Hero Talents sound cool. Delves seem like a solo endgame pillar? Allied Race is insanely lame.
Real OGs were hot for Xal when she was a whispering knife.
FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)
Seems like more of the same but faster. Back to Classic I guess.
Battle for Azeroth
Best focking Axpansion!
Oh... Alleria is gonna get messed up.
So Isle of Dorn is Khaz Algar
If I can't have a mecha this is legit the next best thing, depending on how many class skins they put in.
Blood Knight Paladin? Sunwalkers? Necromancers maybe? More?
Hell make Druids into Tinkers, just switch the forms lmao.
It feels like everyone got what they wanted from the new Saga except for Teriz.
Maybe Tinkers will be a set of "Hero talents" for one class?
This concept will depend a lot on timeframes. If each expansion is about a year, this could work out great! Otherwise the story will feel a little bit too slow in getting there.
I was not expecting any of this.
So Khaz Algar is west of Pandaria, curious.