This is hardly a BfA situation though? And that is even ignoring that they did have one side be canonically wrong in their choice in BfA. The "choice" is on Wrathion or Sabellian, and it's a choice you make weekly. You could absolutely just make the canonical end that everyone just helped both regardless.
And how is choosing Ebyssian as the aspect not functionally the same as saying Sabellian or Wrathion was the wrong choice anyways?
The world revamp dream will never die!
I'd prefer if they stopped with the aspects. They bring nothing of value to the dragon story.
With the guardian of Azeroth it was clear why they were needed and why they got a title, they were infused with power. With the aspects it's always unclear and always a mystery what their responsibilities are, but not in an interesting way.
So let's drop the aspects, drop the oath stones, let the primalist win and not have them do a jailer-deathwing plan of wanting to dominate-kill everyone.
Time Travel, Holy Hand Grenade, Murozond - WotLK Classic Patch 3.4.2 Datamining
Now hold on a minute. New Murozond themed items from the future added into Classic WotLK PTR when Dragonflight will have time shenanigans with the Bronze Flight.
Will the events of Dragonflight's Bronze patch affect WoW Classic timeline and split it off into a different timeline where Cataclysm never happens and Blizz can develop new content into the game following the Classic era principles, like how Old School Runescape and Runescape 3 are different games with paraller development and wholly split timelines at this point?
That would be pretty insane event.
It would be an insanely detrimental option. Once you open the options of retconning stuff then there is no going back. Everything is up for grabs.
Besides, as I have said many times before, WotLK and Cataclysm is basically the same expansion in terms of gameplay. The only measurable difference is popularity, and that you can go back to EK and Kalimdor in WotLK, but you can't in Cata.
Besides. What is going to happen with future Classic expansions anyways? Will it just rewrite the ones we have, trying to avoid the narrative pitfalls? Will it try to mix it up to present the veneer of possibility that we won't be fighting Deathwing and N'zoth eventually?
Why should Blizzard stop at remaking WoW from WotLK anyways? What about trying BfA again with Dragonflight mechanics and gameplay, and without the story being shit? Or a version of Shadowlands that went into the bin at the beginning?
Also, wouldnt it be more prudent in that case to remake expansions from Vanilla onwards? Really try to recapture the gameplay that we lost since then? The current gameplay loop of endgame being paramount, and raids being the true essence of PvE started in WotLK anyways, so we wouldnt gain much. If we really wanted a fresh take on WoW expansions then go for Vanilla and it's heavy focus on the open world.
Personally I think it's much more likely that what we see are just basic QoL changes fro WotLK, since the previous fixes to the janky systems were so well regarded.
The world revamp dream will never die!
But why would it be Ebyssian though? Why not the Black Dragon who we give artifacts from the Zskera vaults after he leaves Sabellian? Or even Adamanthia after we free her from the Forbidden Reach?
If we accept that Ebyssians only good trait for Black Aspect is his trait of not being Sabellian or Wrathion then there are loads of other Black Dragons who make just as much sense.
The world revamp dream will never die!
Yeah he's basically a non-entity in most aspects (heh, no pun intended) but what he has done is be a guide, a mentor figure, and also one of the three at the forefront as "sons" of Deathwing (symbolically in Wrathion's case, anyway) and the only one of the three sons/heirs who is not jonesing for it. Just feels like its an obvious setup to me.
That idea sounds incredibly silly. Classic being one thing, it going to a different story... please no. Time Traveling shennigans after DF? Sure, go nuts.
#TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde
Thrall filled in. Besides, there aren’t any real barriers to this regardless; if the writers want it to happen, it’s possible.
And even then, Blizzard has been trying hard to sell Dracthyr as dragons. And heirs to Neltharion. I can’t think of anything more apt to cement them as “real” dragons and the reinventors of the black Dragonflight than making her the next Aspect.