1. #55341
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    The old world continents had many more biomes than just that.
    Azure Span is the size of 5-6 Elwynn Forests. Elwynn has a single biome in the entire zone, Azure Span has 3 distinct biomes from arctic coast to taiga and glacier.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Fentawow View Post
    They could group them into larger zones though hypothetically. I would assume Lordaeron is similar size to the dragon isles no? Or has someone done a comparison?
    Lordaeron is quite smaller than the Dragon Isles. Ofc it could use some scaling up.

  2. #55342
    Actually, that does beg the question... WHEN will we see Gorribal in the core of Azeroth?

  3. #55343
    Quote Originally Posted by schmonz View Post
    Well, you say that

    They did not detail it yet. And really, do you believe there will be any progression path that could devalue raid or mythic+ gear rewards? That is the big problem.
    They already announced Delve will be a new endgame pillar next to M+ and Raids, getting its own path in the vault. It will coexist with the other endgame gamemodes.

  4. #55344
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Or we just don't think you need that much meat to change the theme of a class slightly. I mean a Dark Ranger is thematically a very different beast to a Hunter.
    I see what you're saying, but I honestly don't see them changing the class all that much. I don't see them changing hunter pets into turrets. I could be wrong though.

  5. #55345
    Mechagnome Myrrh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by matijwow View Post
    Is it just me, or aren't these Naaru markings on the crystal?
    Thinking about it, every other Cosmic power has made one play or another on Azeroth. The Light should be no different. It almost looks like some kind of 'seed', look at how holy energy is creeping out of it into the surrounding rock. The Light may well have dropped it on Azeroth like a nuke, but it failed to detonate. Looks like a lot of Holy power stored up, regardless.

    I'm feeling 11.2 raid tier will take place in Hallowfall, as Xal'atath makes her final play for this crystal. She's successful and converts it entirely to void and uses it to open a staging ground for void entities to go for the Lightwell.

    Light probably panics hard and zoops in Yrel and lightforged army for a middle raid tier in Midnight. Then after final 12.0 raid tier against Xal, either Iridikron or Azshara kills Odyn or something and all hell breaks loose. After all, Prime Designate death is a known warning beacon for the Titans.

    Quote Originally Posted by KyleEverett View Post
    Mereldar is named after a human named Mereldar from the Troll Wars. She is notable for receiving visions from 5 Naaru and her teachings helped form the Church of the Light.
    So we're probably looking at the origin of Light worship as we know it on Azeroth. Very interesting. Wonder if it's sentient.

  6. #55346
    Quote Originally Posted by schmonz View Post
    I believe there is no announced expac that was as less interesting to me as the upcoming retail "world soul" trilogy.

    Delves sound like scenarios redone. And as blizzard cannot really overcome their gatekeeping on gearing for raiders, it will literally just be no endgame for anyone but world questers.

    Beside that. It is raids again. It is mythic+ again. It is questing again. It is flying with limits as like dragon flying. It will be crafting orders again. Reputation is completely replaced by renown, which makes the reputation changes quite useless.

    Nothing changes. Everything stays the same. Which means, WoW Retails decline will continue, as long the last 10 guys are there which still like to play raids.
    True. The only difference is that there might be more character customization, and the story might be a bit better, but it's still retail WoW. Sub, play for a couple months, unsub for a couple years.

  7. #55347
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Actually, that does beg the question... WHEN will we see Gorribal in the core of Azeroth?
    11.2 when we get there

  8. #55348
    Gotta love MMOC. Blizz could announce they are personally coming to stroke your scrot and half the thread would be up in arms.

  9. #55349
    Quote Originally Posted by Paula Deen View Post
    Gotta love MMOC. Blizz could announce they are personally coming to stroke your scrot and half the thread would be up in arms.
    I mean I get people always wanting more but at best you can expect marginal improvements at any point. Nothing wrong with wanting it though.

  10. #55350
    imagine the Scaleface stuff is true but it's concept art for midnight with the big void thing in the sky being a part of the void invasion

  11. #55351
    The Lightbringer Izalla's Avatar
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    Titans are just ordered naarus and naarus are world souls and Elune is actually Azeroth so she is both a titan world soul and a naaru and the crystal sticking down from the roof of the zone is the tip of the sword that passed through the world soul and became light and naaru infused.

    I mean it could be, right?
    give up dat booty
    Quote Originally Posted by Pendra View Post
    For the matriarchy.

