1. #49541
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    I think "zones" aside, the features are really important for the longevity/gameplay aspect of WoW. You may love/hate the new "zones" (Avaloren, or otherwise), but who cares if the features aren't "up to par?"
    Zones to me are honestly the most important. I just want to chill in game. Zones like DF that are gorgeous, open, and vibrant? I play all expacs. Zones like Cata which are weird? Under sea, Under ground, ugly ground, etc? Quit early.

    Quit Shadowlands very quickly for a similar reason. It wasn't even the features it was the super bright zones, super Not!Nelf zone, super zombie zone, super dreary zone, super dead zone. Super boring and so I didn't give it another try.

    We gotta stare at those zones for two years, if they aren't pretty they lost interest.

  2. #49542
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kavikor View Post
    A lot of people are lore hounds here, so it may matter substantially to some. Dragonflight was pretty decent as far as features, but the theme didn't hold them. So I definitely understand the worry, but judging the expansion on 4 alleged screenshots seems like judging way too harshly, way too soon.

    I could see, "This looks bland" but to say, "Welp, another 2 years of shit I'm not going to play." is a bit much
    Exactly what I've been preaching for a week, now. The idea of judging the zones (poor quality images) and/or the entirety of an expansion based on the "zones" is kind of mindboggling to me.

  3. #49543
    Quote Originally Posted by NikolaiShade View Post
    To clarify: i don't get any "heretic" vibe from the 4 screenshots. The dwarves seem ice savqges, the ogres are desert savages, where are the heretics able to repel odyn's forces?
    Heretic just means they act in opposition to the Titans will. It doesn't have any specific imagery. It's not like...idk they have to have a church or something.

  4. #49544
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrrh View Post
    Could be a Magni-type situation. Those close to the Earth element seem to wind up in touch with either Azeroth... or old gods. Interestingly, while he is genuinely caught off guard by Neltharion's embrace of the Void, Iridikron doesn't seem unfamiliar with it and recognises it as something of concern immediately.
    An interesting idea, I wonder if Azeroth wanted him to be a proto-Magni and then Neltharion/the Void cancelled that out.

    He could've been a Champion of Azeroth before the Void got to him.

  5. #49545

    nzoth is back


  6. #49546
    Bloodsail Admiral Colonel Sandor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magistrate View Post
    It's not like...idk they have to have a church or something.
    All hail stone-dwarf jesus.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinksocking View Post

    nzoth is back
    He's smaller than I remember.

  7. #49547
    Puts the "Super" in Supermod Venara's Avatar
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    If you look at all the other sections for other halls that list "Experiences", you'll notice all of these appear to be just general points of interest for photo op stuff, gameplay demos, the usual themed areas, and a variety of other things.

    None of the others appear to include any clues for future expansions, so it's unlikely this one is a clue. It's probably just a statue or something like that.
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  8. #49548
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    I'm definitely playing a little bit of "devil's advocate" here. I am a HUGE lore guy myself, so obviously I want the zones and story to be top-notch. However, I do want good features, too, because I feel like that was missing (at-least for me) in Dragonflight. I love Dragonriding (literally log on sometimes just for that alone). I'm completely "checked out" with the "new zone wide events" being "content" at this point, though.

  9. #49549
    The Lightbringer
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    Quote Originally Posted by kavikor View Post
    A lot of people are lore hounds here, so it may matter substantially to some. Dragonflight was pretty decent as far as features, but the theme didn't hold them. So I definitely understand the worry, but judging the expansion on 4 alleged screenshots seems like judging way too harshly, way too soon.

    I could see, "This looks bland" but to say, "Welp, another 2 years of shit I'm not going to play." is a bit much
    That was me when it comes to DF lore. It just didn't grip me at all. The whole narrative.
    If I'll see the same stuff second expansion in a row, 11.0 would need whole lot of cool features to motivate me to buy the game.
    Cosmetic glyphs for all spells would be instant pre order though.

  10. #49550
    The Unstoppable Force Puupi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magistrate View Post
    Heretic just means they act in opposition to the Titans will. It doesn't have any specific imagery. It's not like...idk they have to have a church or something.
    Yeah about those church people in WoW: who are they actually worshipping?
    Quote Originally Posted by derpkitteh View Post
    i've said i'd like to have one of those bad dragon dildos shaped like a horse, because the shape is nicer than human.
    Quote Originally Posted by derpkitteh View Post
    i was talking about horse cock again, told him to look at your sig.

