1. #45801
    I've said 400 pages ago and I'll say it again, until players learn how to take L's in a faction war, I don't think blizzard should do it again. Every time a faction takes a large loss in the war, the opposite faction immediately thinks they deserve an equal value win somewhere else which is both unrealistic and makes a boring war story.

    Sometimes it's okay to just lose straight up sometimes. War isn't fair or equal. But players can't handle being on the lesser side without throwing a fit about it for years. No compelling war story is ever 50/50

  2. #45802
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CasualFilth View Post
    Is the new WoW book out for EU/UK?

    Can't find it on Audible & Amazon has it released Nov. 7?
    Apparently not.

    There doesn't seem to be an official global release date.
    Pretty much all UK online book stores have it either not listed at all, listed as unavailable or as not yet released.
    Amazon is not shipping it outside the US.

    So, it's either Nov. 7th, as that is when the kindle version comes out, or some other time.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  3. #45803
    Quote Originally Posted by Harbour View Post
    There was a supposedly leaker yesterday who told there will be Artificer class and new Earthen race.
    Do you know what page that was on? Before the page where everyone's entertaining that, all there is is a sea of morons bitching about wokeness

  4. #45804
    Quote Originally Posted by J Street View Post
    I've said 400 pages ago and I'll say it again, until players learn how to take L's in a faction war, I don't think blizzard should do it again. Every time a faction takes a large loss in the war, the opposite faction immediately thinks they deserve an equal value win somewhere else which is both unrealistic and makes a boring war story.

    Sometimes it's okay to just lose straight up sometimes. War isn't fair or equal. But players can't handle being on the lesser side without throwing a fit about it for years. No compelling war story is ever 50/50
    That's the issue I have with faction stories.

    It can never result in anything because the fanbase is full of babies.

  5. #45805
    The Lightbringer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zankai27 View Post
    Do you know what page that was on? Before the page where everyone's entertaining that, all there is is a sea of morons bitching about wokeness

  6. #45806
    Quote Originally Posted by ricardimundo View Post
    problem with Tinker/Artificer is that Engineering has all the bombs, trinkets, etc. How do you not cannibalize the profession with the class (just thinking out loud)?
    No reason both can't have bombs. Survival has used grenades for years now and it hasn't really felt redundant at all.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  7. #45807
    Quote Originally Posted by ricardimundo View Post
    problem with Tinker/Artificer is that Engineering has all the bombs, trinkets, etc. How do you not cannibalize the profession with the class (just thinking out loud)?
    Engineering has a long, rich history of being nerfed and mistreated, this wouldn't be the first time.

  8. #45808
    The Lightbringer
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    Yeah, Engineering arsenal is just the fraction of what Artificers can use. If the leak is legit, i expect mechanized tank spec, rocket launcher-turret dps and support or healer spec with healing turrets, healing grenades and other fun stuff WC3 Alchemist style.

  9. #45809
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricardimundo View Post
    problem with Tinker/Artificer is that Engineering has all the bombs, trinkets, etc. How do you not cannibalize the profession with the class (just thinking out loud)?
    Imo it’s not an issue if there’s some overlap with the class & engineering.
    Kinda like how it’s not an issue that DKs & their Runeforging exists when enchanting is a thing.

    (Which it would be cool if Artificers got their own subprofession like DKs do to customize their gadgets and/or mech idk)
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  10. #45810
    Quote Originally Posted by Taurelius View Post
    Dragonflight is definitely a safe expansion which is a massive improvement over the past couple expansions. Now it's time for them to take lessons learned and take a big risk across the board. I believe an Avaloren expansion is too much of a risk since players have little interest in Avaloren. Perhaps they need to build it up over an expansion or two.
    Big risks doesn't seem like a good idea. More risks for sure, but I don't think WoW is ready for a fully experimental expansion, or one that tries to coast fully on the plot like MoP. I still think you need something more familiar, and something that is a big crowd pleaser.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  11. #45811
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Big risks doesn't seem like a good idea. More risks for sure, but I don't think WoW is ready for a fully experimental expansion, or one that tries to coast fully on the plot like MoP. I still think you need something more familiar, and something that is a big crowd pleaser.
    Mop was WAY ABOVE bfa/sl/df

    in terms of
    plot/lore/theme/raids/balance/reasons to play


    Monks and pandarens were WAY BETTER done than this meme smth dragons

  12. #45812
    Thanks, I appreciate it.