  12. #55352
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrrh View Post
    Thinking about it, every other Cosmic power has made one play or another on Azeroth. The Light should be no different. It almost looks like some kind of 'seed', look at how holy energy is creeping out of it into the surrounding rock. The Light may well have dropped it on Azeroth like a nuke, but it failed to detonate. Looks like a lot of Holy power stored up, regardless.
    Hmmm. That's interesting. I wonder if this is what Sargeras was aiming for.

  13. #55353
    Honestly Delves seem the most interesting part.

  14. #55354
    Quote Originally Posted by schmonz View Post
    1.) Innovative design of group content for everything outside of raids and mythic+
    Difficult open world meta events that require coordination like in GW2 would be cool. Doing meta events like Dragon's Stand, Dragonfall, Drizzlewood Coast, and Dragon's End are the endgame content for a lot of people. They're very well designed and fun, and rewarding. Blizzard has been struggling with their Dragonflight events. They're on a timer and can't be done at any time, they're not well designed and are exhausting and not fun, aren't challenging and don't require coordination, and aren't very rewarding.

    6.) Housing as crafting
    Would be very much welcome. It is unfortunate that Blizzard so stubbornly refuses to develop this.

  15. #55355
    I really hope Warbands unlock profession recipes account wide too. I don't want to keep unlocking them each time I want to make a new character with a thematically appropriate profession. It really puts the brakes on me making any new characters after the ones I already have, simply because they have so many recipes unlocked and I would have to repeat that each time for another copy of that profession. Do it once, and its for your whole Warband. That would really ignite a new era of making alts for me!

    I also want things like mage polymorph variants unlocked account wide. Or other cosmetic stuff like that.

  16. #55356
    Stood in the Fire Supertoster's Avatar
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    It is kinda sad that almost all fake leaks were more ambitious than TWW announcement.
    I mean, what do we have? A new class or new specs? Nope, just a bunch of thematic talents on top of already existing specs. A new races? Nope, just another reskinned allied race. Maybe new gamemodes? Nope, just dungeons and raids and literally nothing for PvP. Delves look like MoP scenarios. Warband is just a fancy word to call cross-character progression, which is a system, not a gameplay content.
    This announcement look even more barebones than Shadowlands: art is amazing as always, but there is no "meat".

  17. #55357
    Mechagnome Myrrh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    He was aiming for Azeroths soul. Idk why Thrall made it seem like he didn't know of Azeroths soul, but it's weird nonetheless.

    Regardless, no one knows WHY Sargeras was aiming towards Azeroths soul however. Reminder that the Void Lords are still an unknown variable to most people on Azeroth.
    Yeah that part has me weirded out still. World souls, including Azeroth's, are known by this point in lore. Magni wasn't exactly quiet about it.

  18. #55358
    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    I really hope Warbands unlock profession recipes account wide too. I don't want to keep unlocking them each time I want to make a new character with a thematically appropriate profession. It really puts the brakes on me making any new characters after the ones I already have, simply because they have so many recipes unlocked and I would have to repeat that each time for another copy of that profession. Do it once, and its for your whole Warband. That would really ignite a new era of making alts for me!

    I also want things like mage polymorph variants unlocked account wide. Or other cosmetic stuff like that.
    This is the kind of thing we need to press on them during the beta.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Myrrh View Post
    Yeah that part has me weirded out still. World souls, including Azeroth's, are known by this point in lore. Magni wasn't exactly quiet about it.
    Honestly I do wonder sometimes how much the NPCs know compared to us.

  19. #55359
    Pandaren Monk Merryck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Supertoster View Post
    It is kinda sad that almost all fake leaks were more ambitious than TWW announcement.
    I mean, what do we have? A new class or new specs? Nope, just a bunch of thematic talents on top of already existing specs. A new races? Nope, just another reskinned allied race. Maybe new gamemodes? Nope, just dungeons and raids and literally nothing for PvP. Delves look like MoP scenarios. Warband is just a fancy word to call cross-character progression, which is a system, not a gameplay content.
    This announcement look even more barebones than Shadowlands: art is amazing as always, but there is no "meat".
    Ion will show us his meat during the deep dive.

  20. #55360
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    He was aiming for Azeroths soul. Idk why Thrall made it seem like he didn't know of Azeroths soul, but it's weird nonetheless.

    Regardless, no one knows WHY Sargeras was aiming towards Azeroths soul however. Reminder that the Void Lords are still an unknown variable to most people on Azeroth.
    Mhmm. Well the darn crystal has me intrigued. It's very interesting, and it turned dark during the explanation of the zone.

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