  11. #49551
    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Sandor View Post
    All hail stone-dwarf jesus.

    - - - Updated - - -

    He's smaller than I remember.
    its all part of his trickery


  12. #49552
    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Sandor View Post
    All hail stone-dwarf jesus.

    - - - Updated - - -

    He's smaller than I remember.
    He's /trying/ his best

  13. #49553
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keyalios View Post
    Zones to me are honestly the most important. I just want to chill in game. Zones like DF that are gorgeous, open, and vibrant? I play all expacs. Zones like Cata which are weird? Under sea, Under ground, ugly ground, etc? Quit early.

    Quit Shadowlands very quickly for a similar reason. It wasn't even the features it was the super bright zones, super Not!Nelf zone, super zombie zone, super dreary zone, super dead zone. Super boring and so I didn't give it another try.

    We gotta stare at those zones for two years, if they aren't pretty they lost interest.
    Hear, hear.

    An expansion with bad zones isn't going to keep me interested for very long. Shadowlands zones were well made in a technical sense but none of them felt like they belonged in the Warcraft universe, which made it hard to feel immersed.

  14. #49554
    DF lore is pretty solid, the way its convened in game sucks. The MSQ sucks balls and it feels like it's like that because they are catering to people who dont care/watch the scenes on youtube. Very genpop directed.

    Like an executive or higherup made them make the story campaign as generic as it humanly can be to appeal to as many people as possible.

  15. #49555
    Quote Originally Posted by Puupi View Post
    Yeah about those church people in WoW: who are they actually worshipping?
    Well the last WoW Pope turned out to worship the Old Gods...

  16. #49556
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    I'm definitely playing a little bit of "devil's advocate" here. I am a HUGE lore guy myself, so obviously I want the zones and story to be top-notch. However, I do want good features, too, because I feel like that was missing (at-least for me) in Dragonflight. I love Dragonriding (literally log on sometimes just for that alone). I'm completely "checked out" with the "new zone wide events" being "content" at this point, though.
    I'm also big on lore but also big on gameplay, and I definitely prioritize gameplay over lore and agree there's some things missing from DF that are keeping it from being amazing. But even if it had the systems I wanted, I feel like the theme of it would keep it from being the perfect expansion, I like the theme but its just not really for me. I'm not big on dragons, really.

  17. #49557
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    Exactly what I've been preaching for a week, now. The idea of judging the zones (poor quality images) and/or the entirety of an expansion based on the "zones" is kind of mindboggling to me.
    Everyone's hung up on the idea that "if there's cooler stuff elsewhere in the zones why the hell do we have these extremely boring shots?", which is valid enough, I suppose. I'd certainly like to believe there are cooler locales in these zones, and these shots were maybe taken mid-montage, but that sounds like copium, lol.

    They are just sort of baffling. They look real, but they also lack decent wow factor.

  18. #49558
    Mechagnome Myrrh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Sandor View Post
    He's smaller than I remember.
    After the events of BfA, N'zoth is greatly weakened and now follows the player around for an entire expansion as a LoZ Navi-esque pet.

    "Hey, listen! The Void beckons."

  19. #49559
    Bloodsail Admiral Colonel Sandor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kavikor View Post
    I'm also big on lore but also big on gameplay, and I definitely prioritize gameplay over lore and agree there's some things missing from DF that are keeping it from being amazing. But even if it had the systems I wanted, I feel like the theme of it would keep it from being the perfect expansion, I like the theme but its just not really for me. I'm not big on dragons, really.
    DF's dragons don't feel cool at all. Very smooth and talkative. Dragons are supposed to impactful when their on screen.

  20. #49560
    Quote Originally Posted by Ambulatory Cube View Post
    Everyone's hung up on the idea that "if there's cooler stuff elsewhere in the zones why the hell do we have these extremely boring shots?", which is valid enough, I suppose. I'd certainly like to believe there are cooler locales in these zones, and these shots were maybe taken mid-montage, but that sounds like copium, lol.

    They are just sort of baffling. They look real, but they also lack decent wow factor.
    I still feel like these are taken from the media pack thing that I can never remember.

    Just because of how much of a "scene" each of them are, they're showing little interesting areas.

    They also lack the flow of motion. Of course, these are also reason some people believe them to be fake. Because it feels too set up, and because they believe its from a feature trailer and there's no flow of movement.

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