    Fun riddle for sure, nothing I think has any merit, but man it would be cool

  13. #45813
    Scarab Lord Polybius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricardimundo View Post
    problem with Tinker/Artificer is that Engineering has all the bombs, trinkets, etc. How do you not cannibalize the profession with the class (just thinking out loud)?
    Afaik engineering has been more about utility. You can’t even tell it’s a class in combat because the bomb cd is 1.5 to 3 mins. Everything else is a transmog or some utility you can’t use in combat.

  14. #45814
    Quote Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
    imagine thinking people who use they and them are afraid of he or she yikes
    I must say, your thought process is incredibly ironic. Have a nice day!

  15. #45815
    The Lightbringer
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    Depending on what modern Blizzard definition of risk is.
    I dont expect or desire the game to have raping or full on game of thrones level of gore, because it was never WoW's feature. Beheaded ogre in WoD Animated Short was the most gory thing i remember from WoW and since it was stylized, it didnt look disturbing or shocking in a bad way.
    But i expect to see humanoid deaths, sacrifices, woundings, mournings, characters acting agressively etc. Legion for example balanced it all very well, and imo the prime example of what people meant by saying they want more Warcraft in modern WoW.
    Velen killing his son and realizing it was him was dark and great.
    Broken crooked Thalyssra trying to survive was dark and interesting to witness. Same with poor Runas with his addiction.
    Illidan annihilating Gul'dan was brutal and badass.
    And so on.
    If this level of darkness is fine by Blizzard in 11.0 and forward, then i dont need risks beyond that.
    But if going beyond kiddy level of DF means taking risks, then im all for Blizzard starting to take risks again.
    Last edited by Harbour; 2023-11-01 at 03:27 PM.

  16. #45816
    The Undying Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Well Done Steak View Post
    That's not the point. You're saying all the og were underground when that's not the case with nzoth.
    Okay, but like all Old Gods he was under the surface. The point is that the Old Gods are always connected to the underground, under the surface, deep/dark places of Azeroth.

    They didn't. But mop into wod did, wod into legion did, legion into bfa did, arent you all about precedence?

    Yeah, but the end of those expansions didn't bleed into the following expansion the way you're saying 10.2 is. In all of those cases you had a single character, typically the antagonist, escape into the next expansion and do something. It wasn't like we stayed in Durator after SoO and fought Garrosh's new horde. His entire scheme was dismantled and he fled to an entirely different planet and spent 30 years plotting his revenge. I will fully buy Iridikron carrying over into 11.0, but the idea that we're carrying Elune, Eonar, and some legendary green dragon into the next expansion is nonsense. We're dealing with that in 10.2. and its subsequent patches.

    I expect her to do nothing as well. But clearly she's gonna do something for the world soul of azeroth when she's heavily involved with other cosmic beings and the shit is about to hit the fan with the world soul emerging and whatever zovaal warned us about.

    Member she pretty much has connections to all cosmic forces minus disorder, so if 11.0 is the climax of all this shit then I fully expect her to make an appearance along with Eonar. And Ysera had some kind of grand purpose to if her help requires benching malfurion and the blizzcon pet is modeled after her. Cuz she ain't do nothing yet.
    Again, all of this is going to be over by the end of the 10.2 patch sequence. After we beat Fyrakk, we're going to be spending 10.2.5 and 10.2.7 repairing the dream and dealing with other green dragon/NE/Elune nonsense. We're not going to be spending the next 3 years dealing with the Dream or the realm of life. By 11.0 people will be done with dragon aspects and titans, which is exactly what you're talking about here.

  17. #45817
    Risk isn't just carried across the setting or plot, but the gameplay as well. I think there's a large appetite for new systems or otherwise transformative gameplay design right now. People want the game to change in a positive way; that the systems they added in BfA and SL were largely poorly designed can't be used as a bludgeon to ensure the game never evolves past the Legion gameplay loop. For all the talk of filler expansion or maintenance mode or whatever, I'm looking way more at what the gameplay team is doing than the narrative end.

    Regarding the story, Legion is also basically the template "please come back" fan service expansion. I wouldn't be surprised if the story continues down a path where it's extended island/cosmic adventures where a minority love it, a minority hate it (me), and the majority seem beyond apathetic or passively mocking of it. I think the problems with DF's plot are eerily similar to the problems with BfA and SL, and I need to be thoroughly convinced that Metzen's presence will make a positive difference at this point rather than just hailing him as a savior.

  18. #45818
    What's more likely, another class or 4th specs across the board?

  19. #45819
    Do people even use the engineering bombs/gadgets in retail? AFAIK they are mostly just fluff besides the toys (including wormholes) and guns.

  20. #45820
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    Why do people have an obsession with wanting to make WoW into a F2P game?
    Because if wow becomes free to play, blizzard will monetize it with more shop items and battle passes, which will give people reasons to criticize blizzard more.

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