1. #5161
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Depends on what the next expansion is I would say. If he is planning on releasing something, or otherwise opening a path somewhere, then I could easily see him take a similar narrative role as Gul'dan. Instigating a conflict, then being removed just in time to set up the final confrontation.
    Really the issue is that we don't really know what Iridikron is planning or even what his motives are. Razsageth and possibly Vyranoth may be idealogues; they truly want to remove the influence of the Titans. But Iridikron is likely to have a much more base desire from the way he has been described. If he is after power, maybe he is after the World Soul (everyone else is). If he is also affected by the Void, someone needs to replace the writer team already.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    Deathwing is an example what happens when they make fight against a giant corrupted being.

    It is just tentacley add-fest. Boss needs to be reasonable size to matter in the encounter.
    Honestly I think a good model for how a fight against something like Deathwing could have worked is Sinestra and later Helya. Simply remove the mobility from the boss itself allows it to be more massive. If you want a giant creature to attack the players, focus on area attacks instead of attacking the tanks (Helya's tentacle attacks).

  2. #5162
    Blue flight story is chromatus
    The blues were the ones responsible for guarding him
    We know many didn't answer the call
    Could also have to do with galakrond bones possibly corrupting some like it did with magic items

  3. #5163
    I wonder if we fight prime galakrond
    Technically speaking he's the only enemy not overpowered and defeated by the dragons he was just...choked.

    Him being the one behind iridikron would be perfect. He was mutated by old god blood so probably had a connection and his followers probably did too. Iridikron having his endgame being bring back galakrond and the new aspects
    Sabellian & wrathion (it's going that way)
    Emberthal (she's gonna end up an aspect and we'll find she has ties to alex)
    Have to defeat him

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    I'm very concerned they are just gonna ditch him but there's got to be a reason we saw cultists and with Xal and the Naga queen returning to the dragon isles it makes sense they bring a weapon that went toe to toe with aspects when those aspects were stronger and still barely defeated him.

    Plus it fits the expansion theme of "enemy locked away breaks free"

  4. #5164
    Mechagnome Civciv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forum Man View Post
    I wonder if we fight prime galakrond
    Technically speaking he's the only enemy not overpowered and defeated by the dragons he was just...choked.

    Him being the one behind iridikron would be perfect. He was mutated by old god blood so probably had a connection and his followers probably did too. Iridikron having his endgame being bring back galakrond and the new aspects
    Sabellian & wrathion (it's going that way)
    Emberthal (she's gonna end up an aspect and we'll find she has ties to alex)
    Have to defeat him

    - - - Updated - - -

    I'm very concerned they are just gonna ditch him but there's got to be a reason we saw cultists and with Xal and the Naga queen returning to the dragon isles it makes sense they bring a weapon that went toe to toe with aspects when those aspects were stronger and still barely defeated him.

    Plus it fits the expansion theme of "enemy locked away breaks free"
    How do you always manage to come up with terrible ideas?
    "We've come to die for the Dragon Queen Rhaenyra."

  5. #5165
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Honestly I think a good model for how a fight against something like Deathwing could have worked is Sinestra and later Helya. Simply remove the mobility from the boss itself allows it to be more massive. If you want a giant creature to attack the players, focus on area attacks instead of attacking the tanks (Helya's tentacle attacks).
    Well, N'zoth technically made up most of his own raid. But any fight against a creature of this magnitude is either going to be fighting small parts of it or some sort of colossus climb.

  6. #5166
    Dreadlord Berkilak's Avatar
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    I would love to see both dragon riding and climbing mechanics integrated with a couple fight intermissions.

  7. #5167
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Well, N'zoth technically made up most of his own raid. But any fight against a creature of this magnitude is either going to be fighting small parts of it or some sort of colossus climb.
    Honestly Carapace was a decent fight. N'zoth was not that bad either, it's just the end that was a disaster after millions spend on Sad Orc we got a cinematic from two decades ago to finish off a god . . .

    The thing is, I don't see Galakrond as a stationary fight; his power is his physicality and that requires for him to be able to move. I know a lot of people hate vehicle combat but I think the issue back in Wrath was that we had minimal or no training (the Malygos drakes could be practiced with a daily quest; Occulus and Ulduar ones were a complete surprise). If we had dragonriding phases of chasing Galakrond around and doing something to force him to land, it would work. And honestly there is nothing new to that; Alysrazor is probably considered the second best fight in Firelands after Ragnaros and you fly through rings to take her down as well. You could have a group on the ground facing infected protodrakes that he spews while a smaller group takes to the sky possibly on the Aspects and has to fly around something on the level of an advanced course with obstacles while the Aspects themselves attack him. When he is forced to land, the entire raid focuses on him. You could even move the raid between different locations
    Last edited by Nymrohd; 2023-05-08 at 05:23 AM.

