1. #55841
    The whole "unite the tribes of elves" worries me. That's the only thing that has me skeptical about this whole thing.

  2. #55842
    Quote Originally Posted by Hansworst View Post
    I see my Unholy DK already as a bit of a Necromancer. Lich would be kind of cool, maybe a spell based ranged type of DK.
    Unholy really struggles with being a melee spec in my opinion. They try so hard to shoehorn in the concept of using a sword when it's clear the theme fits a ranged spellcaster much better.
    Who even likes the Festering Wound mechanic?
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  3. #55843
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hansworst View Post
    I see my Unholy DK already as a bit of a Necromancer. Lich would be kind of cool, maybe a spell based ranged type of DK.
    Yeah, DKs were always sort of on the edge of being ranged. UH was 2-3 talents away from being capable of full ranged combat for years. I think finally giving players the ability to play as a Necromancer or a Lich is going to be huge for a lot of people. Especially since DKs have a few "plate robe" options.

    Also no more "Next Class: Necromancer" threads.

  4. #55844
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Because the concepts we are shown don't all sound like full expansions. This coupled with Dragonflight ending with Amirdrassil despite evidently having no production issues like WoD or SL.
    seems like you forgot what they actually cover at an expansion reveal. This is comparable to what they showed at blizzcon for Shadowlands, Legion. Hell, thus was a lot more than what they showed at BFA's blizzcon: a text description of some of the major features, short clips of the new zones & maybe some screenshots of new gear. That's normal for an expansion a year away. For shadowlands you could only demo the Kyrian covenant abilities, & legion, they didn't cover any of the Artifact details until the deep dive.

  5. #55845
    Quote Originally Posted by Gigantique View Post
    Might be referring to Blood Elves, High Elves and Void Elves?
    I would have also assumed this refers to n/h/b/v-elfs...
    You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.

  6. #55846
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    The whole "unite the tribes of elves" worries me. That's the only thing that has me skeptical about this whole thing.
    Silvermoon for all incoming

  7. #55847
    Quote Originally Posted by Gigantique View Post
    Might be referring to Blood Elves, High Elves and Void Elves?

    We associate tribes with primitive and savage races like orcs, trolls, and tauren, but it can still refer to Elves.

    "Tribe" simply mean "a group of people, often of related families, who live together, sharing the same language, culture, and history, especially those who do not live in towns or cities: "

    "large family or other group that someone belongs to: "

    (Cambridge dictionary definitions)

    He was basically saying the elven "GROUPS". So, the Ren'dorei, Quel'dorei, Kaldorei, Sin'dorei, and Shal'dorei.

    Arthas slaughtered 90% of the Thalassian people. 1% of them became the High elves, 9% the Blood elves, and an unknown % of the Blood elves the Void elves. The Thalassian elves have been so reduced in number and splintered into many factions that it makes sense to refer to them as tribes.

  8. #55848
    Quote Originally Posted by GhostFish View Post
    It's rather negligible for gameplay impact for almost everyone, but it's an incredibly gross way to take advantage of FOMO to squeeze more money out of people.
    If the sweatiest players want to be the focus of the developers they're going to have to pay for it.
    Last edited by Osmeric; 2023-11-04 at 12:14 PM.
    "There is a pervasive myth that making content hard will induce players to rise to the occasion. We find the opposite. " -- Ghostcrawler
    "The bit about hardcore players not always caring about the long term interests of the game is spot on." -- Ghostcrawler
    "Do you want a game with no casuals so about 500 players?"

  9. #55849
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    The whole "unite the tribes of elves" worries me. That's the only thing that has me skeptical about this whole thing.
    It probably means that Alliance players will share Silvermoon as main hub in the Quel'Thalas revamp.

    Which means, storywise, that Silvermoon will no longer be just the Blood elf city, but open its gates to the Void elves and High elves too.

    Since the Void elves and High elves are also the rightful children of Silvermoon.

  10. #55850
    Getting caught up on all the Blizzcon news. Did they give a release date for The War Within?

