They died before the modern Japanese people immigrated to Japan. Tigers went extinct around 10000-12000 years ago on the Japanese isles, when it split. However, the Yamato people came much later.
However, they still encountered them in various trade expeditions. Japan had alot of trade with Korea up until the Tokugawa post Imjin war.
Why didn't the Hearthstone lady at least try to have fun like this guy?
I dig that rumble guy, he seems to really care about the game.
At least they added the best Warcraft Character.
Sylvanas is still loved apparently by that cheer.
lets goooo wow
Queen. Queen shit
"You know you that bitch when you cause all this conversation."
I'd be interested in Rumble if I could play it on PC. I'm just not into gaming on my phone.
After all these AI pics all of a sudden you guys are believing Tigons?
So far my biggest surprise: Sylvanus getting the biggest cheer from the Rumble announcement lol.