All these, "We haven't even see a real leak" what happens if the screenshots are real?
From the time it was announced everyone was hating on it but I loved it from the moment go.
Plus everyone talked about Kung Fu Panda but just look at the Pandaren in cinematics. They were not just huggable teddy bears, they were BEARS. I am happy history has vindicated MoP, and I feel it will do the same for DF even with the recent negativity.
Blizzard has stated before they usually plan out these expansions way ahead of one another. Conceptually anyway. I don't think anyone would have THIS much information yet.
Can't believe it's been 4 years since last real Blizzcon feels forever.
Maybe we are getting mini expansions?
Quelthalas wouldn't be an entire expansion.
Looks like we won't get to 2700, but still pretty close before showtime.
void or riot
"You know you that bitch when you cause all this conversation."