Odd that there are non classic race banners in the Classic demo area.
What's the pre-recorded streams? Is that skippable so I can take a shower?
The trick would be to make Enhancement have 2 paths. The support path and the full dps path, then have the tank Earthwarden... you don't get more support than a shaman class tbh
New specs imo:
Evoker - tank spec
Demon Hunter - range spec
Mage - support spec
Shaman - tank spec and enh reworked support
If I were going to try to add a new spec to every class but druid, I would do the following.
Bard - new support class - 1 range buff support, 1 melee debuff support, 1 range bow using dps spec
Rogue - new warden spec = dps/support hybrid
Warlock - new tank spec, locks can make pacts with their demons, special demon tank OR they can turn into them.
DK - Rune support spec
Hunter - either tank or debuff trap based support spec
Priest - Moon Priestess based support spec and a holy magic skin for shadow (few other classes get some skins)
Paladin - melee support spec - and void magic holy and ret skins, Holy has an off healer talent path that signifincantly raise it's dps
My better half asking: wait, you're going to miss F1 qualifying for a video game stream?
My response: HELL YEAH!!!
PS. Isn't the sword definitely a hint. I don't think the actual in game sword is slanted like that is it?
Ocho Illidans