1. #46441
    Quote Originally Posted by KyleEverett View Post
    I enjoyed and played WoD throughout. I loved my garrison, doing all the various building achieves. The legendary ring was fun.
    I loved those parts too but they took me about two months to do. What's after?

  2. #46442
    Quote Originally Posted by Holdodlig View Post
    This somehow reminds me of when HotS (heart of the swarm) ending was leaked and nobody trusted it as it was an early asset (and 2 years before the expansion came out I think ?)

    The author admitted this is fake.

  3. #46443
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    Imagine a continent with zones that change environment depending on the time of day, month, or even season.

  4. #46444
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    It's such a random collection of stuff though. Even if I feel compelled to believe in it simply for the removal of transmog restrictions.

    Also it was EK Revamp specifically, wasnt it?
    Actually everything ties perfectly together.

    Khaz Algar, like all Fantasy Dwarven cities, is underground, so that means that Earthen and Old Gods will be relevant. Since Earthen/Dwarves will be relevant, the class "Artificer" makes thematic sense, as does a system called "Path of the Titans". World revamp also makes sense, because the most logical way to cause huge changes to the planet is by affecting its underground somehow; indeed, that is how the Cataclysm revamp happened. Deathwing bursting from the underground realm of the Earth, the Deepholme, caused the Cataclysm.

    So actually everything about that leak makes perfect sense and ties together in a harmonious and perfect way.

  5. #46445
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Thanks! /10thanks
    In case you want to quote him verbatim.

    97osol messages
    October 31st 2023
    3:58pm pg 2309
    the first riddle for 11.0 will be found on page 1418

    4:27 pg2312
    The riddle was found in the shaper of worlds. For your next quest, find the fourth in the fourth, who may point you further.

    5:16 pg2316
    Knowledge of Warcraft is essential, the last clue may be too difficult for some. Y, C, Y, N, are the four.

    5:29 pg2317
    Giving you runes made it easy. The fourth god in the fourth war, he will be involved, but you already known. Your location already known: Khaz Algar. The Shaper of Worlds detailed your plot. What can you discover new? class or race? Now the 1st, 18th, and 20th, will give you some runes, the rest you will have to fill in. Use two of your eyes.

    6:19 pg 2322
    ART is correct, now use your eyes. The race will come next.

    7:02 pg 2327
    You discovered your class... now about your race? Your first step: Go to the storm.

    7:09 pg2328
    The Stormpeaks are home of the Stormforged Artificer, both steps have been solved, but Stormforged Iron Dwarf is not your race. The Earthen of Khaz Algar, based on them. You got your plot, your continent, your race, your class, but what about systems?

    7:11 pg2329
    It is time for me to sleep, and will let you think before my return, your revamped world is not just a hope.

    November 1st 2023
    11:50am pg2377
    Hello fellow robots. I return for your next riddle. Your world will be revamped, with your Earthen Artificer, but what system can you find in 64 72 61 67 6f 6e 62 6c 69 67 68 74 (Dragonblight)

    12:28pm pg2380
    Artificer for all races. Path of the titans is your system. Perhaps last one was too easy.
    lets make this a little harder
    (Image is reupload of K’aresh fan art from 10 years ago – steganography revealed a link to a reddit post about removing transmog restrictions)

    1:11 pg2386
    You solved the riddle, i tried a little harder, but am not good with them. You have Khaz Algar, Titanforged Earthen Artificers, Void involved, Path of the Titans, World Revamp, and Transmog all armor types.

    1:19 pg2389
    Yes it is true,Quel'thalas and Draenei islands become part of kalimdor and eastern kingdoms. No loading screens.

  6. #46446
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    I don't think it's particularly random.

    We've been speculating a Khaz + Revamp for a while.
    Old God involvement is usually a given, especially with the setup they've been doing this expansion.
    And they tied Artificers to the Earthen.
    Which is not exactly far-fetched for a titanforged race.

    Only Path of the Titans and the transmog restrictions stick out.
    And the former only really does that because of the developmental history of that name.

    As for EK, idk, maybe i missed some riddles, but i'm pretty sure they mentioned no loading screens and draenei/Belf starting zones in the last few.
    If this leak turns out to be real, my guess is these playable Earthen will be very different from the Earthen we've encountered in the past. Possibly powered in some way by Azerite and perhaps more technologically oriented.

    Resurrecting this makes me lose faith that this leak is real though:


    Happy to be wrong.
    Last edited by D4NNYB0Y; 2023-11-01 at 08:29 PM.

  7. #46447
    As someone who mostly plays to raid (but not exclusively), I adored WoD.

    BRF is still the best raid instance in the game, and Highmaul had some incredibly good bosses as well.
    Command Table also was still at a point where it was a fun side activity.

  8. #46448
    WoD was great for levelling. The Garrison was okay. The problem is, once you were max level and you garrison was built up, there was basically nothing to do except raid.<
    Last edited by Jaggler; 2023-11-01 at 08:31 PM.

  9. #46449
    My thoughts re: world revamp at this point is that I think it's slightly peculiar that Ion had the chance in that 10.2 interview to either completely shut down the idea of a revamp or dismiss it with a quick "no plans at this time" or what have you, but instead went onto say that it's likely and begin talking about the specific problems they want to tackle with it. Seems odd to talk about it off the cuff at such length, but who knows.

