we want to jiggle this bs, this would the "fifth war" since horde and alliance were at war since vanilla, and people claimed it ended with Garrosh.

  20. #45580
    I believe future faction conflicts will just be proxy wars. Much like real life neither faction wants to fight, but it's inevitable. So they'll just aid smaller factions who are also fighting one another for thing, place, or otherwise.

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