Guys please do not the Teriz, you should know better by now
My god.. the takes in this thread today..
"It has to be fake! There was *never* a unseen race ingame before it became playable!"
Dracthyr, Draenei (in their playable form), etc etc.
"It has to be real because X"
Yea, just like the screenshots, the pictures of the scenery being set up at Blizzcon.
That "leak" feels about as real as "Tinkers can only be goblins and gnomes because I say so!".
For me, I am really curious on the expansion. So far there has not been a leak that sounds interesting or trustworthy (Yes, including the screenshots). Ofcourse that doesn't say much, not many people believed (including me) that the BFA/SL/DF leaks were real either haha
I hope Avaloren is beautiful. Really interested to see what the heretics did with the place.
we rly not gonna have any good leaks this week, thats CRAZY
I just realized. Having Taunka and Vrykul and would make Avaloren even more of a Dragon Isles 2.0. It would literally have the other two friendly NPC races from Northrend.
DF had Tuskarr and Furbolg. 11.0 with Vrykul and Taunka. The only one that would be missing overall would be the friendly Nerubians.
The world revamp dream will never die!
All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.
What's everyone's opinion of another small time skip with 10.2.7 (or 10.3.7 if we get another season)
Give them a way to get the new tree/NE home up and at least partially running without having us to go back to the Dragon Isles after the new expansion launches.
Edit: Also a way to give Gilneas back to the Alliance, ad I doubt a full dedicated patch will happen over the Desolate Council just leaving it.
Last edited by Mrpms; 2023-11-02 at 08:27 PM.
Hi friends
just saw the 10.2 raid finale previewed on the main stage. fyrakk has a 'if i'm going down you are going down with me' moment, he uses his axe (i forget its name, flamemourne, you know the one, but it has that shadowflame look to it here) to open all sorts of rifts to various wacky looking places, then he seems to charge up before imploding in a big explosion, but vyranoth casts a frost nova of sorts to save the tree, and saves the heroes aswell, all that remains after is the axe laying on the ground and portals close around the 'boss room'. alexstrazsa embraces vyranoth and they turn their back to the axe,and everyone begins to walk away, and we see one portal flicker in the background, as if it wasn't fully closed and right before the cinematic ends abruptly you see a pair of yellow eyes in the portal. that is it.
It's only 1PM in California, I'd expect the real leaks to happen mid-afternoon to early evening given they're probably setting the merch up around that time, so still a few hours to go.
Above that, I don't know... I'd be surprised and impressed if Blizzard really manages a no-leak expac announcement this year.
Reading the forums makes me chuckle as a Augvoker main