Transmog is already a clownfest theme park. And armor as a whole always was, even before Cataclysm added the feature.
Transmog is about making your character look like you imagine them looking. And removing restrictions just lets you have more freedom to express that, while also having the benefit of incentivizing alts in a way only Legion managed before that.
The world revamp dream will never die!
For me even more important is completely lifting restrictions with OBTAINING transmog. When they introduced transmog tab in Legion, it was mostly about running old dungeons/raids. But now game is literally flooded with BoP transmog everywhere, also amount of old expacs almost doubled since then.
It's been a circus since 2019, or even earlier. In fact, there were always "goofy ass" mog people, and before them - goofy ass equip people. At this point all fantasy, lore restrictions are laughable at best
Last edited by Thaumaturgus; 2023-11-02 at 11:21 AM. Reason: images still not working