That's be nice, tbh tho Forsaken kinda got dropped from Wrath after Wrath-Gate/Battle for Undercity, the Horde forces were basically orcs for the most part outside of Howling Fjord and Venomspite. It wasn't until the last patch that Sylvanas got to be directly involved in the Frozen Halls and even then that wasn't really a Forsaken thing, just Sylvanas and two Dark Rangers.
As a Forsaken player Wrath was pretty disappointing in regards to Forsaken's involvement in the war against the Lich King : /
Weird "safe bet".
"Hey, remember that game you stopped playing? There's a new version of it, why don't you come try it out again. By the way your characters are gone as are the mounts you liked and the nice looking gear you collected and all those random little nostalgic items from stuff you did in the past! C-come play though we have... new quests?"
Gnomes and Goblins could be interesting, imo, they just constantly get treated as comedy relief characters. A shame, tbh. I thought the Mechagon stuff was really cool--they wanted to undo the Curse of Flesh so bad they sawed off their own limbs, that's metal af--but man they dropped the ball with the diaper look; the robolegs should've ended at the knee.
I know right, differing opinions must be so new to you /s
To be serious, I can't stand the way Blizzard made gnomes/Goblins. Armor barely works on them, and if it does there is a metric fuckton of clipping of shoulders, sheathed weapons, cloaks etc.
The less I play them, the better. Dwarves have the same, but at least that is a bit less horrendous.
Yeah. I haven't played in a long time, but I still have interest in the world, its lore, and art. The increased use of instances, phasing, raiding, flying, and POV story characters has really kept me away. Those things are all fine, but they've squeezed the MMORP elements out of the game. I'm more interested in an expansive and explorable world like what was offered by vanilla. The game has just gotten increasingly smaller in scope and freedom since then.
FALSE ALARM! I am not from the future! I am just VERY bad at math!
In b4 tinkers.