Theres also a gold frame that has the ocho thing
https //assets
Theres also a gold frame that has the ocho thing
https //assets
Ocho… El Niño…. Storms…. Storms of Avaloren?
These assets especially, they are so glittery!
Time travel - with Iridikron words about "only one true timeline" can make sence.
Imagine we get new world, but not with world rewamp, but entire population of Azeroth moved to old times, right after Titan win the war with old gods. Newly Ordered Azeroth.
No Night Elves yet, no Azshara, no Sundering.
No troll wars, Old gods are in prisons. At what places will races go? Night Elves - I think can come to Hyjal, Well is not about Night elves nowadays.
Humans - East and South East of Kalimdor, Orcs - west/south west. Taurens in the middle, trolls to Mountains of Zandalari.
Your guesses?
Shadowlands is Onionwe will never know whats ocho.tottaly unrelated