  11. #55851
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Okay, interviews confirmed a new BG so even those people can shut it. Also Earthen will have the same classes available as Dwarves, minus the Shaman. That is okay. Waiting for the racials.
    No Shaman? Is that confirmed?

  12. #55852
    Quote Originally Posted by Psilent View Post
    Getting caught up on all the Blizzcon news. Did they give a release date for The War Within?
    Nope, just 2024.

  13. #55853
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    seems like you forgot what they actually cover at an expansion reveal. This is comparable to what they showed at blizzcon for Shadowlands, Legion. Hell, thus was a lot more than what they showed at BFA's blizzcon: a text description of some of the major features, short clips of the new zones & maybe some screenshots of new gear. That's normal for an expansion a year away. For shadowlands you could only demo the Kyrian covenant abilities, & legion, they didn't cover any of the Artifact details until the deep dive.
    It's not about the systems, it's about how the setting seems more condensed compared to stuff like DF.
    And again, maybe the deep dive will change all of that and we will see all kinds of fancy stuff that changes everything.

    To me though TWW seems like it's intending to be more focused on squarely on the A plot leading into the overarching narrative.

    We shall have to see what the deep dive says. But I think u would be much happier with a focused one year expansion, rather than the usual two year one.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  14. #55854
    Quote Originally Posted by Selorian View Post
    capitalism is by definition anti-consumer
    What a completely idiotic take. Capitalism provides enormous variety for consumers, and relentlessly drives down costs. Compare what was available in the west vs. the Warsaw Pact countries.
    "There is a pervasive myth that making content hard will induce players to rise to the occasion. We find the opposite. " -- Ghostcrawler
    "The bit about hardcore players not always caring about the long term interests of the game is spot on." -- Ghostcrawler
    "Do you want a game with no casuals so about 500 players?"

  15. #55855
    It says no druids, DHs and evokers. I think that means they have shaman, right?

  16. #55856
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    Nope, just 2024.
    One slide had 'Fall 2024'.

  17. #55857
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Problem is that there is no "elven tribes" in current day, that might be the case in the past, but not today.

    But oh well, retcons are blizzard greatest weapon, i can imagine they saying there is so many varieties of diverse blood elf tribes, despite they undergoing a massive cleansing after the scourge.
    Yeah, I find the reference to elven "tribes" to be really weird, but I think they're obviously just referring to the different types of elves. Nightborne and blood elves are reunited through Thalryssa and Lor'themar's marriage, night elves and high elves are kinda already reunited with the night elves embracing arcane magic again, and I'm not sure where we are lore-wise with relations between the void elves and the other elves (other than the fact that blood elves don't want them anywhere near the Sunwell). Alleria represents a union between void elves and high elves, and the nightborne a union between blood elves and high elves, so I think the major hurdle here is going to be Alleria and the void elves' relationship with night elves and blood elves. Once that's resolved we have solid relationships between the elves, if not slightly uneasy.

    Demon Hunters are also a wildcard here. The references to Alleria as a "voidhunter" I think are going to result in a connection between her and the Demon Hunters to facilitate her relationship with the night elves and blood elves. If they can understand that Demon Hunters only use Fel magic to fight against demons, then they can accept that the void elves only use Shadow magic to fight against the Void.

  18. #55858
    Quote Originally Posted by Scyth View Post
    Silvermoon for all incoming
    It is a reprise of Suramar as I see it. Yes Tyrande and the Kaldorei were less than happy about the Nightwell but they still assisted the resistance. And we've found that the Unseen Path had Kaldorei assist High Elves in the past with or without their knowledge. Plus you have highborne among the Kaldorei like Mordant who would likely help Silvermoon and are probably contemporaries of Thalyssra. Heck you could even bring Azshara at the last minute; say we lose whatever fight comes in the second part and Azshara swoops in and saves the day (only to betray us in the end ofc).

  19. #55859
    Quote Originally Posted by blaatschaap View Post
    One slide had 'Fall 2024'.
    Oops, must have missed that one.

  20. #55860
    Quote Originally Posted by blaatschaap View Post
    One slide had 'Fall 2024'.
    That pretty much confirms no secret 10.3. I guess 6 months of 10.2 and another Fated Season.

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