1. #50401
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    That does quite literally nothing but change the map zoom.
    It does, if there are smoother transitions between zones, instead of having 5-6 tiny dwarven zones you have one massive one up to the size of the new zones for let's say DF for example. Do that for EK or Kalimdor, you end up with 4-5 metazones, which is basically what expansions provide nowadays.

    It won't make Goldshire or Thelsamar feel bigger for sure, and I would still prefer a proper scale up, but it would still alter how we see zones and the world in general and it could work.

  2. #50402
    I watched death note for the first time like a few months ago.

    While I didn't hate the last 1/3 of episodes, I felt the series would have been a lot better overall if it just ended after the L arc (but obviously with a different ending for L)

  3. #50403
    Hopefully no leaks until the opening ceremony. Lets get surprised.

  4. #50404
    Quote Originally Posted by Gwynvael View Post
    Good morning to my favourite thread!

    Now, how come that it is 7 hours until Blizzcon and we STILL don't have the ONE leak to rule them all??? I want to speak to the leak's manager.
    zugzug, no leak for us this season, only the element of surprise!

  5. #50405
    Bloodsail Admiral Colonel Sandor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    I’m just sitting here playing my “Warcraft Rumble.” Carry on!
    It's a pretty damn good game so far...

  6. #50406
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    Yeah quite often WoW concept art looks way cooler (not blizz's fault, its hard I imagine to pull the grand concept art or other art pieces in game)
    Frankly, i don't think that would really work as a permanent look. It's good for an atmospheric shot, but it'd get old quick when you try to find anything and it's all poorly lit. It's one of those "cool, but impractical" things.

    That aside, that's what Ironforge already looks like except for lighting.

  7. #50407
    If they must do a scale up, then I imagine it would be tricky to do a revamp in phases. You’d have half of Kalimdor boosted thick and the other half dinky cataclysm sized.

  8. #50408
    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    If zones are merged into meta zones it could work. Like merge Dun Morogh, Loch Modan, Wildhammer Highlands + all the lava zones south into one big Khaz Modan and it would be pretty epic.
    That's not quite the same though as the raw area is still the same, I do think any revamp will make use of larger MegaZones and merges, but I think alongside that they should increase the traversable area not least because of verticality with flight/new flight, but also just to use a propaganda esque quote put the World back into World of Warcraft

  9. #50409
    Quote Originally Posted by blaatschaap View Post
    I watched death note for the first time like a few months ago.

    While I didn't hate the last 1/3 of episodes, I felt the series would have been a lot better overall if it just ended after the L arc (but obviously with a different ending for L)
    Your opinion although not that new is shared with a lot of Death Note fans, me included

    Btw: the Netflix movie is better than the manga... (Some men just want to watch the world burn)

  10. #50410
    Quote Originally Posted by ThatJamesGuy View Post
    That's not quite the same though as the raw area is still the same, I do think any revamp will make use of larger MegaZones and merges, but I think alongside that they should increase the traversable area not least because of verticality with flight/new flight, but also just to use a propaganda esque quite put the World back into World of Warcraft
    I'm not saying it's the same: it definitely isn't. And a proper scale up would be much better.
    But it could be a way around it if they don't have the resources to properly scale things up!

  11. #50411
    Immortal Shadochi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    No worries, I can't see that even if I wanted to.

    If a revamp is ever coming, they -should- scale things up, but I don't think they will for the same reasons why they didn't in Cataclysm. That is a LOT of work. One can hope, though.
    I mean that would basically be recreating the continents from scratch (except they have a general idea of zones), and would allow them to bring the tbc zones to the same map. Its the solution that would be the best, but also one that is like the least feasible to do. That would definitely cost us a raid patch or two (hey we were missing a raid patch in SL and now probably in DF, does that mean if we get revamp we will only have 2 raids in expac)
    #1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread

  12. #50412
    Contributing to this wonderful thread. Hype!!!!!!

  13. #50413
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    I don't post fake leaks nor do I try to judge them because that would probably be some kind of metagaming considering I work here.
    Of course the Kakaponspiracy would say that...

  14. #50414
    Might just stop looking at the thread to be honest, avoid any last minute leaks and go in truly unspoiled.. What a strange experience that'll be.

  15. #50415
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    I've just noticed my fake leak isn't even on your list dang it.


    That's actually a really believable leak if you ask me. I would have given that a 3.5 or 3.75.

    Fake leaks made by leakbusters are a dangerous thing because they know exactly how to make them seem credible.

  16. #50416
    Quote Originally Posted by DahurgTheDragon View Post
    Contributing to this wonderful thread. Hype!!!!!!
    HYPETRAIIIIIIN! Tchooooootchooooooooooooooooo

  17. #50417
    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    zugzug, no leak for us this season, only the element of surprise!
    God damn it, the anticipation is killing me! WHAT WILL IT BE?!?!

  18. #50418
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    That's actually a really believable leak if you ask me. I would have given that a 3.5 or 3.75.

    Fake leaks made by leakbusters are a dangerous thing because they know exactly how to make them seem credible.
    I toned it out on purpose though, I didn't want this to actually become one of the main leaks people believe in, that's why I took a risk with the 10.3 and threw in a few red herrings

  19. #50419
    Rumble is a pretty good game, yeah. I've been playing it on and off for a few months (beta then early access or something).

    It gets a little bit repetitive after you've cleared out a few zones, especially if you're a dork like me and only like to stick with Alliance units. I also kinda dislike how they keep trying to shove store bundles in my face. Seriously, getting players to pay $100 for in-game currency that lets you bypass the grind in a mobile game is just scummy any way you look at it.

  20. #50420
    Still nothing? No shot
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