The Earthen are from Dornogal. Expecting celtic styling as that's very like Donegal
If there's an AR each expansion, Midnight will have to be Forest Trolls.
They didn't say anything about a level cap increase?
Maybe there is also a bunch of transmog and other items with it. I hope you have to do atleast some kind of scenario how you obtain it.
Class skins is seriously amazing, so this has to have all these options and spell effects. There are so many archtypes, curious which ones we have.
Can anyone access the war within website yet?? I keep getting errors.
Two hero talent...shrubs let's call them (they're pretty small to call them trees) per spec is a lot. I'm very curious but that also seems like it could be a pain to handle.
All of this looks amazing I just can't believe Teriz was right about the underground.
Tinkers are confirmed as a hunter hero class.
If these are fully fledged, fully realized expansions with content patches, good.
If these are expansion launch -> expansion launch -> expansion launch, then not so good.
OMFG I love the Warband feature and UI. I've wanted this for so long! Finally I can really invest myself in a handful of alts.
NO world Revamp ??