1. #51541
    That's pretty shadowy.

    Like, could just be some starlight potentially but they did a shit job if that's all it's supposed to be. Each cluster is too dense and purposeful.

  2. #51542
    Here‘s to hoping the Sargeras pulls the swords out leak being true, they’ve been the best ones.
    MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again

  3. #51543
    Quote Originally Posted by Moth Preacher View Post
    SoA is real!
    Sword of 'argeras!

    Makes so much sense now

  4. #51544
    the rocks on the base of the sword are the same ones from the tweet WoW posted a bit ago showing some of the stage decor

  5. #51545
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    It's funny that you would say this, because all the "Cosmic" complaints started circulating during Shadowlands.

    "Cosmic" according to this community is anything that "doesn't take place on Azeroth".

    But, then, why people started complaining about "Cosmic" in Shadowlands and not in TBC or WOD?

    Because the Cosmic setting was never the problem in the first place, it was simply the garbage villain.

    What people dislike about Shadowlands is not the setting, it's that the Main Villain is garbage and retroactively ruined the lore.

    Go back and look at the immediate reactions to SL, people either liked or were neutral about the Cosmic setting.
    Yeah, I mean the part where you travel "beyond the veil" doesn't feel "cosmic" to me, more like a fantasy realm of death. The part that came afterwards, meaning Zereth Mortis and all that stuff, was what I disliked a lot. And that the lore started to conflate realms, dimensions, void, light and everything in between.
    I always envisioned Shadowlands as the counterpart of Emerald Dream.

    And cosmic doesn't necessarily mean "anything that hangs in the Twisting Nether" or "has a otherworldly vibe" to me, but rather have spaceships, planets in astophysical? sense and sci-fi theme smuggled in to something, that by default exists in high-fantasy setting. But as I said, that's my view on that

  6. #51546
    The dumbest leak ends up being the real one, id be flabbergasted.

  7. #51547
    What was the Shadow over Azeroth leak again? I remember the detail about the sword.

  8. #51548
    That looks very much not like the area around the sword currently...lol

  9. #51549
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    Here‘s to hoping the Sargeras pulls the swords out leak being true, they’ve been the best ones.
    I really wouldn't like Sargeras pulling out the sword. I don't see what else could get rid of it, but I don't want Sargeras to be free or redeemed.

  10. #51550
    Quote Originally Posted by RahEndymion View Post
    Well isn't this thread turning into an an avengers endgame esque collection of all of the people who've picked very specific hills to die on in the last year.

    How are we all feeling now we're close to an hour away from announcements? What hills are we still willing to die on?
    If we get Avaloren and it's just another expansion continent with 4-5 zones and maybe an island or two off the coast, then I will think the devs have given up.

    If we go to Avaloren and it's just that then it needs to be visually and thematically distinct from the Dragon Isles. Like being an archipelago with actual deep water you need a ship to get across. Or a flying continent or whatever.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  11. #51551
    Knight of the Astral Star Local Ardenweald Faerie's Avatar
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    We are so desperate to derive truth in leaks because of a background.

    I love it. Shadows over Azeroth sounds cool.

  12. #51552
    Quote Originally Posted by Nuami View Post
    The dumbest leak ends up being the real one, id be flabbergasted.
    Dumbest? It‘s by far the most creative and interesting one.
    MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again

  13. #51553
    Wonder if the sword was keeping the shadow at bay.

  14. #51554
    There is no expansion, the presentation is just going to be Ion airing his grievances against Asmongold for asking that question a year ago.

  15. #51555
    Is there going to be someone on the stage in front of the sword? Illidan maybe?

  16. #51556
    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    That's pretty shadowy.

    Like, could just be some starlight potentially but they did a shit job if that's all it's supposed to be. Each cluster is too dense and purposeful.
    It's possible the intent was to give the scale impression. Like the sword reaching up above the clouds and into space.

  17. #51557
    Moderator Aucald's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    Here‘s to hoping the Sargeras pulls the swords out leak being true, they’ve been the best ones.
    World of Warcraft: Rise of Sargeras
    "We're more of the love, blood, and rhetoric school. Well, we can do you blood and love without the rhetoric, and we can do you blood and rhetoric without the love, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can't give you love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory. They're all blood, you see." ― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

  18. #51558
    Quote Originally Posted by RipByTide View Post
    What was the Shadow over Azeroth leak again? I remember the detail about the sword.
    Quote Originally Posted by IronWasher View Post
    Name is Shadow over Azeroth. It has to do with one of the void lords casting sort of a void barrier thing over Azeroth. Illidan comes back to warn us just before and Sargeras is out of his prison. He's not redeemed from what I gathered but is working alongside the other titans now that they've realized the threat of the void. He pulls out the sword out of Silithus and through the hole we travel to Uldaz. There is a teleporter pad there which takes us to Khaz'Algar, which is underground, like way waaay underground. The earthen have become "corrupted" by being too close to the titan soul of Azeroth.
    Heart of Azeroth is back and Khaz'Algar can only be entered if you have the neck equiped. Major world revamp with lots of void portals opening all over similar to Legion Invasions.
    Fun Fact: The trailer is narrated by knaifu.

    The background of the sword in that pic, it looks very voidy and shadowy, wouldn't you agree?

  19. #51559
    High Overlord Nerdslime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Murlocos View Post
    There is no expansion, the presentation is just going to be Ion airing his grievances against Asmongold for asking that question a year ago.
    I would watch with full attention for the entire duration of the panel.

  20. #51560
    ...which one's Shadow over Azeroth again?

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