  10. #46450
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    Imagine a continent with zones that change environment depending on the time of day, month, or even season.
    That honestly just sounds annoying as hell. Imagine if you like the atmosphere except it only appears on the third Thursday of March and only if it's raining.

  11. #46451
    Brewmaster doledippers's Avatar
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    damn, so nothing concrete today on the leaks. was hoping to get another juicy one today. o well, theres always tomorrow

  12. #46452
    Immortal Shadochi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiria View Post
    Huh, I actually liked WoD, each to their own I guess
    I gotta agree with this, but from my point it was also since it was my first expac on retail (played 3.3.5 private servers before that) so I also had a ton of time to do old grinds
    #1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread

  13. #46453
    The binary code stuff is giving r/iamverysmart

  14. #46454
    Quote Originally Posted by Murlocos View Post
    My thoughts re: world revamp at this point is that I think it's slightly peculiar that Ion had the chance in that 10.2 interview to either completely shut down the idea of a revamp or dismiss it with a quick "no plans at this time" or what have you, but instead went onto say that it's likely and begin talking about the specific problems they want to tackle with it. Seems odd to talk about it off the cuff at such length, but who knows.
    It's definitely happening. They've been doing the work for the assets for a while now. The real question is just if it's 11.0 or not.

  15. #46455
    Quote Originally Posted by Murlocos View Post
    My thoughts re: world revamp at this point is that I think it's slightly peculiar that Ion had the chance in that 10.2 interview to either completely shut down the idea of a revamp or dismiss it with a quick "no plans at this time" or what have you, but instead went onto say that it's likely and begin talking about the specific problems they want to tackle with it. Seems odd to talk about it off the cuff at such length, but who knows.
    I think it's like the trading post weapons and the gray dwarf pictured in the TP post. At this point if they are all non sequiturs the blame is more on them than on us

  16. #46456
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PotHockets View Post
    That honestly just sounds annoying as hell. Imagine if you like the atmosphere except it only appears on the third Thursday of March and only if it's raining.
    Innovation isn't always for the best, but I would like to see Blizzard experiment more. Dragonflight being a "safe expansion" I think was smart. However, now I want them to take the lessons learned, QoL changes, system overhauls, etc., and create something even better for 11.0+.

  17. #46457
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I don't think you can disconnect Khaz Algar from Avaloren at this point.

    Avaloren is somewhere other than Ancient Kalimdor, check.

    Khaz Algar is very far away from Uldaman, check.

    Erinethria flew west to another land not on Ancient Kalimdor, beyond storms, check.

    Khaz Algar has Stormriders, check.


    That said, since Khaz Modan is the name of an entire kingdom or subcontinent, it is possible Khaz Algar is as well. It might not be a city, as people like to believe. If this is the case, then it might indeed be separate from Avaloren. Perhaps they are both simply continents behind the Storming Sea.
    I think that Khaz Algar is separate from Avaloren. Why? Because their names don't have anything in common at all.

    If anything, "Avaloren" makes Me think of Avalon from the Arthurian legends, most certainly not Fantasy Dwarves.

    "Khaz Modan" refers to the entire Dwarven subcontinent, but Ironforge is actually much bigger in the lore and even in-game it's implied that it spans through the entire region, even as far as Loch Modan (the little closed-off windows that are above the gates of Ironforge are also found at the borders of Dun Morogh/Loch Modan, implying that it's all an inter-connected underground settlement much larger than just city of Ironforge).

    So I expect Khaz Algar to be a very large, subcontinent-wide settlement. It might get a similar treatment to Zuldazar/Dazar'alor, where Zuldazar is the entire city that spans the entire zone, and the urban core and player hub is Dazar'alor.

  18. #46458
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    As someone who mostly plays to raid (but not exclusively), I adored WoD.

    BRF is still the best raid instance in the game, and Highmaul had some incredibly good bosses as well.
    Command Table also was still at a point where it was a fun side activity.
    Imo All three raids were amazing. WoD is probably the expansion with the most consistently good raid encounters. Every other expansion had some flop raid.

  19. #46459
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    Innovation isn't always for the best, but I would like to see Blizzard experiment more. Dragonflight being a "safe expansion" I think was smart. However, now I want them to take the lessons learned, QoL changes, system overhauls, etc., and create something even better for 11.0+.
    I liked what they did with weather in Shadowlands and would like to see that touched on more. Weather systems could apply to a lot of different vibes or atmospheres. Maybe even able to double up on them so say you have rain and also wind in the area then it's a heavy deluge but if you have wind and a lot of sun you get some dust devils or something.

  20. #46460
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    WoW is the big cashcow, and the reception to DF fixing a bunch of stuff gives them a bunch of momentum that it would be insane to give up on by implictly stating all expansions going forward will be "failed" ones.
    Has it given them momentum? It seems like engagement with Retail related content is very low,the limited statistics we do have suggest the playerbase is overall down to about 9.2 levels and just anecdotally most lapsed players I talk to are completely uninterested in Dragonflight and they almost all say "something big is needed to bring me back".

    Ultimately well find out and getting a sense of the feeling in the community at large is extremely hard but it wouldnt surprise me if the reaction to another 4 zone island expansion was pretty negative even from players that are still playing.

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