1. #55541
    Hyped for Earthen!
    Last edited by kavikor; 2023-11-05 at 02:32 AM.

  2. #55542
    Quote Originally Posted by GhostFish View Post
    I just don't think it should happen, period. Early access in this case is just artificial scarcity in order to raise prices and increase profits. It's disgusting, anti-consumer behavior. It's bad for capitalism. We're becoming increasingly numb to being extorted over digital content access. It's a growing problem and this is just more of that.
    capitalism is by definition anti-consumer

  3. #55543
    Mechagnome Myrrh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    Speaking of which, it would be cool if there were multiple entrances to the underground world across Azeroth, like how there are multiple entrances to Zaralek Cavern across the Dragon Isles.

    It would also be cool if the new underground facility retconned underneath Mogu'shan Palace was explorable. Maybe it could connect to the rest of the underground world in TWW.
    Would be keen to see one at the Tomb of Sargeras. That has some neat underground visuals on the elevator, and was teased by Xal herself as a point of interest in a bygone era (whatever K'tanth was, which suspiciously received a rare NPC reference in the time rifts patch...)

  4. #55544
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I am wondering how big the Earthen are, I haven't seen any comparison pictures.
    Hard to tell what the scale is, but looking at the screenshots of the models makes me think that they might be using the Panda rigs.

  5. #55545
    Quote Originally Posted by GhostFish View Post
    Hard to tell what the scale is, but looking at the screenshots of the models makes me think that they might be using the Panda rigs.
    why would they use Panda rigs and not just dwarf rigs

  6. #55546
    Quote Originally Posted by GhostFish View Post
    Hard to tell what the scale is, but looking at the screenshots of the models makes me think that they might be using the Panda rigs.
    Pretty sure I remember the lady saying they're bigger than normal Dwarfs.

  7. #55547
    Quote Originally Posted by Stonecloak View Post
    Pretty sure I remember the lady saying they're bigger than normal Dwarfs.
    Remember that too. I feel like they wouldn't go above human size, that may be too large for the animation speed

  8. #55548
    so Quel'thalas revamp is official. wonder how they're gonna do this - they'll have to rebuild it from scratch to allow for modern zone quality and dynamic flying. but it means that your superfast drake meets an invisible wall south of Deatholme? or the entirety of (at least) Lordaeron is rebuilt?
    hope they'll answer it or at least hint at some kind of solution tomorrow during the deep dive.

    also Knaifu is dangerously hot. that devious and smug look in the trailer, two blood mage-like orbs on the concept art. how am i supposed to kill her?
    btw can she even be considered alive? her current body was stolen from Inanis back in BfA.

  9. #55549
    Scarab Lord Polybius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GhostFish View Post
    I just don't think it should happen, period. Early access in this case is just artificial scarcity in order to raise prices and increase profits. It's disgusting, anti-consumer behavior. It's bad for capitalism. We're becoming increasingly numb to being extorted over digital content access. It's a growing problem and this is just more of that.
    Let's be real here. Are you paying extra for the early access or the items that come with the highest edition?

  10. #55550
    Quote Originally Posted by kavikor View Post
    Remember that too. I feel like they wouldn't go above human size, that may be too large for the animation speed
    I found it she says "They're a bit larger in stature." So yea like you mentioned not as big as human but maybe in-between a human and a dwarf. They look really cool.

  11. #55551
    Quote Originally Posted by guro-tchai View Post
    so Quel'thalas revamp is official. wonder how they're gonna do this - they'll have to rebuild it from scratch to allow for modern zone quality and dynamic flying. but it means that your superfast drake meets an invisible wall south of Deatholme? or the entirety of (at least) Lordaeron is rebuilt?
    hope they'll answer it or at least hint at some kind of solution tomorrow during the deep dive.
    I am pretty sure there will be significant changes to quel'thalas. The zone is just too small to have a whole expansion centered around it.

  12. #55552
    I might have missed it, have they said anything about the Deep Dive panel including future DF content, or is it expected to be all WW?

    They haven't mentioned the classes for the Earthen, have they? In not, I wonder if they're being tight lipped because they'll be able to be everything but hero classes.

    Also interesting that the Dracthyr is only lvl 13 on the warband slide. I think someone mentioned it was in leather armor as well. Nice little hint there.

  13. #55553
    Quote Originally Posted by kavikor View Post
    why would they use Panda rigs and not just dwarf rigs
    I could be wrong. They seem a bit more stretched out than dwarves, and not just uniformly scaled up which would widen them too.

  14. #55554
    ...they are clearly the dwarf rig of animations. They may be wider/taller though.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by DiscipleofCazicThule View Post
    I might have missed it, have they said anything about the Deep Dive panel including future DF content, or is it expected to be all WW?

    They haven't mentioned the classes for the Earthen, have they? In not, I wonder if they're being tight lipped because they'll be able to be everything but hero classes.

    Also interesting that the Dracthyr is only lvl 13 on the warband slide. I think someone mentioned it was in leather armor as well. Nice little hint there.
    Nothing about DF content so far, they will probably not spoil anything.

  15. #55555
    Quote Originally Posted by trurebel1 View Post
    I really feel like the features we saw today is all we are getting at first did DF release any cool new features after the first blizzcon reveal ?
    Yes. Trading Post, the Ping system, etc. all came later and were never announced at Blizzcon.

    They've learned instead of overpromising a bunch of stupid shit to fill the back of the box, to focus on actually growing and working on the game.

    More content and features got added across DF than Shadowlands or BfA added on launch only to abandon.

  16. #55556
    Quote Originally Posted by DiscipleofCazicThule View Post
    I might have missed it, have they said anything about the Deep Dive panel including future DF content, or is it expected to be all WW?
    They never mentioned. I think they'll probably stick to TWW, though... they'll probably give us a 2024 roadmap sometime after 10.2 drops this week.

  17. #55557
    Doesn't Midnight seem a little out of place compared to TWW and TLT?

    I get why it's happening (revamp and Quel'thalas is huge) but it seems kinda filler-y without context.

  18. #55558
    Quote Originally Posted by allegrian View Post
    And it's a reskin of a race that already has a reskin. And it's duplicated on alliance + horde. It feels very budget and out of place in the horde. Next thing will be trolls and orcs on alliance.
    Blood Trolls should have been an allied race for Alliance in BfA, yes.

    Deal with it cracker.

  19. #55559
    Pandaren Monk Merryck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Doesn't Midnight seem a little out of place compared to TWW and TLT?

    I get why it's happening (revamp and Quel'thalas is huge) but it seems kinda filler-y without context.
    I prefer the snappier expansion titles.

  20. #55560
    Quote Originally Posted by damonskye View Post
    They never mentioned. I think they'll probably stick to TWW, though... they'll probably give us a 2024 roadmap sometime after 10.2 drops this week.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Nothing about DF content so far, they will probably not spoil anything.
    Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks for the replies.

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