I guarantee they will be keeping the standard subscription. The 15 dollar version will include those 500 free traders tenders & the 8 dollar gamepass version won't. Plus the one thing we know for sure besides the Heroic edition mount is the Algaran Stormrider is that there are 3 tiers of paid expansion & each comes with tenders.
Honestly, they're probably just going back to the expansion being on the WoW website. There hasn't been a new blizz subdomain registered in over a month iirc, and I don't see them registering one in less than 20 hours till the reveal (unless they do, future-proofing this). The DF subdomain leak was probably a once and never again thing
What if Artificer is a red herring but not far off.
What if the real class is Artisan Chef, and we get a chef class?
The community feast, the final boss is a fire boss (like the basic cooking fire), and it obviously fits with adding support specs?
World of Warcraft: Seasoning of Azeroth
Cant believe we still don't have a credible leak. Blizzard may have done it.
Yeah this is wild AF, I never thought I'd see the day.
Also there's this awesome setup of a cross over promo with lovesac bean bags themed for D4.
Also just passed the D4 hall and overwatch halls, both ending their overwatch 2 and D4 standard cinematics with "on xbox game pass"
This domain registered today could be the name of the expansion
sorry if this was already talked about, I haven't been looking at the thread much today
As someone who had no idea what "Wrath of the Lich King" or "The Burning Crusade" meant as I watched them installing on my computer for the first time, I always find it odd when I see people make an argument that WoW was as big or popular as it was back in the early days because of people's attachment to Warcraft 3, and that anything that can't be traced to a pre-WoW basis won't interest people very much. I guarantee the majority of people who have made a WoW account never knew jackshit about Warcraft 3, existence or story. Everyone saw the celebrity adds with Ozzy and Mr T and shit on their tvs during the height of popularity, and I bet most people who tried out WoW over the course of its lifespan did so because WoW itself was so popular and well known, not because of nostalgia for Warcraft RTS games.
If they do want to do the separate site thing, in today's day and age they can get away with setting up the subdomain, the certificate and the site itself right in the minutes before the announcement trailer is shown, if they've rehearsed/planned it well that'll go just fine.