Next xpac looks like at least the same amount of strictly-defined content (zones, raids, dungeons, quests, race, etc) as Dragonflight with two-three class-enhancing/altering gameplay paths for every single spec in the game, plus a new gameplay element/vault reward option (delves), plus unprecedented QoL improvements, and we barely know anything yet.
It's at least as much as we have now and then some and the ambition shown would, to me, indicate an increase in staff and budget if anything? I'm not sure why you think this exactly. What indicates a decline in budget from DF to you?
Maybe but maybe they were really hurting for cash and the timing with the acquisition made it a bit awkward budget wise so they just said fuck it the next xpac will start with a shoestring budget but we'll make some HUGE promises for the future so microsoft will feel compelled to deliver and throw tons of money at wow future patches and xpacs...this could also be me just coping lol..
. It could also be budget reallocation for WoW 2 that Microsoft might be designing that will be playable on xbox and pc as well as gamepass
Hello, I'm 2 year old lurker that decided to make an account after today.
I have 2 questions.
1. They semi-confirmed that 10.2 will be the last major patch for DF. Did they clarify it or reported it as a mistake?
2. My only fear is that they will do ESO/Destiny 2 content schedule where it's 1 year 1 patch of one expansion. Any news on that?