  8. #5168
    Quote Originally Posted by Houle View Post
    On a related note: did anything ever come from that datamined Dragonblight Map that had Galakronds bones removed? Considering the latest confirmation that Galakrond will return in some form...Cause I dont remember if that was used for anything so far.
    Wasn't that just a quasi-automatic rebuild of a map introduced during 8.X already, that wasn't just missing the bones, but also everything else? Wyrmrest, mortal settlements etc. - rather hinting at a pre-Aspect state of the zone.

    At most we'll see Galakrond via time(ways) travel, but not in the present, not as the final boss.
    Last edited by Nathanyel; 2023-05-08 at 03:59 PM.
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  9. #5169
    Dreadlord Berkilak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    Considering the quality of the writing I'm sure Blizz would love hearing this. All the quicker to forget about narrative loose ends and lore altogether.
    I think the opposite is true. Having several smaller narratives makes it easier to pick up on narrative loose ends without them being shoehorned into the overarching narrative. And smaller narratives allow writers to actually tell real stories with a beginning, middle, and end with characters that actually grow and change along the way. The Duroz questline is a great example of both of these in action. And Varxian. I hope to see the trend continue.

  10. #5170
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Honestly Carapace was a decent fight. N'zoth was not that bad either, it's just the end that was a disaster after millions spend on Sad Orc we got a cinematic from two decades ago to finish off a god . . .

    The thing is, I don't see Galakrond as a stationary fight; his power is his physicality and that requires for him to be able to move. I know a lot of people hate vehicle combat but I think the issue back in Wrath was that we had minimal or no training (the Malygos drakes could be practiced with a daily quest; Occulus and Ulduar ones were a complete surprise). If we had dragonriding phases of chasing Galakrond around and doing something to force him to land, it would work. And honestly there is nothing new to that; Alysrazor is probably considered the second best fight in Firelands after Ragnaros and you fly through rings to take her down as well. You could have a group on the ground facing infected protodrakes that he spews while a smaller group takes to the sky possibly on the Aspects and has to fly around something on the level of an advanced course with obstacles while the Aspects themselves attack him. When he is forced to land, the entire raid focuses on him. You could even move the raid between different locations
    Frankly, that doesn't really sound all that great as a raid encounter. I could see it working well as a solo or small group scenario, but in a raid that would mostly work out to beating up his toes in between bouts of running after him.

  11. #5171
    Dreadlord Berkilak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Frankly, that doesn't really sound all that great as a raid encounter. I could see it working well as a solo or small group scenario, but in a raid that would mostly work out to beating up his toes in between bouts of running after him.
    Considering that he was taken out by a rock the first time around, I could see it as a literal Players vs. the Environment encounter. We try to avoid him for the duration of the encounter, all the while engineering some sort of trap to lull him into. Probably not the best for the last boss, but an interesting penultimate encounter.

  12. #5172
    Quote Originally Posted by Berkilak View Post
    Considering that he was taken out by a rock the first time around, I could see it as a literal Players vs. the Environment encounter. We try to avoid him for the duration of the encounter, all the while engineering some sort of trap to lull him into. Probably not the best for the last boss, but an interesting penultimate encounter.
    I dunno. It could absolutely work if you have some interesting bosses to fight simultaneously. Maybe end it with Galakrond being grounded and having to fight him similar to how Madness of Deathwing worked.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  13. #5173
    Quote Originally Posted by HeraldofSargeras View Post
    How do you always manage to come up with terrible ideas?
    Is it really worse than "nipple devil wants to break reality"

  14. #5174
    Quote Originally Posted by Forum Man View Post
    Is it really worse than "nipple devil wants to break reality"
    Nah, that sounds like a Chainsaw Man arc and I bet it would be metal as hell.

  15. #5175
    Quote Originally Posted by Forum Man View Post
    Is it really worse than "nipple devil wants to break reality"
    He was very dedicated to torturing the minds of the wicked.

  16. #5176
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    Nice, 10.1.5 blue post reveal on Thursday. Maybe indeed it would be too spoilery to show before Aberrus ending?

  17. #5177
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    Nice, 10.1.5 blue post reveal on Thursday. Maybe indeed it would be too spoilery to show before Aberrus ending?
    I saw that, makes sense. There is more to come in DF. But all I can imagine is Sarkereth dying, but nothing too crazy. Still be hillarious if my prediction of Xalatath coming out and saying hi.
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  18. #5178
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    It said next in development, not 10.1.5 blue post. Could be a mix of things.
    What else could be "next in WoW development" if not the nearest patch?
    Last edited by Makabreska; 2023-05-08 at 07:03 PM.
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  19. #5179
    I would love to see Blizzard take a big swing on a Galakrond fight requiring dragonriding.

  20. #5180
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChairmanKaga View Post
    I would love to see Blizzard take a big swing on a Galakrond fight requiring dragonriding.
    Very possible. I think it is pretty much guaranteed we will have DR in at least one raid fight, and Galak seems like a best choice.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

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